9 (mostly) little things I’m loving for late summer

Or is it early fall?

I like to keep a list in my journal of the (mostly) little, everyday things bringing me a disproportionate amount of happiness right now. I love writing posts like this, and I didn’t even realize how long it had been since I’ve written one! I hope you enjoy catching up with me.

1. A new laundry detergent

If you’re new here: hi, I’m Anne, and I’m a total laundry nerd. (While my obsessive roots run deep here, my recent laundry bender started with this book.)

Keep that context in mind when I tell you that earlier this month I made a Shocking New Discovery: a new laundry detergent made for handwashing that doesn’t need to be rinsed out of clothes before drying. I KNOW. I was immediately intrigued, because I have a hard time making myself hand wash anything, and anything that promises to make it easier sounds like a winner.

I’ve been using it for about a month now to wash lingerie, athletics, delicates, and anything I want clean in a hurry, and I’m all-around delighted with it. The product is called Soak, and while I bought mine locally it’s also available at Amazon and JoAnn and directly from the company. I opted for the Yuzu scent, but I smelled them all in store (I told you I was nerdy like that) and there wasn’t a bad one in the bunch.

2. Our backyard hummingbirds

Since I wrote about our backyard pals and the cheap little birdfeeder that brings them our way we’ve seen even more feathered friends out the kitchen window! It brings me such joy to see them zipping between our feeder and trees and the neighbor’s crepe myrtle.

3. Dinner music

A friend turned me on to Lucius, and believe me when I say I mean this sincerely and not as a backhanded compliment: their album Second Nature is the perfect background music for making dinner, hanging with friends, even writing this blog post. It’s got a great vibe but I can still concentrate on what I’m doing, even though I’m often easily distracted by music with words.

4. Navy dresses

I do not even know what happened, but at some point this summer I opened my closet and realized I had collected so many navy dresses that I could wear one every day for a week and not run out—and this is from someone with a relatively small wardrobe! Apparently I have a go-to style, and it was startling to realize how unintentionally loyal I’ve been to it. Some of these navy dresses are casual, some are dressy, some were bargains, some were more of an investment. Some I’ve had for years and some I just bought this summer.

My navy preference isn’t limited to dresses; my whole closet is full of it. One accidental benefit from this possibly-boring palette was it made packing for our Europe trip a breeze: it was a cinch to put together a two-week wardrobe with navy, white, and denim staples, and it all fit in a carry-on. My favorite piece was this navy dress (recommended by a blog reader: thank you!), which I wore here in our Paris photos.

5. Hyper-local summer flowers

Our neighbor has started selling gorgeous bouquets for $5. IRRESISTIBLE.

6. A $6 aux cable

We have two 10+ year-old cars, which align beautifully with our values but aren’t a lot of fun when it comes to listening to music or audiobooks in the car. But last month Will bought a $12 two-pack of aux cables and now we can connect our phones to the built-in stereo and listen to whatever we want on the car stereo. IT IS MAGIC.

For all of you thinking, Anne, why didn’t you do this a long time ago?, you’re so right. We should have! But we didn’t know, and also now we REALLY appreciate the massively improved listening experience.

7. Audiobooks

Speaking of audiobooks: after starting the year with next-to-no audiobook listening, I am really enjoying my current audiobook boom! Despite being a longtime audiobook listener, my listening drought at the beginning of the year cured me of any propensity I may have had to take the medium for granted. What a joy to be able to listen to good books read by talented narrators while I walk, drive, and fold laundry.

8. A cute little tomato candle

True story: despite all my exhortations to the contrary, I’ve been hoarding a Carrière Frères tomato candle, in part because it’s a very nice candle (if memory serves, it came in the 2022 Liberty of London Advent Calendar) and in part because I was baffled by the scent. Tomato, why?!

But, in the spirit of not saving the good stuff, I finally lit it this summer and fell completely in love. If I didn’t already know the scent, I would never guess it—it doesn’t smell tomato-y, but lends the air a bright note I really enjoy (especially if I’m lighting it after we made something garlicky for dinner). The Carrière Frères design is also completely charming, which doesn’t hurt.

It looks like finding a (reasonable) replacement might be tough, but I’ve had fun perusing all the tomato options now available. Am I the only one who failed to notice tomato candles are having a moment? I’m intrigued by this Gardener candle from Boy Smells, this Tomato Leaf & Basil Woodwick candle, and this Tomato Vine candle from Upbeat Candle Company via Etsy. I’m also intrigued by the great reviews on this Jonathan Adler tomato candle, plus it would be such a fun pop of red in the kitchen.

(I recently shared more of my favorite get-ready-for-fall candles here.)

9. Adorable and delicious sorbet

All four kids—including the college kids, plus friends—were home for the past long weekend. Despite the fact that Will and I have been kitchen minimalists for most of the summer, something in me wanted to lavish energy on making ALL THE FOOD for ALL THE PEOPLE. (If you’ve ever found yourself at such a moment, for any reason at all, I would LOVE to hear about it in comments. I feel like I’ve had many such moments this summer, which is a new thing for me.)

I wanted food that was simple and delicious and FUN, and when I stumbled upon this little dessert in an Alison Roman cookbook … I had to make them immediately. (Pictured above: it’s not the greatest photo but I didn’t want to make our guests wait to dig in!) These little sorbet cups are not fussy or fancy: they’re hollowed-out orange and grapefruit shells, filled with Kroger sorbet. (I went with lemon and raspberry; mango would have been gorgeous here but I’m deeply allergic.) Will and I made them the night before, snipped a few fresh herbs for a garnish, and served them with Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies. (I never bake cookies in the summertime, what is happening?) The pairing was delicious and perfect and gobbled up in twelve minutes. 10/10 recommend. (But next time: double batch?)

What (mostly) little things are bringing YOU a disproportionate amount of happy lately? I’d love to hear in comments.

P.S. Previous editions of little things I’m loving: 8 little things I’m loving lately: kitchen edition, 9 (mostly) little things I’m loving for late summer, 8 (mostly) little things I’m loving for winter, 9 (mostly) little things I’m loving lately: kitchen edition, 8 (mostly) little things I’m loving for early fall9 little things I’m loving this September6 things I’m loving for early summer5 late fall/early winter favorites7 little January favorites9 October favorites, and 7 not terribly exciting things making me really happy these days.


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  1. Rebecca Hart says:

    Well I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my recent discovery of your blog/podcast! That is one of my things. Others: my “Spirituelle” candle (Mad et Len, definitely a fancy/hoarded/irreplaceable candle- mint tea/wet earth/amazing), and the Adagio Tea Company monthly “Communitea” club, where you get a box of tea samples, one for each day of the month, and you can try them and review them. It feels super silly but I’ve been doing it for months and I love it.

    • Stephanie U says:

      Thanks for sharing the Adagio Tea Company club! What a beautiful gift idea for someone who loves tea – plus it’s a very reasonable price for a monthly club!

  2. Lois Williams says:

    Thanks for this – it is a great reminder to notice the small things as well as the large things that give us a surge of pleasure in the moment. Your Friday posts of Links I Love has been particularly satisfying for the last couple of months. I guess because I’ve had less time to read over the summer (remodeling, selling house, moving, remodeling new house) I’ve relished these reading adjacent pleasures even more.

  3. Bettye says:

    I’m so glad you asked! I’ve been wanting to tell everyone I know about Nivea’s body lotion with jojoba oil. At age 68 I have been looking for a lotion to erase crepey skin. I tried some pricey ones and this one is the best I have found. I also love It’s a 10 conditioner for hair. It’s made my hair shiny again. My youngest son got married in August so I was overly focused on my appearance:) But one thing that helped me relax was the instagram account blueberryvintagecompany. It’s funny and charming.

  4. MiaR says:

    Totally agree with you on the audiobooks! I appreciate sorbet even more now I’m dairy free, along with vegan chocolate and other vegan snacks. Other small things I’m loving for late summer; swimming costume, reading journal, sunglasses, new lipgloss, Uber app, headphones, eyebrow pencil, kindle & audible apps,
    eye mask, streaming services, book clubs.

  5. lori seymour says:

    Just turned on some Lucius – Second Nature. Beautiful music that would be thoroughly enjoyed even more with my ridiculous high end red wine problem! Thank you for sharing Anne

  6. Janean says:

    As an unapologetic fan of all things freezing, my favorite thing this time of year is looking for the first signs of fall. I can be in a terrible mood, but if I spot an orange tinged leaf 🍂, I’ve been known to squeal with delight. It’s like a beacon of hope in the distance! Once the pumpkin spice proliferation detonates at Target, I’m a happy camper. Sweater weather, spiced cider, bonfires, school supplies, cozy candles, reading under a blanket – bring it on!

  7. Melinda Murphy says:

    Earlier this summer, author Elin Hildebrand posted on her Instagram account about her collaboration with The Seasoned Pantry to offer a trio of seasoned salts for cooking. The trio consists of Provençal Salt, Peppered Salt, and Tomato Salt. Each salt has its own mix of herbs and sea salt. Sounds crazy but the Tomato Salt has changed my lunchtime menu for the better and I have never been happier! The natural tomato flavoring in the salt adds a new dimension to tomatoes and other vegetables. At least three or four days a week now, I have a tomato sandwich on thin-sliced, seeded, whole wheat bread with a liberal sprinkling of the Tomato Salt and some avocado mash. It’s heavenly! It may require standing over the kitchen sink to eat. It’s a little messy. I’ve also used Tomato Salt on salads. The other two salts in the trio are very versatile and work well especially on roasted veggies. The Endless Summer salt bundle (plus many others) can be found online at https://coastalgoods.com/products/elin-hilderbrand-endless-summer-bundle?pr_prod_strat=use_description&pr_rec_id=17d410e45&pr_rec_pid=7593898082474&pr_ref_pid=7815396753578&pr_seq=uniform

  8. Amanda R. says:

    My little thing: I’ve been writing letters again, which means I pulled some old stationery out. This inspired me to make more.

    First, I cover the page in lines of gray periods, making a dot grid once it’s finished and printed. I search for free, black and white clip art in a particular theme and insert one in a corner of each page, setting the transparency to between 50 and 80%, depending on the picture. It’s easy, if a bit fiddly at first.

    I just finished printing pages of stationary with a fall theme. My favorite is the page with a squirrel in a top corner facing a pair of acorns in the opposite bottom corner. I also printed a few extra pages with a delightfully weird, medieval monster theme.

    My “grand scheme” idea is to include some of my own art, but for now I’m just having fun writing on very personalized stationary.

    • Teri Hyrkas says:

      What a cool idea! A happy moment of letter writing for you and a joy for the recipient of your letter, as well. So great!

    • Erin says:

      OMG what a great idea! I just did this and it took me like 5 minutes, plus a little extra time for google searching and fiddling around with the pictures. Mine is houseplant-themed. 🙂

  9. Leanne says:

    Two things that have given me an excessive amount of joy lately is: making tea in my four cup teapot in the morning, then having leftover for iced tea in the afternoon. And discovering pickleball! My husband and I are seniors and play twice a week. We love that we are meeting new people and getting some great exercise.

  10. Chrys Thomas says:

    Love your list! I am currently crushing on Tomato Cracker salad. Oh my word it’s delicious! https://spicysouthernkitchen.com/tomato-cracker-salad/
    I’m loving reading one book and listening to another at the same time. It’s fun to have a choice about what I want to read/listen to at any time. I am enjoying my kindle and being able to take it anywhere (just bought it during Prime days). I love getting to have a last day in the pool on occasion when the water is warm enough…almost time to close it up. I’m also really loving going to bed earlier and when I wake up in the middle of the night it’s only midnightish, so I still have lots of sleep time left 🙂

  11. Meg D. says:

    Loved your list and these remind me to take stock of what is working in my life right now!

    But maybe I have been missing out … What is this LIBERTY ADVENT CALENDAR? The idea of an adult Advent calendar sounds fabulous (after buying years of Lego ones for my kids). Maybe this deserves an entire post?

    • Lynette Roes says:

      I’m in Canada, and David’s Tea makes a fun advent calendar each year. And it’s not an advent calendar, but our friends coastalcoffeecompany.ca sells “12 Days of Christmas”. The idea is to give as a Christmas gift and enjoy for the next 12 days.

  12. Sally says:

    My Granddaughter just started college, but I have continued a tradition with her that I started during Covid quarantine. I mail her a pair of inexpensive earrings for every occasion I can think of and include a handwritten letter. I recently sent her a pair of school bus earrings for her first day of University and I have scarecrow earrings ready to mail for the first day of Fall. I’m now searching for cookie recipes that travel well.

    • d says:

      Go for bars! They are designed to be cut with square edges that pack great into a box, and she can cut them into large or small pieces as she likes! You are an awesome grandma!

    • Sandy says:

      What a fantastic idea!! I’m totally “borrowing” this when my granddaughter is finally allowed to pierce her ears. Daddy is reluctant lol.

  13. Hope W. says:

    I bought an 8 week share from a local CSA flower farm. The bouquets were gorgeous, and different each week. I’m 1/2 way through a 4 week dahlia share. I love to buy flowers from the grocery store, especially in the winter, but these blew them out of the water.

  14. Teri says:

    I love SOAK. I’ve used it for years for my handknits. Looks like they’re rebranding and marketing to more than just knitters/crocheters now.

    • Erin says:

      Yeah, I was going to say, we fiber crafters have been using SOAK forever! I remember when they first started offering it in the KnitPicks catalog, it was probably 10 years ago or close to it. In addition to my handmade stuff, I use it to wash all my wool sweaters.

      • Deepa says:

        I am so amused/delighted that non-knitters are discovering Soak. I like them all equally… Soak, Eucalan, and Kookaburra. The muggles are discovering what the witches and wizards have always known. 😉

  15. Teri Hyrkas says:

    A travel-sized set of water color paints is a literally the little thing that is bringing me great joy! I am not now, nor have I ever been, a painter. But I ordered a little water color paint set and have been watching short reels on Facebook, TikTok and YouTube meant for beginner painters. For 10-15 mins a day I dabble in water colors. It makes my heart sing.

  16. Pat says:

    Baking has been my simple pleasure this summer. More specifically, bread. I’ve finally learned how to bake a consistently good loaf of bread. I’ve had a lot of fun seeking out and testing a variety of recipes. There’s something really satisfying about producing such a basic food for your family. My husband is enjoying it, too. At his suggestion, he went out to pick up more flour for me this morning, after he found a good sale. Now I just have to find room to store 10 kilos of flour, haha.

  17. Charlotte Kauffman says:

    My morning glory vines at the back of my yard on a rustic wire fence. I have three different beautiful colors: light blue, purple and a dark fuchsia. One is vining on a tree house my father made himself years ago, so a very sweet reminder of him as well. They remind me that God’s mercies are new each day.

  18. Deborah says:

    I finally (at age 40) figured out that navy blue is the neutral that looks great on me. I’ve been phasing out the grey/black shirts and dresses that were washing me out. I would love to see a post about your favorite navy blue dresses! I definitely don’t have enough for a week in Paris. Yet!

  19. Teresa says:

    I am loving my newest wax melt from Cincy called squeeze the day.
    It has a sweet lemony but not pledgy smelling aroma that is just perfect. Every time I walk in the room and smell it it brings me a little sunshiny Joy.

  20. Jo YATES says:

    I know they are not healthy, but I’ve discovered store-brand (Kroger) ice cream drumsticks. They have it all! You start with the crisp shell topping, then creamy ice cream, maybe a caramel center, then the chewy/crunchy waffle cone, then a big plug of solid chocolate in the bottom. All the “food groups”! I’ve also been binge-watching Worst Cooks in America. I’ve actually learned something.

  21. Janet K says:

    I am finding joy in my Rancho Gordo bean membership box, garden tomato sandwiches & handwritten get we’ll call ds that I’ve been receiving after a bad accident…. Totally making my days more joyful.
    After reading your list, I bought a candle and started reading Laundry Love ( which I’m loving)

  22. Deepa says:

    I am so amused (in a delighted way) by your discovery of Soak. It is by no means new. Those of us who knit and crochet with natural fibers have known about it, and Eucalan, and Kookaburra Wash, for a long time. When you spend a long time making a sweater, you definitely want to launder it with care (Hand wash, dry flat). These are great products. I taught my kids to do laundry when they were little, and my teen son gave me a sweatshirt he had gotten bored of wearing (Cookie loves books, featuring Cookie Monster) that looked like new.

    I don’t know if I am an all-around great parent, but I have done some things right. 🙂 Welcome to our “Launder with care” club!

  23. Donna Ables says:

    “…and it all fit in a carry-on.”
    Anne, don’t leave us hanging like that! Are you saying that you didn’t check a bag for a two week trip to Europe?!?! 🤷‍♀️
    Don’t just explain – please demonstrate!! I’d love to read (and see pics!) a blog post that tells how you did that! 😊
    (Love your blog!)

    • Anne Bogel says:

      Yes, that’s what I’m saying! I took a carry-on plus a large-ish tote/purse for our two weeks. I’m not sure that I adequately documented what I packed to make it bloggable (also I am acutely aware I am not a style or travel writer!) but I don’t mind wearing the same outfits multiple times or washing underwear in the sink! It definitely helped that we had laundry facilities at one of our hotels, and that we went in the summer with light layers instead of bulky sweaters and coats. I’ve previously shared my travel bags in Links I Love but I packed in a black Cotapaxi 35l bag and this knockoff MZ Wallace tote. I prioritized taking a backpack instead of a rolling suitcase, but if I had to do it again I’d just pack in my Away carry-on plus the tote.

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