KC Davis
How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing

How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing

This is therapist KC Davis's gentle instruction manual on how to maintain your home even when you're overwhelmed, depressed, or just living life with a neurodivergent brain that doesn't respond well to the advice that seems to work for everyone else. I loved this book, and found Davis's two-pronged approach extremely effective. First, a paradigm shift is in order: you are a person deserving of care; your home needs maintenance (not care) for the purpose of serving you well. Second, she provides specific instruction on momentum, motivation, and cleaning rhythms that make it easier to get done what needs to get done. This short little book packs a big punch: if you follow Davis's express path through the book you can finish it in an hour and start benefiting immediately.

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