a lifestyle blog for book lovers

My team and I are tired this morning because we were up late talking about great summer reads! Unboxing was a delight—I’m so happy so many of you could join us!

The public release for the 2022 Summer Reading Guide is on Monday May 23. Make sure you’re signed up!

We have gear for your reading life!

Our store is officially open, woohoo! We’ve created a cozy, stylish T-shirt, a book-worthy tote, and the most delightful book darts to accompany your reading life. Preorder yours now. We can’t wait to see you in your gear so make sure you tag us once it arrives!

My favorite finds from around the web:

Don’t miss these posts:

Upcoming Events:

  • May 23: 2022 MMD Summer Reading Guide releases! Details here.

You can find more upcoming events here.

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Hilary says:

    Great job to the whole team on the unboxing event yesterday! It’s always a fun time. I’ve been holding off listening to this week’s podcast b/c I love yours & SSOP so much that I want to savor it.

  2. Julie says:

    Thanks so much for including links about the intersectionality of hate and on breastfeeding- I really appreciate that you are using your platform to help provide interesting and fact-based reads on important issues, along with the other things that we love abut you and your site! Thanks for being multifaceted!

  3. Lisa F. says:

    Wonderful article on audiobooks! I purchased a subscription for Scribd earlier this year and it has restored my joy in reading. Usually, I follow along with print books–my own or the library’s–but sometimes I take a chance on something that would have been passed up otherwise. It has helped me focus more, as my concentration really struggles. Having started menopause at age 48, I now wonder if that wasn’t part of the problem, too, like the author. Really appreciate this article!

  4. Deirdre says:

    I relate to that article on audiobooks so much. For me, it was college that got in the way of my reading, and I struggled with reading much more than how-to books for decades, despite having been a voracious reader of classics and history and more throughout my childhood and teens. I just couldn’t concentrate any more. I went through decades of brain fog.

    I did try audiobooks over the years, but I couldn’t get them to fit into my life until I learned that I have to multitask (running, walking, driving, cooking, crafts…) while listening, or I fall asleep. I hate falling asleep with an audiobook in my ears! It spoils the book for me, even if I have it set to automatically shut off Once I figured out my listening groove, I went from forcing myself through maybe one or two books a year to being a voracious reader again, and I am even able to read page turning genre books in “print” (on my iPad) again too. Now I usually listen to longer and more demanding books during the day and read lighter genre books in bed. Audiobooks restored my reading life, and I am grateful.

  5. Sarah Williams says:

    Wonderful job with the unboxing! So much fun – including the chat.
    I appreciate your consistent articles analyzing important issues of the moment.
    Audiobooks have been my reading lifeline this year. It’s been a bit of a challenging year, though I know I have much to be grateful for on a daily basis. However, my reading of e-books and physical books has suffered because of it, but I love being able to enjoy an audiobook while getting ready for work, driving, and doing basic household chores. I recently enjoyed Portrait of a Thief. I liked the caper combined with the issues addressed in the storyline. I also enjoyed the different POVs of the characters in the narration. Loving my audiobooks!

  6. Suzy says:

    I loved the article on “OutHorsing your Emails!” Such a clever idea. Now I can devote my time to a vacation in Iceland.
    And I loved the heartfelt article about audiobooks. I have never not been able to read, but I do so appreciate hearing a book (especially with accents! and foreign names!) and some of them are just masterpieces, better than reading it. So glad Amy Sullivan discovered it, even with such a sad reason to do so.

  7. Linda says:

    So excited to find your blog!! I love reading and look forward to reading some of the books you recommend on your blog!! Can’t wait to try the Lavendar Lemonade! Sounds refreshing and so summery!!!

  8. Mary says:

    That Vox article about breastfeeding is wild. What a horrible distortion of reality. Many of us broke moms breastfed, worked and pumped without needing all the expenses they listed. And quite frankly, I think it helped me sleep better and improved my mental health because it made feeding my babies cheap and easy.

    I get that not everyone can or wants to nurse and the formula shortage is awful, but that’s no reason to write a hit piece about breastfeeding. Not cool Vox.

  9. Peggy says:

    While there are reasons why a mom would choose formula feeding over breastfeeding it is a huge misnomer to say it’s not less expensive to choose breastfeeding. I breastfed both of my children and the price difference the author listed between annual costs of nursing versus formula is ridiculous. I laughed out loud at the illustration of the piggy banks attached to the breast! Now my youngest is 28 so obviously prices have increased; however my daughter has breastfed more recently and she didn’t spend anywhere near the amount listed in this article. I would never criticize someone for how they choose to feed their infant and the article feels like an attack on nursing. I’m willing to bet the author of the article has no experience in nursing or she would know better. How a mother chooses to nourish her child is her and her spouse’s business and there shouldn’t be a debate.

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