The new summer reading guide launched yesterday (here’s how to get yours).

Just for fun—and for you minimalist types—I’m narrowing the choices down to five. (I had a terrible time deciding what to include, because I love every one of the 35 books in the guide!)

But here’s the thing: I’m giving away the 5-book summer reading guide, and it’s a lot more affordable to ship 5 books than every book in the guide.

So I chose 5 titles that 1. are tremendously entertaining, 2. have broad appeal, and 3. are perfect for the beach, pool, or lounge chair in the backyard. This means the “breezy novels” category is over-represented, but I think I’m okay with that.

After all, it’s summertime.

The 5 book summer reading guide. These 5 books are the best of the best--because the hardest part is figuring out what to read next!

My top 5 picks for your summer reading list:




Can you fall in love with someone just by reading their email? For Lincoln O’Neill, the answer is YES. When he takes a new job as an “internet security officer” he doesn’t realize that means he’ll be reading people’s emails. But it’s the company's policy, and besides, all the employees know their emails are being monitored—at least in theory. Before long Lincoln has pored over countless personal emails between Jennifer and Beth, and he's sure of two things: he's in too deep, and it's too late to confess. It’s not as good as Eleanor & Park, but you couldn’t ask for a better beach read.

More info →
The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project


Don Tillman can count his friends on one hand, has never been on a second date, and is clearly (to the reader, at least) on the autism spectrum. When a colleague surprises him by remarking he would make a wonderful husband, Don creates "the Wife Project," and embarks on a search to find his perfect partner. (To Don, that means creating the perfect questionnaire.) But when he meets a woman that's all wrong for him—at least on paper—he's forced to reconsider what he really wants, and what love really looks like (all while his scientific, orderly approach to life is getting wrecked). Fast, fun, and smart. Heads up for a few f-bombs and racy scenes.

More info →
Parnassus On Wheels

Parnassus On Wheels

Helen McGill doesn't realize she's teetering on the verge of a midlife crisis until the professor rolls into town. He wants to sell her brother Parnassus—his traveling bookstore on (wagon) wheels. Helen falls in love with the idea of traveling through upstate New York, matching book-deprived readers with the right books, and she buys Parnassus herself. Adventures ensue. For fans of Miss Pettigrew (another terrific beach read). Essential reading for book lovers, and anyone who believes that when you sell a man a book, you sell him a whole new life.

More info →
The Invention Of Wings

The Invention Of Wings


Charleston, November 1803. Sarah Grimké turns 11. Her birthday gift? A slave named Hetty ("Handful"). This sweeping novel tells the story—in alternating voices—of real-life abolitionist Sarah Grimké and the wholly imagined slave Handful through several decades and up and down the East Coast during a tumultuous time in American history. A can’t miss for fans of The Help or Monk Kidd’s first hit, The Secret Life of Bees. An engaging mix of fact and fiction.

More info →
The Secret Keeper

The Secret Keeper


Any Morton novel would make a great summer read, but The Secret Keeper is her finest. When she was 16, Laurel witnessed a violent crime involving her mother, Dorothy. The family hushed it up, and Laurel hasn't spoken of it since. Now, fifty years later, Dorothy is dying, and Laurel is determined to unravel the secret while there's still time. As Laurel pursues her clues, the story flips back and forth in time between today and the years before and during World War II, including the London Blitz, which Morton recreates so vividly you can almost hear the bombs dropping. Filled with twists and turns that will keep you guessing to the end.

More info →

Leave a comment below to enter. The winner will get all 5 books delivered straight to their door. U.S. only, must be eighteen or older, giveaway ends Sunday at midnight Eastern time.

What’s on your summer reading list? And I’d love to hear your thoughts on the above books in comments.  

This post contains my affiliate links. Thanks for supporting MMD!


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  1. Stephanie says:

    I have only heard of two of these books, but have enjoyed all of your recommendations that I’ve read so far! Would love to stock up on summer reading 🙂

  2. krystal p says:

    I’ve been following the summer reading guide for several years and I love it! Thanks for the time and effort you put into it.

  3. Jeannie says:

    Can’t enter the draw (bummer, EH?) but just wanted to say thanks for the recommendations. I read “Rosie” this month and LOVED it! I already had the Morton & Kidd books on my to-read list and will add the other two; they look great.

  4. Jill says:

    Yay books! I’ve read one Kate Morton novel, and stayed up way too late to finish it, good stuff. I’m re-reading Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver right now. Your summer reading guide came out right on time, I really value your book recommendations!

      • Jill says:

        It’s one of my favorite books! I read it at a certain point in life, where it was exactly what I needed to be reading. If you like Kingsolver, you’ll probably enjoy it. It’s also perfect summer reading.

  5. keely says:

    Besides many books from your guide, I’ve just added Jane Eyre to my summer list. I’ve started it twice and never finished it, but it’s a favorite of many!

    Thanks for the giveaway!! I would love this bundle!

  6. Meg says:

    I was just in a bookstore last night looking for Parnassus on Wheels–no luck. Also on my summer reading list: Year of Wonders, Where’d You Go, Bernadette?, and J.K. Rowling’s upcoming The Silkworm.

    • Anne says:

      I haven’t read Year of Wonders (yet) and–can you believe it?–I know nothing about Rowling’s next book. I clearly have some exploring to do. 🙂

      • Meg says:

        The Silkworm is her second novel to be published under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith. I really enjoyed the first one–Cuckoo’s Calling.

        • Anne says:

          So interesting to hear she’s publishing under Robert Galbraith again now that the pseudonym cover is blown! Thanks for the info. 🙂

  7. Min says:

    I love your summer reading list! I am determined to lay on my hammock and get through a bunch of those books. Thank you!

  8. Scott says:

    We have read any of these books in our family, but they all sound like good ones that we would like to have. Unfortunately with 4 girls (9 and under), it sometimes hard to get to the bookstore or the library to see what’s out there. We are enjoying your blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy!

  9. Stacie says:

    I would love to read all 35 books on your summer reading guide! My library request list is about to explode!

  10. Morgan says:

    I love The Secret Keeper (well, all of Morton’s novels, really). Such a gifted storyteller. I already had a couple of the others on my list, and have added the rest. Can’t wait to get reading!

  11. Natalie O. says:

    I appreciate your book reviews and thoughts! I’ve found a lot of great books here, thanks! I’ve read the Rosie Project and it was really fun.

  12. Jennifer S says:

    Living in a town still fairly new to me, I don’t know many people. So books have been a great friend to me. Love the list and would love to be your winner! Thanks for the opportunity.

  13. Sarah Ronk says:

    Love this idea!! I’m not totally a minimalist but appreciate hearing your best of the best list! I’ve only read The Secret Keeper from this list.

  14. Julia R. says:

    I am thrilled with this year’s Summer Reading Guide and have only read 3 of the books on the list, with several others that were already on my list! I also love that you gave us a “Top 5” b/c that is where I will have to start! The Secret Keeper is one of my very, very favorite books! Looking forward to discovering some more favorites this summer! Thank you!!!

  15. Liz says:

    I can’t believe I haven’t read any of these! I’d be glad to have a chance to do so without hitting the library!

  16. Sarah H says:

    I read a lot of non-fiction to keep sharp at work. After I read your list, I felt as I remember feeling at the end of the school year – knowing I had the whole summer ahead of me to read books of my own choosing. It’s cold, rainy and dreary here this morning – but your post made me see blue skies and sunshine!

  17. Joani says:

    I think this top 5 list is a great idea (and not just because you’re giving the books away 🙂 )! I guess that means I’m one of those minimalist types!

  18. Allison says:

    Thanks so much for the recommendations (and all the other ones in the newsletter)! I’m excited to check these out. My summer reading list includes Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I will definitely be adding some of your recommendations as well.

  19. Heather says:

    Thanks for the recommendations. I tend to get stuck in a non-fiction rut. I’m looking forward to branching out with your suggestions.

  20. Kristi says:

    I just found your blog, FB page and everything. LOVE the list and recommendations. I was looking for books for the summer but could not narrow them down–thanks for doing it for me. Was wondering about The Rosie Project but now know it is a “must read”. Thanks so much! Would LOVE to win these!

  21. Kimber-Leigh says:

    these look great! i always love your summer guides…and happy to see that quite a few of them this year i already have waiting in my “to read” stack! (but none of these here!)

  22. Kerri C. says:

    Thank you for your wonderful reading guides! You are my go to for book recommendations!! I would love a copy of these 5 books 🙂

  23. AlyssaZ says:

    Pretty much all five of these books ARE on my summer reading list! I’ve been planning on getting to Rainbow Rowell finally this summer. And after seeing you recommend The Rosie Project again and again I know I need to give it a shot.

  24. Robin in New Jersey says:

    I am planning to read Delancey. I read Molly’s first book and really enjoyed it. I am also planning on reading Susan Branch’s newest book and a few by Angela Hunt too. What a fun giveaway!

  25. Clayre says:

    I’d love to win this! I’m reading Brideshead Revisited right now for the Carrots For Michaelmas blog’s book club and I’d love to know I have something lined up after that. We are also taking a family trip to the beach and I’d love some beach reads to take. These all sound intriguing but I’m especially excited about Attachments!

    • Anne says:

      I love Haley and loved her even more when I found out Brideshead was her favorite. 🙂 (Rules of Civility would be a great follow-up, even if it’s not in the summer reading guide. It was in last year’s–does that count?)

  26. Megan says:

    I’ve read two of the books above, but they’re two books that I’m always talking about so I would love to put them directly into someone’s hands and say, “No, REALLY. Read these now.” Love these reading guides!

  27. kelly s says:

    I’ve read The Secret Keeper (love love love) but really want to read the other books.

    I read like a freak….I can’t stop myself. The better the book, the faster I read. I LOVE your blog when you do book posts. I get great ideas.

  28. Right now I am reading The Dinner. So interesting.

    This summer I’d like to read some of those books everyone’s already read – Life After Life, Me Before You, What Alice Forgot …

  29. Jenny says:

    Love your summer reading list. I’ve already started on the Rosie Project and I’m looking forward to a couple of other books. I’ve heard great things about Goldfinch, so its on the top of my list as well.

  30. Virginia says:

    I adore Morton’s books, and The Secret Keeper is my favorite. I’ve been reading your blog for about a month now, and my list of books to read has grown exponentially. 🙂 With a few trips coming up this summer, and maybe a little beach time, I’m all ears for good book recommendations. I’ll be adding these books to my list!

  31. Charlotte says:

    I’m excited to read Gabrielle Bernstein’s new “Miracles Now” book. I really love her work and this new book looks really lovely!

  32. Melody says:

    As much as I love the summer reading guide, I like this list much better. It’s much more doable! Thank you for your great suggestions! I’m so excited to get my book on this summer.

  33. Christine B says:

    I just picked up Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand from a used book sale, so that’s on my to-read list. (Hopefully it’s a good one! 🙂

  34. Christina says:

    My daughter and I are headed to the library soon to grab a hearty collection of books! She will inevitably beg to pick up “Press Here” for the umteeth time – which we learned about via your blog (love it!). My husband and I have themes for every summer and I’ve already dubbed this “The Summer of Reading!” (which is a lot better than last year’s “The Summer of Spending” – where we kept finding ourselves faced with necessary but unexpected bills). Thanks for all the work you’ve put into the Summer Reading Guide!

    • Anne says:

      Hahaha! I’d much prefer The Summer of Reading too. 🙂

      And a big YES for Press Here! Glad she loves it but hope you aren’t sick of it yet. 🙂

  35. Shannon says:

    I’m so excited! All five of those made it on to my list after your guide came out yesterday! In fact I am reading Parnassus right now! So cute and fun, and I can’t believe it was written 1917!?! Thanks again!

  36. Kristen says:

    I’m loving your summer reading list. Thanks for all the great recommendations!

    My first summer read will be The Warden and the Wolf King–the final book in Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga. I’m also planning to read The Fiddler’s Gun and The Fiddler’s Green by A.S. Peterson (Andrew’s brother).

      • Kristen says:

        You’re welcome! It took me a while to finish the first book–I started a couple times before I was hooked–but I’m so glad I kept reading! The character development and plot twists in books two and three were just so good, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the last book…

  37. EricaM says:

    You made some great picks for this one. Several of these are on my TBR list and they’re incredibly popular at work. So many books, so little time…

  38. Emily says:

    I’ve already downloaded samples from most of your summer choices on my Kindle. Thank you for all the ideas! For a book lover, I always think sharing a good book is the perfect gift, and I appreciate all the effort you put into making recommendations.

  39. Alison S. says:

    I would love to win so I could take these on vacation with me! 🙂 I read Rosie Project last month because of you and really enjoyed it. (Did you know there is a book 2 coming?) I downloaded Parnassus on Wheels because your review mentioned MIss Pettigrew, which I loved. I have yet to read anything by Kate Morton. Thank you for the summer reading guide. I love it!!!

  40. Cathy Armour says:

    Thanks for the summer reading list — I’m sharing it with anyone who asks “know any good books to read”? I need to leave for a week at the beach. Just me, all these great books, a beach towel and chair and do nothing but read non-stop for a week. Ahhhh… a girl can dream, can’t she?

  41. Kate G says:

    Those all sound like great summer reads to add to my list, right next to The Language of Flowers and Edenbrooke.

  42. Ooh excited about this list! Definitely need some more fiction in my life, I feel like I’ve only been reading non fiction. And this is the third mention of The Invention of Wings in the past three days- guess I got to add it to the list! As for summer reading, my first stops are Bird by Bird and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.

  43. Catie says:

    I was so excited to get your Summer Reading Guide yesterday!! 🙂 Thanks for all the work you put in to it. And thanks for the chance to win these!

  44. Stacy says:

    Thanks for the inspiration! I love your recommendations and have added several titles to my reading list. And I am impressed with your organization, you didn’t lose a beat with your move!

  45. Whitney says:

    Yes! I read Attachments recently and it is so so so sweet and funny! I haven’t read any of the others, but am definitely adding them to my TBR list.

    Thanks for all the work you put into the Summer Reading Guide!

  46. Kay says:

    Loved your reading guide this year. I’d already read three of the books but they were some of my favorites to recommend too. I’m adding them all to my Goodreads Want to Read shelf.

  47. Annie says:

    Anne, your love for WWII novels (just read Code Name Verity on your suggestion and LOVED IT!) makes me wonder if you’ve read Connie Willis’s Blackout and All Clear (one book in 2 volumes). The Blitz is so vivid in it, I thought I had cinders in my hair.

  48. Courtney says:

    How fun! Best kind of giveaways are book giveaways! The summer reading guide looks great and I can’t wait to see what books are available in the library system in my state.

  49. Jen says:

    Love the idea of the minimalist top 5! I got so inspired browsing through the summer reading guide yesterday, but there is so much good stuff, I wasn’t sure where to start. This is the perfect starting point! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this guide!

  50. Mandy says:

    First, I want to say that I LOVE your blog! Thank you for all of you effort. Yesterday, I wrote down the whole summer reading list and headed to the library!! My library didn’t have the books you are featuring in the giveaway, so I would LOVE to win. I did pick a few of the others…the language of flowers, the time in between, Evensong, and Bel Canto…thank you So much for doing this giveaway!!!! Blessings!

  51. Stephanie says:

    These all look great! I am planning to read Attachments before Her new book comes out in July and also What Alice Forgot because everyone talks about that book!

  52. Kristin says:

    What a great giveaway. I love Kate Morton! For my summer reading: I just finished The Girl You Left Behind by JoJo Moynes and loved it. I look forward to reading some more by her. The new Jeffrey Archer series, The Clifton Chronicles would also make a great beach read- I sped through all of those (I think there are 4).

  53. Melodee says:

    I read the reading guide yesterday and got all excited, only to find out everything was checked out of the library! So I have a lot of holds now. 🙂

  54. Denise says:

    This summer is all about having a newborn so I have no idea what my reading list will end up like! I’d love to have these ready to read 🙂

  55. Polly says:

    oh wow, those look like great summer reads. Have you dipped into Sherlock Holmes yet? I spent last summer reading all of them and they are a great light but solid type read.

  56. Cynthia says:

    I have never heard of any of these books. I have been looking into reading different genres other than what I already read, then I stumbled across your blog one day. I would love to win the bundle, but even if I don’t, you have made my ever growing TBR list even bigger! Can’t wait to start digging in!

  57. Julie says:

    I was so excited to open my email and see the summer reading guide! Your top five are a few of the ones I marked to read!

  58. Stephanie Y says:

    I’ve got two must haves for the summer and then a bunch of others. My two must reads are Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day and The Secret Keeper. I’ve read the Rosie Project and Attachments which I loved. I’m excited for my summer reading!

  59. Heather says:

    I would LOVE some new books for summer and can’t wait to check these out! Your recommendations never disappoint.

  60. denise caperna says:

    love this list.. currently reading kindred.. would love to read the selections listed here…I would love to win!!

  61. Tina says:

    I have honestly loved everything you’ve recommended. I just finished Elenor & Park and have The Excution of Noa. P Singleton up next! Thanks you for all of the great reads!

  62. Kimberly says:

    I love books. 🙂 I love getting book recommendations from others that love books. I like mail. I love getting books in the mail. That makes this the perfect thing for me to win. LOL

  63. Ana says:

    Thanks so much for the reading list–once again, I maxed out my library hold list! (What a great problem to have). Right now I’m trying to read Hollow City–the second Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children novel, but I just can’t get into it. I think it’s been too long since I read the first one. Did you ever read any Sophie Kinsella books? They’re perfect poolside reading, but her books are so hit and miss–I love a few, but several aren’t worth the time.

  64. Dineen says:

    Hmmmm unfortunately I have textbooks on my summer reading list, since I am in grad school after many years in the workforce, getting my Masters’ in Nursing Education. BUT in between textbooks I am going to try to finish the last two Twilight books – I know I’m super late to that party! – and I think the 5 books on the giveaway list will be added to my list, regardless of whether or not I win them.

    Great giveaway – thanks!

  65. Nancy says:

    Whittling it down to 5 had to have been a difficult job but you did great! All 5 of these are ones I haven’t yet read. Here’s to an easy-reading summer!

  66. Kim says:

    Wow, this list is intriguing! I love Morton, I’ve wanted to try Kidd–and the other three just look like they’d be good books to slip into. Thanks for the ideas!

  67. Vilma says:

    I love your summer reading guide ! I read The Secret Keeper and loved it ! So many good book to read and not enough time in a day to do all I want to do.
    Love love love your blog !

  68. Laurie says:

    I’ve never been part of a book club. So whenever I’m looking for the next great read, I always reference your reading guide. So glad the 3rd one is out!

  69. Suzanne says:

    I love a recommendation for my next read. It would be lovely to have a stack of books pre-selected and ready to go wherever summer takes us. Thank you.

  70. Sabrina says:

    I read Eleanor and Park at your suggestion and it didn’t disappoint! I’d love to sink into these wonderful books as well!
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  71. Jana says:

    This is a fantastic list ……thank you! This should keep me captive for the 8 days I will be on the beach! Thanks also for the summer guide that I can pull from for the rest of the summer:)

  72. Amy says:

    Thank you for this summer reading list! I enjoyed it last year, and it is what prompted me to subscribe to your blog, which I just love! I just told my sister today that you are my best friend online (even though you don’t know it! Ha!) and we are both planning to read as many of the books on this summer’s reading guide as we possibly can.

  73. I’m so glad you narrowed it down to your top 5 – much more manageable! I am hoping to get The Goldfinch and Ann Patchett’s Story of a Happy Marriage in from the library for summer reading!

  74. JeniferrC says:

    I haven’t ready any of these, yet. I keep things on a wishlist in Amazon and then try to systematically whittle away at it with my library. These will be added to my list! Though if I win, one can never have too many books.

  75. Katie Wilmot says:

    THANK YOU so much for the condensed version. As much as I would rather sit down and read read read for all summer long, it’s just not possible. Thank you!!

  76. Michele says:

    Would love to win these as I need a little good after a couple tornado warnings and a sewer back up, thanks to 5 inches of rain, Monday night. Thank you for narrowing down the list. I’ve read Sue Monk Kidd before but not the others. Looking forward to a package on my doorstep. (How’s that for positive thinking!)

  77. Rebecca says:

    I love your summer reading guides and have a lot of beach time this summer- so here’s to hoping I win these great picks! 🙂

  78. Heather says:

    Thanks for the summer reading guide! I had The Rosie Project on my to read list for this summer and I have been interested in checking out The Attachments since I read Eleanor and Park. The other books sound great too. Out of the books on your reading guide I have read five and enjoyed all of them, so I figure that the rest of them must be good too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. Anna says:

    I’m still working on my summer reading list. Your guide helped greatly! =). I have some long (read 21+ hours each way) plane flights this summer, so I’m looking for plenty of good variety in my reading to keep me entertained!

  80. Ashley Bodley says:

    I would LOVE to win these! Thanks for putting these lists together, you have such great taste in books.

  81. Joy Bailey says:

    Just picked up The Rosie Project; thanks for the tip.

    The only other book for sure on my summer reading list is Emma. I’ve never read it and having recently rewatched the Paltrow film now want to.

  82. The Invention of Wings is high on my list. Sue Monk Kidd was in ABQ a few months ago, and sadly I missed her. But I did read a fabulous interview with her in our local newspaper. I especially appreciated what she had to say about writing outside her culture/ethnicity.

    Also wanted to tell you I picked up The Secret Keeper on your recommendation!

  83. Alicia says:

    Those all sound like fun reads! I haven’t had a chance to check out the whole reading list but I can’t wait to dig in!

  84. Stacy says:

    Going on vacation the 3rd week of June. While the kids play in the pool, I’m thinking of downloading a couple of these to read (unless I win the giveaway).

    I too am new to your blog, just a few months of reading and I have loved your selection of books.

  85. Beth Chapman says:

    The One by Kiera Cass, Doll Bones by Holly Black (for Childrens Lit book club) and most of the ones on your reading list now!!!!! So excited and thankful for great recommendations!

  86. Sara says:

    I’ve read “The Rosie Project” based on your recommendation, and I loved it! If I win this package, I’ll be sure to pass it along to a friend. 🙂

  87. Suzanne says:

    I finished The Rosie Project last month. I enjoyed it. I thought it was similar to Falling for Your Madness which I also enjoyed and highly recommend. I love Kate Morton’s other books so I am looking forward to diving into this one. Thanks for the recommendations. I hope that I can find them at my local library.

  88. D says:

    What a great giveaway. I haven’t read any of these titles, although I have read a few others in the larger reading guide and agree they are great (esp. Unbroken–amazing story!).

    Thanks Anne!

  89. Beth says:

    I’ve decided to return to some old favorites this summer. Mostly classics, some Elizabeth Gilbert works, and maybe even one or two new books from your list if i can squeeze them in with a toddler and a move. I’ve actually not read any of the five you have listed above!

  90. Susan says:

    Thanks to your Summer Reading Guides, my Amazon wishlist is HUGE!!! I can think of a LOT of problems worse than too many books to read. 4 of your giveaway books are on my list, and the 5th, The Rosie Project, I read (and enjoyed immensely) on your recommendation. Thanks for all the great suggestions!

  91. Kelly says:

    Your Summer Reading Guide was the highlight of my day yesterday. (That and remembering it was Thursday – 1 day closer to the weekend!) I always turn to you for great book suggestions. Thanks!!!

  92. Cathy says:

    Yay–a summer book giveaway! Thanks for the chance to read these and for the list of recommended reads. I’m looking forward to rereading a few favorites–Jane Austen–this summer, and I have a read a few on your list, but not these five.

  93. Amanda Snow says:

    Your book posts are my favorite! I’ve read several on your list, but I’d love these to show up at my door!

  94. ariana says:

    We have baby #4 on board and although arrival dates is still many months away, I’m stocking up on books for snuggled nursing. These would be great!

  95. Stef says:

    I am so glad that I found your summer reading list! I have already reserved 2 from the library and have my eyes set on others after I am done with those.

  96. Jean says:

    I was waiting for your summer reading list to decide what to read! So glad you made this short list. Entertaining is what I need to take a break from teaching and homeschooling. I loved Miss Pettigrew, so I’m going to start with Parnassus. My secret fantasy is to drive a book mobile around the country! And next will be Sue Monk Kidd’s book ’cause Secret Life of Bees is one of my all-time favs. Thank you!

  97. Liza Lee Grace says:

    A couple of these sound vaguely familiar, but I haven’t read any of them and they all sound like books I’d love! Thank you for sharing these lists!

  98. Abbie Smith says:

    I always love your recommendations and I can’t wait to get started on these great picks! I am in great need of some great summer reads!

    • Abbie Smith says:

      Also, one of my favorite books that I re-read every summer is These is My Words by Nancy Turner. It took me a while to finally read it because of the title but it is fantastic! And perfect for summer 🙂

  99. Kimberly says:

    Love it all 🙂
    My favorite last read was “Cathedral of the Wild” by Boyd Varty 🙂
    I’m also bummed to have read all of Kate Morton after finding her on your blog…wish she had more 🙂

  100. Michele says:

    Your list came out just in time. We are getting ready to move from an island in Alaska to Key West in a couple of weeks. I will need lots to read as we drive across Canada and the rest of the country.

    • Laura says:

      I’m from Alaska (but living in Baltimore now)! 🙂 Which island are you from? And wow – that’s about the furthest you could move and still be in the same country! My family all lives in Anchorage now but I grew up in Glennallen so you’ll drive right through there on your way out of the state. Make sure to take a break and stop at Liard Hot Springs on your way down. We love that place!

      • Michele says:

        We live in Kodiak right now. I will definitely miss this place. Thanks for the tip on the hot springs. We will definitely check it out!

  101. Laura says:

    On my list: Jane Eyre, Emma, Practice Perfect, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, The Lightning Thief, more Maisie Dobbs (now I’m addicted to her – thanks for the many recommendations that convinced me to start reading that series), and I’ll be sure to look at all of these too! The only one that I have read is The Secret Keeper. The flashbacks set in WWII England were my favorite parts and I certainly didn’t figure out the mystery until the solution was revealed (always a plus).

  102. Adrienne says:

    Anne, I have only recently stumbled upon your site. I love your posts and many of your book recommendations. This guide is great. Thank you for all that you do.

  103. Katherine says:

    I would love these books! At the rate my library is moving these days (with holds on so many of the bigger titles) I’ll be waiting months otherwise…

  104. Marie says:

    I read one of Michael Pollan’s books a few months ago and I’d like to tackle another one – maybe “Cooked” or “In Defense of Food.” “Eleanor and Park” is on my list, too! First, I have to finish “Quiet” before I move on to the next books.

    • Anne says:

      I really enjoyed Cooked, but found In Defense of Food underwhelming. (It lacks the stories that make his other books so great.) And now I’ll stop with my unsolicited opinions. 🙂

      • Marie says:

        No, please jump in with your advice! It is always good to hear some feedback about his other books. I liked both “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “The Botany of Desire.” Thank you, also, for putting together the summer reading list!

  105. Bonnie says:

    Oh, how I would love to win these! Amazon just delivered Guernsey and a What Alice Forgot, bought because you consistently recommend them. I can’t wait to start them.

  106. Jennifer says:

    Now this is a list I can work with. I just put the 3 I haven’t already read onto my library request list (and the two I read, I whole-heartedly agree with your recommendation!).

    • Jennifer says:

      Oh, I just lied! I had not already put the books on the library request list, but went to do it right after I hit “post comment” and wouldn’t you know it – the library does not have Attachments. Now I do hope I win, and I plan to give them forward when I finish reading them.

  107. Jackie says:

    This wiill be my first time creating a summer reading list, but with baby #3 on the way, I need some serious downtime. Thanks for the suggestions.

  108. Lisa Spence says:

    I have a couple of holdovers from last summer’s reading guide (The Immortal Life of Henrietta, for one). Attachments is on my hope-to-read list, as well as Stegner’s Angle of Repose. I’m also looking forward to several of the titles you recommend in this years guide!

  109. Lindsay says:

    I love a good beach read!
    Last summer I read two books from the Hunger Games trilogy in two days!
    I work with children with Autism, so The Rosie Project sounds especially fun to me 🙂

  110. Lucinda says:

    Hoping I win so I don’t have to buy so many books! Of course, there is the library.
    Thanks for the recommendations.

  111. Alicia Mullins says:

    Your time and effort are greatly appreciated! Hitting the library (or kindle store) with a plan makes life run much smoother. Hubby and I are headed out on a road trip to Boulder Monday. I hit the library with the audio book list. We are ready!

  112. Emily Walker says:

    I’m always struggling to get a good read, and with four little ones, have a hard time getting to the library. I would love great books arriving at my doorstep!

  113. Wendy says:

    I jotted down most of those titles for my next library trip! Getting them delivered would be even better! 🙂

  114. I would love to win these books.

    I am thankful for you and your blog on books. I was getting back to serious reading last year and went through some duds. At least here I have an idea of what I am getting into. Thanks!

  115. Lea says:

    Ok, I always take your reading recommendations seriously. These 5 will be on my list for summer! Thanks for giveaway chance!

  116. Anna says:

    I’m reading “The Rosie Project” now. I REALLY want to try “The Invention of Wings” and “The Secret Keeper.” So many books, so little time…

  117. Janet Worthy says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed your Summer Reading Guide last year and now this new one. It encourages me to try other types of literature than my “rut”. Not that there is anything wrong with my “rut” or anyone else’s, but never too old to broaden your horizons!

  118. Suze says:

    I love your summer reading lists – so many varied genres – definitely something for everyone. I’ve officially placed all five of these books on my Kindle Wish List. Thanks so much for sharing your time and talents.

  119. Hannah Beth Reid says:

    I am intrigued by “The Rosie Project” because I think I’ve seen you recommend it to those who liked “What Alice Forgot” (which I read for a book club and loved).

  120. Shirley says:

    Love your list! I have read ‘The Rosie Project’ and really enjoyed it! I can’t wait to start reading the others! Thanks!

  121. Beth says:

    This summer I’ll be too pregnant to do much other than sit and read while my older boys splash around in the kiddie pool… so this would be great 🙂

  122. Rebecca says:

    Love this! I think these five are the ones I’m going to try and read this summer! For some reason I’m in a reading slump!

  123. Anna Alcozer says:

    I think I added every book for from your summer reading guide to my amazon wish list….now I just have to figure out which book first 🙂

  124. Joyce says:

    These all look great, but I’ve been especially anticipating the pleasure of reading Sue Monk Kidd’s The Invention of Wings!!

  125. Rachel says:

    Thanks for this cool giveaway :)! Just finished The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie at your suggestion, and have been plunging into the other Flavia DeLuce books. Have loved the first three and am on hold for number four from my library. Definitely in the mood for fun summer reads, so thanks for the suggestions!

  126. Janna says:

    Can’t wait to get started reading some new books. Many of your recommendations are ‘spot on’ to my tastes!

  127. Abigail says:

    These are some great choices! I always love your book choices but can get overwhelmed-So many books, so little time! =) An abbreviated list will be the perfect way to start out my summer, and then I can expand into the other summer reading choices. Thanks Anne!

  128. Emily says:

    I have three kiddos under 4 so my summer reading list is just a continuation of my yearly reading list. I’m looking forward to the days when I can read when we go to the beach or pool rather than herding. I’m adding Eleanor & Park to my list, though, since you’ve mentioned it so much!

  129. Mama Rachael says:

    I’m interested! I love getting new books. I think I need to gather all the books I’ve started, and all the ones I want to read that are around the house and get systematic and intentional, as I have so many. I’d be happy to add a few more!

  130. Melody says:

    What a lovely giveaway! My reading list is a year-round one; next up, I want to read Code Name Verity, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and First Light (by Rebecca Stead).

  131. Martha says:

    I just started Attachments, last night. Thank you for your recommendations. I usually take your blog to the used book store with me when I’m looking for something new to read.

  132. Jane says:

    I have a HUGE to-be-read list, and these 5 aren’t even on it (but I will be adding them!). Many of the ones on my list are non-fiction or “heavy” so I would love some light reads for summer! Thanks for putting out this list each summer–love it and trust your judgment!

  133. Allison says:

    Thank you for your hard work putting this together…they look great!! Hoping for lots of reading time this summer so I can go through these!!

  134. Kristin says:

    What isn’t on my summer list?!? I’m a teacher so summer is my only time to really squeeze in fun reading. I have some John Green, Rainbow’s book on this post, Every Day, some Austen of course, and some professional development books.

  135. Lisa S. says:

    Love your blog and all of your wonderful book suggestions! And many thanks for putting together your summer reading guide – there are several from this list I’ll read along with The Patron Saint of Liars and Daring Greatly.

    How do you manage to read so many books – any suggestions for guides or books on how to read faster – I’d love to get through more books but I think I’m a slow reader.

  136. Cindy says:

    Count me in! I need some good beach reading…. Even if most of my summer will be Orlando, New Hampshire and Quebec. The Rosie book is intriguing because my son is on the spectrum and I’d love to hear about a successful, if quirky love story that could be his future.

  137. Jen V says:

    I’ve already read Attachments (and loved it!) so these are all going on my summer list! Really I wanted to read almost everything on the guide so thanks for the mini-list!

  138. MelissaJoy says:

    Oh, thank you for the opportunity! We are heading to the Jersey Shore in one month and I can’t wait to hear the waves in the background of my reading. A perfect pairing in my estimation!

    Hope you’re getting settled in your new digs 🙂

  139. Aubry Smith says:

    I always go to the library and intend to get a fiction book (as I’m ALWAYS loaded down with nonfiction to read) and then I realize I have no idea what I’m doing in that section and give up, ha! I should just print out your reading guides to take with me next time I go to the library. Duh! 🙂

  140. Amy says:

    I love the top 5 list! Not only have I not read any of them, but this abbreviated list appeals to my minimalist self. I am currently reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks based on your recommendations. You haven’t steered me wrong so far. 🙂

  141. Sarah C says:

    A couple months ago I read The Rosie Project with my book club. I really did enjoy it, although it took me a few pages to get used to manner of speech. I have seen several of your book reviews and book recommendations and they tend to be ones I am interested in. These ones look great and I had completely forgotten about Sue Monk Kidd, so I am excited to look for that book this summer. I am also planning on using one of your recommendations for my month in my book club (each member chooses a book for the month and then where we will meet to discuss it)!

  142. Natalie says:

    Great list!! Your reading list saves me SO much time (&money). Have added most of your picks to my summer reading list & am ready to cozy up with a great read.

  143. Anne says:

    Whoa, Anne! So fun to see so many on your site! I think the Guide is being shared a lot, which is cool because it is so good. What a great giveaway.

    My summer reading list doesn’t have anything on it that wasn’t found here! I don’t have anything to add. You’re the one who has got me reading fiction again. Hurrah!

  144. Diane says:

    It’s been a long winter and I haven’t had a chance to read as much as I’d like. Can’t wait to spend a few hours at the beach reading these books!! Thanks!

  145. Julie says:

    Have been dying to read a Kate Morton novel. LOVE Sue Monk Kidd. The Rosie Project sounds so cute! Can’t wait to read some good books this summer. I always enjoy your reading list as it gives me so many great ideas. Thanks for your hard work!

  146. Julie D says:

    It would be SO fun to have these books to read this summer. Looking forward to pouring over the book lists and picking out where to start.

  147. Erin Miller says:

    Excited about your giveaway and reading guide, thank you! Can’t wait to read Delancey and reading State of Wonder now. I was fascinated by the Grimkes in college so Sue Monk Kidd’s book looks interesting! In Falling Snow is another book on my summer list (recommended by Kate Morton on her Facebook page).

  148. Jennifer says:

    So excited to pass the reading list onto my readers today!!! I enjoyed listening to the Rosie Project more than I enjoyed reading the first 69 page (perhaps the Australian accent adds something). I’m glad I gave it a second go when the audio version came out, it was definitely enjoyable, though not the “big” read I expected from its jacket.

  149. Ginger G says:

    Love your summer book lists and the condensed version is a great idea too. Added several books to my Amazon/library lists. 🙂 I LOVED The Rosie Project (read it per your recommendation in a post earlier this year). I’m looking forward to reading the other ones on this list, especially The Invention of Wings. The first book on my summer read list is The Fault in Our Stars… and go from there!

  150. Kristy says:

    I’m reading The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson. I heard her at the January Series at Calvin this year and knew I had to read that book. It has sucked me in. I love history in my books.

  151. Jessie says:

    I love all of your book recommendations – thank you for making them so thoughtful! I’ve read (and loved) about half of the books on this year’s summer reading list, and I’m thrilled that none of the ones I’ve read are in this giveaway!

  152. Molly says:

    I have “Invention of Wings” on my to-read list now. “The Secret Keeper” looks very interesting too. I finished one book today, am in the middle of three others, and already I’m planning where to go next. Thank you for the recommendations, Anne!

  153. Sarah Wimmer says:

    Hi! I am so excited to see your great synopsis of these books. Have my moose tracks frozen yogurt so ready to read

  154. Laura says:

    I have spent this whole school year reading almost nothing because I am so busy with my college courses, homeschooling, work, and family. I have final exams on Tuesday and then I will be reading like crazy. I am definitely taking your reading guide to the library, but it would be really awesome to win these five!

  155. Betty says:

    These books look great! Thanks so much for your generosity- both in sharing a bunch of great books to read and giving away 5 copies!

  156. Lisa says:

    I’m currently reading The Castaways by Elin Hilderbrand–looking forward to reading more by her. And would love to read everything on your summer book list!

  157. Julie R says:

    I loved The Rosie Project more than any book I’ve read in a long time. Can’t wait to try the others on your summer reading guide. The Time In Between sounds somewhat similar to the Maisie Dobbs books, which I love. It is pretty high on my list. I sense a trip to the library in my future.

  158. Becky Carlson says:

    Yay books! Just read all your descriptions and definitely can’t wait to get into a few of them! Thank you!

  159. karen r. says:

    Oh how fun! I would love to win some books and I haven’t read any of these. Thanks for the opportunity and thank you for the time you put into the recommendations, it looks like a fabulous list of summer reads!
    So far my summer reading has started off with a book called “Come Back Early Today: A Memoir of Love, Alzheimer’s and Joy”

  160. Lisa says:

    Just borrowed Code Name Verity and When in Doubt Add Butter from the library. Can’t wait to start several from your summer reading this summer!

  161. Betty Carlson says:

    My idea of fishing is to go out and if they are not biting to pull out a book and read. I enjoy going along with my sweetie but really find reading in the boat more enjoyable than fishing. I will be enjoying several books from your list and taking the list to book club Thursday to see about picking our summer reads to discuss at the September planning meeting.

  162. Valerie says:

    I haven’t created a summer reading list, but The Invention of Wings is on my to-read list. I’ve just recently starting reading more fiction again, and hadn’t realized how much I’ve missed it.

  163. Brandi says:

    These all look great, especially for the summer reading list! Reading is my one thing I just LOVE to do each day! I would love to have these books arrive at my front door. Thanks for the suggestions!

  164. Kristin says:

    My summer reading list is growing beyond what I can possibly read this summer. My list isn’t limited to easy, beach reads, though. In fact, my heavier reading happens in the summer because I have a break from homeschooling my kids which means more reading time for me.

  165. Karen says:

    Just read Rosie Project for our book club and it was fun and light. Can’t wait to read your other suggestions. I was born and raised in Louisville and love reading your posts. Keep up the great work!

  166. Tina Sollazzo says:

    Just came across this site. I love to read and will definitely be looking in to the books on the reading list! (and 5 free books would be very nice!)
    Looking forward to exploring your site a little more!

  167. Emily C. says:

    Thanks for all the time you’ve spent reading and considering books. This list looks great! Off to add to my growing Goodreads to-read list.

  168. Meghan says:

    Sounds like fabulous selections! Most interested in Kate Morton’s. I have read all her others, but not the new one yet! They all sound great though.

  169. Katie Smyklo says:

    First time coming across your summer reading list and I have added so many “want to read” books to my Goodreads list! Thanks for sharing. I would love to win 🙂

  170. Christa says:

    I recently discovered your blog, and so this is my first year for the summer reading list. I already have the five breezy novels on hold at my library! Thanks for the chance to win five of the books.

  171. Courtney says:

    I’m new to your book recommendations, but I’m always looking for something to read, so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on some of these!

  172. Natalie says:

    Read The Rosie Project and can’t wait to check out these other titles! Also read What Alice Forgot (so good and I agree it’s her best novel) and Me Before You but so many other good books to check out !!!! Thanks!

  173. Amy R says:

    I loved The Rosie Project and can’t wait to read some of your other suggestions! I have so many books on my “to read” shelf…but I can always use more!

  174. Kyrstin S. says:

    My reading list for this summer just keeps growing! I teach 10th grade English so I have a huge number of YA on my list, but I’m looking forward to reading “Where’d You Go, Bernadette” and the “100 Best Bradbury Short Stories” this summer as well. Just discovered your blog tonight (thanks, Grandma!) and will definitely be back many, many times. 🙂

    • Anne says:

      I should find the 100 Best Bradbury Short Stories for myself. I read Zen and the Art of Writing, his book about his own creative process, last year and it made me so curious to read more of his short stories. But then I forgot. 🙂

  175. LOVE this giveaway! I’m excited to read Parnassus on Wheels! (And also anything I can get by Rainbow Rowell!) I’m looking forward to my summer reading list: So far, I’ve got on the to-read summer stack: Something Other Than God by Jennifer Fulwiler, The Fault In Our Stars, Wild by Cheryl Strayed, An Altar In the World by Barbara Brown Taylor, and The Art of Spiritual Writing by Vinita Hampton Wright. I’m hoping I get to even more than that, and I’m excited for some fiction reading! (Perhaps Cuckoo’s Calling and The Bookman’s Tale). Right now I’m reading The Nesting Place, A Year of No Sugar, and I’m LOVING Delancey by Molly Wizenberg! Fingers crossed for your giveaway! Thanks for the reading guide – loving it as always!

  176. Hannah says:

    Wow! These books look like a great break from the grad school reading I have been doing this semester. I would love to win these books! I found your blog from a friend this week. My sister has chronic health issues so it would really encouraging for me to have new books to read when I am sitting with her.

  177. Lizzie says:

    I’m so looking forward to diving into this list this summer! I’ve been reading a lot more lately than I have in a while, and I’m ready for new material!

  178. Acmommy3 says:

    On my summer to-read list, to just name a few 😉 I have Pride & Prejudice, Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day, the Mysterious Benedict Society series, What a Woman Is Worth, and Bread and Wine. I always enjoy hearing about your book finds, likes & dislikes and picks!!

  179. Kristi says:

    I loved The Rosie Project, but it made me wonder if it might perpetuate the idea that people with autism, or “on the spectrum,” just need to get over it. Ya know?

    I can’t wait to read the others!

    • Molly says:

      I read and loved this novel. I hadn’t thought of it that way. Having taught kids who were/are on the autism spectrum I know some of them are more flexible and willing to work outside the lines of their autism more than others. Don reminds me of Sheldon on Big Bang Theory but more flexible with Rosie. As I was reading I wondered if this had more to do with his attraction to Rosie than anything else. It almost seemed like he was acting instinctually. It was so sweet to watch.

  180. Lisa Nelson says:

    This looks like a great list. Haven’t read them yet but have had a couple on my reading list so would love to win and them to pass them along tonothers. What’s better than being gifted a book?! Thanks!

  181. Valerie says:

    How did I not find you before. Love to find out what’s a good read from others. Always on the phone with a friend in Chicago asking what you reading? Sitting here in my robe on a beautiful Saturday morning reading your blog(went all the way back to the beginning). You’re in my favorites now. Book I just finished which was fantastic was “The Light Between Oceans” by M. L. Stedman. Now must get going as I promised my 17 year old a girls day out.

    • Anne says:

      I recently added The Light Between Oceans to my list—I’m hoping to read it this summer. I’m glad to hear you loved it! And thanks for the kind words—I’m glad you found me. 🙂

  182. Monica says:

    I’m so excited that I came across your reading list! My choices usually contain whatever catches my eye at the library! It helps keep the spending down and allows me to read a lot. I’m hooked on audio books too. I average at least one a week just listening in the car commuting! I love books!!

  183. Rona Nelson says:

    I’m in great need of something to read during my nightly bathtime! Thanks for the blog…I always look forward to reading it.

  184. Wanda Plaugher says:

    Oh, what fun! Just discovered your Facebook page & blog! Always looking for a good book recommendation. Thanks!

  185. MichelleH says:

    What a great giveaway! Three of these books are already on my list and I enjoyed The Attachments, so I’ve added the last book to my list as well. lol You have great recommendations.

    • Anne says:

      I read two of those last year but haven’t yet decided if I’m going to try The Book Thief. I’m very curious now about the Winters Tale movie after reading the book….

      • Molly says:

        The Book Thief is very good. I didn’t see the movie because it didn’t last long around here. The story is of a girl being raised outside Munich during WWII and how she makes it through in part by stealing books. If the idea of a child committing a crime makes you squeamish don’t worry. It’s not like that. I rather enjoyed this book. It’s a fast read but not what I’d classify as “breezy”.

  186. Ashley J says:

    Excited to read something other than Pinkalicious for the millionth time this summer–ha! Would love to start with these! Thanks for the generous giveaway 🙂

  187. Oh fun! I would love these for the Little Free Library we are putting in our neighborhood this summer. I loved The Secret Keeper, The Rosie Project, and Attachments (just read it on the beach this week!) The Invention of Wings is next on my kindle after I finish The Husband’s Secret. My public library doesn’t have Parnassus on Wheels so I haven’t had the pleasure.

    • Anne says:

      Parnassus is hard to come by, it seems (but the Kindle version is less than $1, at least right now). Or you could win a copy and that would solve everything! 😉

  188. The Secret Keeper is the last book that I have to read by Kate Morton. I loved The Forgotten Garden but was disappointed by her other two books. I’m kind of afraid to start reading it in fear that I won’t like it as much either, but I keep hearing so many great things about it so it’s on my summer reading list.

    • Anne says:

      I did like The Distant Hours but thought The House at Riverton was pretty meh. It was her debut and it seemed so obvious to me she was still very much finding her feet. If you loved The Forgotten Garden I think your odds with The Secret Keeper are pretty darn high. 🙂

  189. Kate K says:

    Thank you for the reading list! Picking what to read next is always the hardest part, that is why I love reading series, or everything by the same author!

  190. Sarai says:

    This will be my first summer using your reading guide, and I’m excited about the books you’ve listed here. Parnassus on Wheels and The Invention of Wings especially sound interesting. Thanks for recommending them!

    • Anne says:

      I love all her stuff (well, okay, I’m kinda meh on The House at Riverton) but The Secret Keeper is my favorite. I wish she’d hurry up and write another one!

  191. Erin says:

    I found your blog via pinterest…such an inspiration to me in this chapter of my life! These titles are all new to me, and I will be checking them out. Thanks for this giveaway!

  192. Lindsey says:

    Thanks for sharing this list and for the giveaway! I’m excited to have more titles on my ever growing reading list.

    I am reading Rose; love in violent times by Inga Muscio right now and feeling very inspired. Have you read it?

  193. Lindsey says:

    Thanks for sharing this list and for the giveaway! I’m excited to have more titles on my ever growing reading list.

    I am reading Rose; love in violent times by Inga Muscio right now and feeling very inspired. Have you read it?

  194. Kathleen Starnes says:

    I just discovered your blog and I love it! And since I am a great fan of reading and book lists I have spent way too much time perusing all the titles of your summer reading list. I think I will start with The Secret Keeper, but I can’t wait to try them all! Oh, for more reading time….

  195. Beverly says:

    So glad I found your blog through Pinterest! How very, very generous a giveaway! If by some stroke of luck I win you can count it as a triple winner 🙂 My 83 year old Daddy is a prolific reader and enjoys all types of literature so he will read them as well as me then my daughter in law. Have a glorious summer of good reads!

  196. Jennifer O says:

    I have a few really long flights (to Africa!) this summer and am excited to try some of your recommendations!

  197. Caitlin says:

    I would love to win any of these – my “to read” list exploded after you published the summer reading guide! You wouldn’t even have to take the books very far since I’m in Louisville like you (which is really helpful when you post which books the library doesn’t have!).

  198. Stephanie says:

    Adding these books to my summer list! I just started reading “The Hundred Dresses” aloud to my 5yo and 7yo.

    Next book on my list is “Operating Instructions” by Anne Lamott.

  199. Faith R says:

    Ooooh!! Thank you so much for this list!!!! I’ve been looking for more books to add to my summer reading list. So many of the books I’ve checked out of the library have been miserable. I’ll be sure to request these.

  200. Amy Lee says:

    All of these sound great! I have 300+ books on my TBR list so I am hoping to get more than a few read this summer.

  201. Wendy B says:

    Was just referred here by some trusted “reading” friends and I am loving what I have seen so far!! I am working on finishing up series that I have started this year so my plan for summer is to finish the Lucas Davenport series (I’m on book 11 I think!)

  202. Brenda says:

    Four out of the five you choose are on my To-Be-Read list! I just discovered you today and look forward to reading your blog often. Thanks for taking the time to write!

  203. Diann says:

    I now have 5 titles for my reading list. I haven’t read any of these. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  204. Ginger says:

    Oo, I’m dying to read all of these! I just requested “Attachments” at the library yesterday, after having finished Eleanor & Park (and crying through the last 25 pages).

      • Ginger says:

        I had a feeling, after that ending, that we might be in for a sequel. And then I thought to myself, “Nah, surely RR is too smart for that.”

        I’m excited to read it, but I’m sure it can never live up to all our expectations.

  205. Allison says:

    I have a long list of books on my “to read” list, but at the top is A Constellation of Vital Phenomena. I love summer reading and have only heard of one author on here — Sue Monk Kidd — but these all sound like great reads!

  206. Kristin Jacobsen says:

    A friend posted your summer reading guide on FB this morning and it was my introduction to you – now I don’t know how I lived without. Cannot wait to get started reading!

  207. Susan says:

    I just finished The Light Between Oceans…Loved it!! About five chapters away from the end, I didn’t want to finish it because I just couldn’t imagine how it would end without me crying. But I pushed myself…I think it’s one of my favorites now. I’m about to read Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play when No one has the Time. I better hurry up before I have no time this summer! Thanks for all these ideas on what to read this summer. Looking forward to it!

  208. Theresa says:

    I have loved the books that I’ve read based on your recommendation. I can’t wait to start reading your summer reading picks.

  209. Jill says:

    My summer reading list consists of whittling away at my ever delightfully-growing nightstand reads. It’s a happy thing really.

  210. Lisa says:

    Thank you for the recommendations! I look forward to checking these out! I am trying to increase my reading volume this summer and throughout the year as I work with middle and high school teachers. I am always looking for additional reading selections to share and encourage them to read widely and often this summer and all year long as well!

  211. Marcy says:

    Ooh! I hadn’t heard of any of these yet, which feels weird — I used to work at a bookstore and I was always on top of all the new books. But anyway, they look good! My reading list generally doesn’t change much for the summer, I’m in the middle of some Brandon Sanderson books right now. That, and I’m reading lots and lots of pictures books, and blogs. 🙂

  212. Raelene says:

    Ooooo! So excited for a good excuse to read breezy novels. I’ve been reading a LOT of serious non-fiction the last few months. These seem the perfect beginning to great summer reading. Can’t wait!

  213. WendyDandridge says:

    Next up for me is The Fault in Our Stars…I finally finished The Help this week so I can watch the movie now!

  214. Shannon says:

    Ooh, I want all those books delivered to me! Although when you said $2 on Kindle, Iclicked over and bought Rosie. So one down, 4 to go I guess. 😉

    My summer reading list, hmmm I just bought Ben Franklin;s autobiography (another $2 investment!) and I have Guernsey potato literary group whatever book (too lazy to look up the actual title, you know the one) on my nightstand waiting for a turn.

  215. Naomi Liz says:

    Most of the books on my list are non-fiction (a few I hope to get to this summer are Carry On, Warrior; Packing Light; and 7)…but I do love some good fiction every now and then, so I’d love to check these books out!

  216. RebeccaK says:

    Hooray for your reading guide! Loved Attachments and am excited to read the rest of these. Great giveaway.

  217. Keri says:

    These all look so amazing. I just got a new kindle and can’t wait to put it to good use, even if I don’t win the giveaway!

  218. Donna says:

    I’ve read The Rosie Project and enjoyed it – I could pass it to a friend. But I’d love to win the others! In fact, if I don’t win I plan to buy/borrow them. Can’t wait to get started reading!

  219. Jess says:

    I just added a bunch of these books to my “Want to Read” list. Right now, I’m about to start reading Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

  220. Heather says:

    Love your recommendations! I really enjoyed The Rosie Project; the subtle humor was great. Bel Canto has been on my list after reading The a Story of a Happy Marriage.

  221. Amanda says:

    I’d love to win those! And thanks for the guide. I’ve already started The Funeral Dress and am really enjoying it.

      • Amanda says:

        Finished it yesterday. It wasn’t heavy reading, but it didn’t feel fluffy either, which was nice — thanks! I could talk indefinitely about most any book, so I’ll restrain myself to a couple points. I’ve not seen mastitis as such a part of a book and its themes before, which was interesting (maybe only b/c I’ve been bf-ing for 5.5 of the past 7 years 🙂 ). I loved the way Emmalee has to be mothered to be a mother. And I wonder how I would have seen and judged Emmalee from the outside if the book didn’t allow us to see her the way it does. That’s always good a good reminder. Oh, and I was impressed with her portrayal of the church, not fake and perfect, but not just full of insincere hypocrites either. Stopping now…

  222. Kirsten says:

    Well, my summer/beach reading list just multiplied thanks to your amazing recommendations! 🙂 I think the top three for me are What Alice Forgot, Where’d You Go, Bernadette, and Attachments (actually, I’m really excited about Eleanor and Park now as well). Or is it the Language of Flowers or Beautiful Ruins (top five, then)? Two you didn’t recommend (I don’t think) that I’m also looking forward to are Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt and The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry. Also, I’ve missed one of Tana French’s books, Broken Harbor, so I need to read that as well. Thanks for adding to my already-extensive list! Such a gift!

    • Anne says:

      I really like Michael Lewis and definitely want to get to Flash Boys this summer. I have mixed feelings about Broken Harbor (I blogged about it here ). Faithful Place is the book I skipped, and I keep thinking about maybe getting back to it one day. (What did you think of that one?)

      • Kirsten says:

        Oh. Hum. I hadn’t seen your review, and now I’m not sure if I’ll spend the time to read Broken Harbor or not. I did really enjoy Faithful Place (though for me, neither it nor The Likeness were as amazing as In the Woods, but I truly can’t put any of them down). Of course, they do read so addictive-ly quickly that I may snag it from the library for our beach trip, just in case. I’ve made it to number fourteen on our library’s hold list for Flash Boys, so it shouldn’t be too much longer there.

        • Anne says:

          I started with The Likeness and it’s my favorite! I wonder if that’s coincidence or totally not. Jessica at Quirky Bookworm liked Broken Harbor way more than I did, and she read the series in order. For what it’s worth….

  223. christy comstock says:

    Love the recommends! Can’t believe it is time for summer reading. Going to check out the full list now.

  224. Lauren says:

    Thanks for the recommendations! I loved Kate Morton’s “The Forgotten Garden” so I’m excited to check out “The Secret Keeper.” Would love for these to arrive on my doorstep!

  225. Choral says:

    I’m anxious to read all of these! I’ve started “Left Neglected” for my summer read, and am intrigued by it so far…..

  226. Mary Anne says:

    I have heard of the book Room which I am hoping to read soon. Along with many of those on your summer reading guide!

  227. Ana says:

    Have read three of these five authors previous works and have an aspie child, so this would be a great group of books to win! Plus, as a teacher, my favorite part of summer is having the time to read for pleasure!

  228. Amy E Patton says:

    Anne. I found you sometime last spring. I’m do glad I did. My reading list is ten times as long and ten thousand times richer. I’m in the middle of Invention of Wings. But I’m dying to read Rosie and Kate M’s book.

    Do you think there will be a library in heaven? I sure hope so.

  229. Janet Kronbach says:

    Have appreciated your Summer Reading Guide last year and this – can’t wait to crack into these titles! Coming home from a year abroad (in Thailand)… can’t think of a better way to re-enter life in the US than reading these books (and sharing them with my mother-in-law) while sitting at the Jersey Shore in a few weeks! 🙂

  230. Shannon says:

    I came across your post and have been saving your recommendations to my library list- always looking for good book referrals!

  231. Gwen says:

    Yay! I was just thinking that I was in a bit of a book rut, and then your summer list appeared in my inbox. Thank you!!!! Can’t wait to get started on some of these 🙂

  232. Whitney says:

    I would love to read both The Invention Of Wings (LOVED The Help!), and the Secret Keeper. The other books sound equally intriguing. I also find the premise of Parnassus on Wheels interesting.

    Great giveaway!

  233. Lindsey says:

    Growing up, my mom always turned up her nose at new books, insisting on the classics. And while I learned a lot from strictly reading the classics, I’ve realized recently that reading ought to be fun and not only educational. 😉 I haven’t read any of these, but you’ve sold me on them!

  234. I’m graduating from graduate school next weekend, so my summer reading list is growing rapidly – and these would all be great additions! First on my list is Quiet by Susan Cain.

  235. Hillary says:

    I’ve only heard of one of these books, so I’m LOVING your full guide. So much reading inspiration! My personal top two are “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown and “Delicious!” by Ruth Reichl. Thanks for offering the contest 🙂

  236. Anne-
    Those all look great! I will definitely be checking them out, as well as some others from the guide. 🙂 I just finished grad school, and while non-fiction is usually my choice, my goal for the summer is to binge-read fiction, so the summer reading guide is super helpful–I’m lost when it comes to choosing fiction. (Also found your post on binge-reading books–love it!)
    AND, I also love food memoir…so those may be some late-summer/fall reads!
    What do you think of young adult fiction? Any favorites? My first task is to finish the Divergent series, and maybe some other YA fantasy.

    • Anne says:

      I love YA! It’s been a category in the past two years’ guides, but I axed it in this year’s slightly condensed version. If I included it in this year’s guide, I was going to mention Code Name Verity and The Age of Miracles for sure.

  237. Sarah Milner says:

    This looks amazing! I just read through your subheadings and descriptions – I would eagerly read any if them! Thanks for the list, and the giveaway!

  238. Nancy says:

    Great picks! I would love to read those 5!
    I have read several of your recommendations on your summer reading guide and really enjoyed them! I have Delancey on my nightstand right now!

  239. Jennifer says:

    Right now I’m reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle but I’m looking forward to reading several of your recommendations this summer!

  240. Jennifer says:

    I want to read all of these! I’ve been dying to read any Kate Morton book as I keep seeing her books mentioned on Twitterature. I haven’t been able to get them through the library yet. While I’m here I also want to say I love your blog so much. I’m pretty sure I will never run out of books to read thanks to you and your Twitterature linkup. So many books, so little time. 🙂

    • Anne says:

      Thank you! Good luck getting your hands on the Kate Morton books—they’re worth it. 🙂

      So many books, so little time indeed. 🙂

  241. Crystal says:

    I have 3 of those books on my list, so I’d love to win copies of them. Thank you so much for the reading guide! I appreciate them and enjoy reading them. I have to admit I’ve only read 5 or so of the books off of last year’s list, BUT that’s 5 more than I would have read otherwise. My “to read” list is always much longer than what I’ll actually be able to read. 😉

  242. shannon says:

    I just found your blog and look forward to reading back through your post! I think I’m going to love it!

  243. Barb says:

    Am currently reading Delicious! Thank you for the list. It sure helps to weed out some of the really bad books.

  244. Sarah says:

    The first Kate Morton book I read was The Secret Keeper and I thought it was great. I have since read two others, but The Secret Keeper is definitely her best, so good. I haven’t read the other books, but I will be sure to add them to my Goodreads list! Thanks!

  245. Krissa says:

    I loved The Rosie Project and have been recommending it to all my friends! I’m always looking for good book recommendations so I’m excited to add the others to my list!

  246. Julie says:

    I have your full summer reading list and most sounded so good. The list made me long for days when I could just sit on the beach and read. Now, I’m applying sunscreen and passing out snacks! But 5 books – I can do that!!! Thanks for the abridged version.

  247. Elysse says:

    I have enjoyed all the books on your reading lists. You have great taste! Whenever your reading guides come out I immediately put all the titles on my library lists!
    I’m really looking forward to “Where’d You Go Bernadette”, and to finally reading “Anathem”, which has been on my list for a while.

  248. Ronna says:

    Wow! So exciting! I always love free books! Especially when it means I could possibly delete five books off of my Amazon wish list.

  249. Anne says:

    “The Secret Keeper” (and I agree that all of Kate Morton’s books are fantastic. I keep wondering when she’s coming out with another one?) is the only one on this list that I’ve read, although I’ve been meaning to read “Parnassus on Wheels” for ages.

    On my summer reading list? The Lord Peter Wimsey short stories by Dorothy L. Sayers and re-reading the “Anne of Green Gables” series, which I haven’t read since I was a teenager. There are plenty more (there are ALWAYS more, lol!), but I can’t remember them off the top of my head. 🙂

  250. Monica says:

    I challenged my 11 year old daughter and niece to read 100 books over the year. I think they reached the goal in 8 months and are still humming along. I’m moving a little slower and hesitant about picking what to read, but I would love to have 5 in the mail box to help reach my goal of 50! Monica

  251. Valerie J. says:

    I was looking for books for this summer when I found your list. The giver is in my amazon cart waiting to come home to me!

  252. Laura says:

    What a fun collection of books. All of the selections sound engaging, but the Rainbow Rowell book has been on the top of my to read list since I read Elanor and Park.

  253. what a fantastic list! i am so excited to start on some of your recommendations on vacation next week. in the meantime…winning this giveaway would be super amazing! my book club has talked about reading several of these 🙂

  254. Jan Bockert says:

    New to the blog, FB page and the book club. I’m excited to begin the summer recommendations! Where have you been all my life!!! Thank you!!!

  255. Claudette Nix says:

    I shared HARMONY (briefly the story…..specifically the Epilogue) the other night for my Circle program. I learned of the book from your recommendation! Thanks for your insight of books~~~~

  256. Nancy Writebol says:

    I would love five books delivered to our US address before returning to Liberia in May. All the Light We Cannot See is just one of many on my list to read.

  257. Sonia says:

    I always love your recommendations! I told a small book store owner about you the other day. I still can’t believe she wasn’t already following.

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summer reading starts May 16th

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