I hope you have a wonderful weekend in store. I’m packing my bags and my books and heading to the beach, for what I hope is a fun and productive writing weekend. The forecast is calling for rain; here’s to making the best of it.

My favorite finds from around the web:

• McNally Jackson is staying put—and massively expanding. “The developers rejected her idea for a literal labyrinth of bookshelves, which visitors would pay to enter, so she’s settling for old leather armchairs chairs inside and a bar with outdoor seating.”

• 52 books for 52 places. “So here are some reading suggestions — fiction and nonfiction, essays, poems — that may help you to better explore those cities, countries, regions and states.”

• How to stop overthinking everything, according to therapists. “Whether it’s what we can’t change or can’t predict, sometimes our brains get stuck trying to control the uncontrollable.”

• Karl Lagerfeld has arranged his floor-to-ceiling library sideways. “Lagerfeld’s rows and rows of books line the walls of his home, requiring a catwalk to access the upper parts of the stacks.”

• After making do with a variety of Target and hotel-acquired travel sizes all fall, I finally bought these TSA-approved travel bottles for an upcoming trip.

• Books to inspire kids to change the world. “I’ve gathered together a collection of picture books that parents can use as conversation starters with their kids about how both small and large actions can change the world, and inspire their own kids to make a difference, whether it’s with one small act of kindness or by leading others in a grand movement.”

Favorite Instagram:

It might be cold outside, but Summer Reading Guide preseason is in full swing. (Follow me on Instagram @annebogel.)

On the blog:

One year ago: What to wear on a rainy day: 3 tips. “I’ll never love the dreary days, but I have learned that what I wear affects how I feel.”

Two years ago: When you fear the blank slate. “I would always rather be in the middle of a great book than having to decide what book to read next, or in the middle of a training plan instead of staring at the start date on the calendar, or in the middle of my bullet journal than staring down page 1.”

Three years ago: My first week with the bullet journal. “But my first week of bullet journaling has gone wonderfully well, and the whole process has been so much smoother and less-overwhelming than I thought it would be.” And three years later I’m still doing it.

Four years ago: Talking about books I don’t like. “My friend Heather, who works in publishing, says there are no bad books, only books that haven’t found the right reader. I wouldn’t go that far.”

Five years ago: What my kids are reading right now. “I keep the house stocked with good books, and from there, they mostly do their own choosing. (They also select their own books–with steering–at our local library.)”

On the podcast:

One year ago: Episode 121: “The Secret” to a great self help book

Two years ago: Episode 67: Just the right book at just the right time

Three years ago: Episode 8: The power of books, English major favorites, and what makes a great YA novel

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Aimee says:

    I love the 52 Books For 52 Places article! It’s highly unlikely that I’ll travel to any of these places in 2019, but visiting through the pages of a book seems almost as fun (and a whole lot less expensive!). Thank you for sharing this 🙂

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