Michaela Chung
The Irresistible Introvert: Harness the Power of Quiet Charisma in a Loud World

The Irresistible Introvert: Harness the Power of Quiet Charisma in a Loud World


For introverts (or the extroverts who love them) who enjoyed Susan Cain's Quiet. From the publisher: "One third to one half of Americans are introverts in a culture that celebrates—even enforces—an ideal of extroversion and a cult of personality. It is no surprise that a 'quiet revolution' has begun to emerge among the 'invisible' half of the population, asserting that they are just as powerful in their own unique ways. Learn the tools to shed your mask of extroversion, develop your own magnetism, and reveal the true you. This mini manifesto shows introverts how to master the art of quiet magnetism in a noisy world—no gregariousness required!"

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