7 little things I’m loving for early spring

I like to keep a list in my bullet journal of the (mostly) little, everyday things bringing me a disproportionate amount of happiness these days. A recent sampling:

1. Walking to work

I have a looming book deadline, which means I’ve been spending an inordinate time at my computer, butt in chair. It’s true, that’s what it takes to get the work done, but I was alarmed at how easily I’d slipped into a largely sedentary lifestyle, at least in this focused writing season.

And so I started walking myself to work. Every morning before I sit down, Daisy and I walk. A half mile if it’s chilly, several miles if it’s lovely. And then I get to work.

It’s been a lovely (and needed) change in routine.

2. Trader Joe’s chile-lime seasoning blend

This $2 seasoning is the perfect companion for all things avocado: toast, guac, or slices to accompany morning eggs.

3. Giant whiteboard post-it sheets

If my office walls could be made of whiteboard material that would be a dream come true. This is the next best thing.

These giant notes aren’t actually made of whiteboard material, just regular, albeit thick, paper. But they serve the same purpose, capturing all your ideas right there on the wall. When you move on to the next project, peel them off and put up a new one.

4. Justin’s hazelnut almond butter

I mean, I’m not saying I’ve done it, but if you have ever eaten Nutella out of the jar with a spoon, this is more substantial and therefore a lot less dangerous. Hypothetically.

(The price isn’t terrible on Amazon but the cheapest I’ve seen it is at Target.)

5. Ferns in my bathroom

Regular readers know that I’ve become quite the plant lady over the last couple of years. I’m still constantly moving my (now numerous) plants around the house, trying to find spots where they’re happy to be and I’m happy to see them.

Last year I brought home two little ferns—one from Home Depot, one from Trader Joe’s—and neither was entirely happy in my house. Until I moved them into my bathroom, which is often humid and gets a low-to-moderate amount of western sun.

Now my ferns have perked up, and my bathroom definitely looks perkier.

6. Grapefruit fizz

I love grapefruit Spindrift. But recently I’ve started adding a packet of True Grapefruit to plain sparkling water from our SodaStream, which is cheaper and easier than lugging 15-packs of Spindrift home from Costco.

7. Lavender highlighters

I’m loyal to Mildliners, the Japanese dry highlighters we include with our Deluxe Reading Journal Kits. But before we committed to the Mildliners, I tried every kind of highlighter out there, and still have oodles in my desk drawer.

I ended up grabbing the lavender one from this set when I needed a highlighter for research the other day, and I really love the color. I wouldn’t recommend this brand for your journal, but I do love the way these mark up books and printer paper.

What (mostly) little things are bringing YOU a disproportionate amount of happy lately? I’d love to hear in comments.

P.S. Previous editions of little things I’m loving: 9 little things I’m loving this September, 6 things I’m loving for early summer6 (mostly) little things I’m loving this spring5 late fall/early winter favorites7 little January favorites9 October favorites, and 7 not terribly exciting things making me really happy these days.


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  1. Sue says:

    I’m loving the way people are starting to discard their winter black and break out some spring colors in their wardrobes, even though here in the northeast it’s still mostly below freezing and the ground is covered with snow and ice. And of course, who doesn’t love the extra daylight!
    –The cardinals that are “chu-chu-chu-ing” from the rooftops (literally, our barn roof) and 3 times lately I’ve looked out the window and there was the male! Sitting on a branch or in the feeder! Love those red birds. It feels special to see one.
    –Yesterday, I had two friends over and we tried out a new ice cream brand, Magnum, in the Double Sea Salt flavor with caramel and a chocolate crackly crust. It was delicious!!
    And, besides reading, of course, I am entertained by seeing The Duchesses in England and what they’re wearing on Instagram! Day suits, colorful parade outfits, evening wear—-ahhh, so much fun. And any week now, Meghan will be having her delightful baby.

  2. Stephanie L Mitchell says:

    I need some plants in my life right now. My house is not plant friendly as we get little to no sun (we face north/south with no windows on the east/west ends). Any tips for something that would survive with little light? My best plant at this point is a neglected orchid that seems to thrive on neglect (seriously, we drop an ice cube in the planter on occasion, but otherwise it gets no attention).

    • Deb Kelner says:

      Sansevieria/ mother-in-law’s tongue/ snake plant (all the same plant, lots of names) is a wonderful plant, there are many different species and varieties. They are very easy to care for, tolerate neglect and a variety of light conditions (they prefer medium light but are very tolerant of lower light) They like to fully dry out between infrequent waterings. And… They’re one of the best plants for air purification!

  3. Nichole says:

    This year I remembered to be a person who joined a CSA instead of just wishing I had done it in the summer. We’re still getting winter garden stuff in GA where I am, but I am loving the greens I wouldn’t normally buy (rainbow chard, frisée, baby collards) and root vegetables. I even tried something called a Parisian carrot that I had never heard of. I’ve been challenging myself to have zero waste (or close to anyway) with my CSA stuff, so I’ve gotten creative in the kitchen and my lunches in particular are SO much better for it!

  4. Deborah Ball says:

    first loving being able to celebrate the first day of spring with a gorgeous full moon to greet me as I take out recycling in the early morning. Also cut Lenten roses do amazing in the house, all pink and greens and happy! And an awesome stack of TBR, topped with Letters to a Young Healer, recommended by Anne and full of pithy thoughts!

  5. Sally Tibbetts says:

    *Waking this morning to the soft sound of rain and knowing it’s the first day of Spring
    *Finding that our wonderful kitty, TeeToe Stubbins, was feeling better since he was sick yesterday
    *Looking afresh at a painting I’m working on and deciding – “Not bad..a ways to go and I’m getting there.
    * Knowing I get to have lunch with a friend I’ve not seen for a long while
    * Just the fact that I am feeling good..everything ticking away..like a fine old clock

  6. Right now, I’m enjoying sitting on the beach reading a book. WOW! The beach and reading a book on the first day of Spring. The fun is choosing which book to relax to read or read both.

  7. Lisa says:

    Keeping fresh flowers on my dining room table. My husband or I will pick up a $5 bouquet at the grocery store and if we take care to keep fresh water in the vase they can last for up to 2 weeks. It’s a small thing but it makes me happy everytime I walk by the dining room table.

  8. Hilary says:

    This feels so shallow but I’m loving the show I’m Sorry on Netflix. It’s definitely NOT kid friendly. It’s a tiny bit raunchy but it’s so hilarious. And at <25 minutes, it's great to watch 1 or 2 before I go to bed.

  9. Holly says:

    Today is the first track meet of the high school track season, a sure sign of spring. I love watching my two daughters and their teammates compete. I also love my essential oil bracelet which I sprinkle with lavender essential oil every morning. Throughout the day, the subtle scent of lavender soothes me. Finally, my seventh grade students are filling out their brackets for March Madness Poetry, a fun way to read more poetry while taking advantage of their enthusiasm for the basketball tournament.

    • With two athletic granddaughters, I was grateful last week for the life of Birch Bayh, who championed equal opportunities for female students. He introduced Title IX as part of the Education Amendments legislation and Higher Education Act. “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

  10. What a beautiful list! For me, it’s a jalapeno hummus I’ve discovered that is absolutely divine, spray-on sun screen which always seemed like an indulgence but has probably saved my skin in this past Australian summer, and a piece I’m working on at the moment about the history and landmarks of my local area – it’s made me so much more aware of my surroundings, every walk is now much more interesting!

  11. Melanie says:

    In case you didn’t know, you can can get dry erase paint for walls. We used it on our conference room at work. It’s amazing and visitors always comment on how cool it is.

  12. Kathryn says:

    The things that have brought me a disproportionate amount of joy today:
    Watching my girls (mini galloway cows) come running down the paddock for breakfast,
    creating my new reading journal,
    but most of all finding your website, I can’t believe I’ve never found it before

  13. I LOVE this! Although I live in a moderate climate, I get the blues too and look forward to Spring! I visit my local nursery to plan for the next few months. You can never be sad if you visit there!

  14. Patty Connelly says:

    Louise penny’s last book, kingdom of the blind, and you for leading me to that series. I am grateful to have you in my life as my book guru
    Also, the beautiful giant, glowing super moon sitting low in the morning sky, keeping me company on my way to the gym this week

  15. Alison says:

    More birds visiting our bird feeder as the weather warms a little, a few new houseplants, an Aspen Bay Volcano candle and taking time out to exercise regularly are all things I am enjoying as we have these last days of winter and first warm days of spring.
    As far as reading goes, my book count is down this month but I have really enjoyed slowly reading through the gospel of John.

  16. Anna says:

    Just one note on your list – I am so envious you know how to keep plants alive, I kill them all the time but I love how they look.

    Walking to work in the morning makes me happy but what makes me cheer up, even more, is to walk home from work while it is still light inside and you can already feel spring in the air.

    And the fact that soon we can go out to sit in a park for a picnic or a drink!

    xx A. | mylondonandbeyond.wordpress.com

  17. Emily P. says:

    I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but you can buy “dry erase” paint for your walls to have a permanent white board! Our family pastor at church painted a significant portion of one of his office walls with it, and it’s great for jotting down ideas and doing strategic planning. Might be worth it over giant sticky notes??

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