It’s time!! A few details about my book, Reading People, coming this September!

Readers, I wrote a book, and it’s time to finally let a few details out of the bag.

It’s called Reading People: How Seeing the World Through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything, and its official release date is September 19. You can pre-order it now and get some really exciting bonuses!

About the book

If you’ve hung out around here on Modern Mrs Darcy for any length of time, you know that I’m a longtime personality geek. I’ve found through experience that digging into various personality frameworks—like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Clifton StrengthsFinder, and the Enneagram—are fantastic tools for learning more about myself and the people around me. They’ve changed my life and my relationships for the better, no question. But these frameworks aren’t always easy to understand, and not just because the amount of information out there can be totally overwhelming.

That’s why in this book I share my own experience with the personality frameworks I love the most, the ones that have made the biggest difference in my own life. I walk you through 7 different frameworks, explaining the basics in a way you can actually understand, sharing personal stories about how what I learned made a difference in my life, and showing you how it could make a difference in yours, as well.

About that cover

Let me tell you, cover design is a process. Our final version? It’s inspired by these beauties.

It’s hitting shelves near you on September 19, and it’s available for pre-order right now.

Why pre-orders matter

I’ve learned so much about publishing in the process of bringing this book to life, and one of those is just how important pre-orders are. I knew they mattered, but I had no idea how much. 

Let’s start with what I did know: pre-orders are a huge factor in a book’s bestseller potential. All those early orders (thank you!) build buzz, which helps sales, and they count towards the first weeks’ sales when the book is published, giving it a chance to earn a spot on those all-important lists, which puts books in front of a wider readership.

What I didn’t know: those early numbers—the ones from readers purchasing my book right now—influence how many copies retailers will initially order for release day. Have you ever tried to order a new book and gotten the dreaded message, “OUT OF STOCK: will ship in 3-4 weeks”? That can happen when retailers look at pre-order numbers and underestimate customer demand. I really don’t want you all to get that message come September!

Pre-order numbers also impact where my book is sold in September. The more pre-orders, the more my book will be stocked in actual, physical bookstores—everywhere from Barnes and Noble to Target to your local indie. As a book and bookstore-lover, I would dearly love the actual, physical book to be available wherever YOU get your books.

Don’t miss this!

IMPORTANT: When you order, make sure to save your receipt! Then visit to fill out the form and get your bonuses sent to you! I am THRILLED at the great bonuses my publisher was able to make happen: with your pre-order receipt you get instant access to my $15 What’s Your Reading Personality? class for free, plus a free audiobook download of Reading People (read by yours truly!) when it’s released. Click here for more details.  

Thanks for reading, everyone, and thanks so much for your support of Reading People!


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  1. Consider it done…because it is! I have loved reading your blog for years now. I love that you never limit yourself to just books or just personality, even though those are my two favorite things. I always knew that the moment you wrote a book, it would be headed toward my bookshelf.


  2. Natalie Gunderson says:

    The book cover is beautiful! I hear that also helps with book sales 😉
    Congratulations! I look forward to reading your book.

  3. Amy F. says:

    I can not WAIT to get my copy! I love learning about myself and others as well and have always enjoyed personality theories.

    I am so thankful I found this group of readers and MMD as well as the podcast and book club!!!

    • Anne says:

      It doesn’t matter at all, but I can tell you that I personally would prefer to have this one in paperback. There are a few charts that you’ll probably want to flip back to as you read. (But not a ton, so it’s not a huge deal.)

  4. Sarah M says:

    I love the cover, the title, and that you wrote a book AND it’s a book about personality. I can’t wait to read it and get into my INTJ nerdiness even more 😉

  5. Randi Solomon says:

    Of course I immediately pre-ordered your book and can’t wait to read it! I have been listening to your podcast for nearly a year now. I started listening when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was going through chemotherapy. You have a very soothing, lilting tone to your voice and it was very helpful and calming to me to listen to your podcasts when I wasn’t feeling my best. Now that I am at the other side of that horrible period of time, I have continued to listen to your podcast and enjoy it just as much! Now, I listen at the gym when I’m working out and I just love the book recommendations. I have read so many of the books that you’ve talked about and haven’t had a miss yet. I’m reading This Is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel at the moment and it is everything you said it was.
    By the way, I am an elementary school librarian in Toronto, Ontario, so, as you can imagine, books make up a large part of my working and personal life.
    I really just wanted to thank you for your wonderful podcast.
    Randi Solomon

  6. SO excited to read your book! I love personality too, and it’s always so helpful to have it condensed in to one book. Love your blog and I know I’ll love your book!

  7. Congrats! So excited to read and enjoy this book. I do some work with the Baker team and it’s been great to see their enthusiasm for Reading People as well. What a triumph already!

  8. Marybeth says:

    I am excited to read your book – I think I pre-ordered it in the first wave!!!! Love all things about your blog and book club!!

  9. I love learning this pre-order process with you– I didn’t realize it would count toward my first week sales! Can’t wait to snag yours and send mine your way as a little thank you for inspiring my reading life to be more intentional 🙂

  10. Annette Silveira says:

    Done. So excited to read it.
    Is it okay that I preordered Gretchen Rubin’s new book on the four tendencies too? I think they are really complimentary reads.

  11. Nanette Gerdts says:

    I just pre-ordered the book at my favorite independent bookstore: The Cellar Bookstore in Riverside. I’m so happy to be able to support you!

  12. Wendy Panton says:

    Pre-Ordered this weeks ago on Amazon. How can I save my receipt? Also is it worth saving if I am Scotland?

    • Marcy says:

      If I’m remembering right, if you go back into your order history on Amazon (digital orders, if you ordered a Kindle version) you’ll find an order number for your purchase, that normally works for special pre-order bonuses like this. I think.

  13. Wendy Panton says:

    Pre-Ordered this weeks ago on Amazon. How can I save my receipt? Also is it worth saving if I am Scotland? Thanks

  14. Dana Lynn says:

    Soooo excited for you and this book! I listen to your podcast and read this blog religiously, so this is very exciting! I never knew my personality type until I found this blog!

  15. Erin in CA says:

    Hi Anne! There’s no mention of religion in your book’s description, but I see that your book is listed under the “Christian” category on Amazon. Since I am not Christian, is your book looking at personality types through a Christian lens? I can’t even imagine how exciting this is! Congratulations!

  16. Kudos on your book! What an amazing accomplishment to see your ideas realized in print and to have such a fabulously classic cover. I may just have to order your book cover inspirations!

  17. Karyn says:

    Even though I don’t like Jane Austen — I love your podcast and your blog. I’m not sure how I stumbled across your podcast, but I listen to it when I take my walk and always cannot wait for the next episode! I, too, love anything personality and have taken all sorts of personality profiles. I cannot wait to read your book and I have pre-ordered it!

  18. Amy says:

    Congratulations on your book, Anne! I’ve already pre-ordered it! I was scanning your website today, and my eyes saw the phrase “Reading People,” and before I remembered that is the title of your new book, I thought, she is the fearless leader of this tribe of “reading people”! I just wanted to thank you for revolutionizing my reading life, and helping me reconnect with my childhood self who enjoyed books so much, but as a college and post-college student, then full-time worker, forgot about reading books for fun. I had a self-imposed “classics only” rule because I (erroneously) thought that most current fiction was too shallow. Thank you so much for introducing me to books that span the divide between chick lit and “serious fiction.” I am forever grateful. 🙂

  19. I just pre-ordered your book, with pleasure! Thank you so much for all the work you’ve already put into it as well as the work you’ve still to do. I’m amazed at all that goes into writing a book. Kudos to you for getting it done! I look forward to learning from you.

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