My favorite finds from around the web:

Are you reading the wrong books? What science is saying about fiction readers. “Your brain does amazing things while you’re reading, the breadth of which researchers are still defining. And by placing yourself into the world of a great novel, you are given the chance to experience something new that could be informative in your interactions with other people.”

I worked in a video store for 25 years. Here’s what I learned as my industry died.” A great video store is built on relationships, in some cases relationships that had gone on for years. Our customers were losing the people who’d helped shape their movie taste, who’d steered them toward things we knew they’d like and away from things they didn’t know they’d hate. We were losing the people that we, in our small way, had been able to help. We were all grieving the loss.”

Pull-apart rugelach at Smitten Kitchen. I’ve trained myself to read all the updates at Smitten Kitchen—even if I’m not particularly interested in the recipe—because Deb’s writing is worth it, especially the little tidbits she throws in. Like in this post I was absolutely delighted to read how much she adored a certain NYC bakery that Will and I just happened to discover all on our own when we were there this year. I feel validated.

How each Myers-Briggs personality type prepares for the holidays. This nails my husband (INTP) but isn’t quite right for me (INFP).

Favorite instagram:

the best part of costco book table store

I’m calling this the best part of Costco, except for maybe the holiday Lindt samples. (Follow me on instagram @annebogel.)

On the blog:

One year ago: How rare is a great marriage? “It was Jamie and Claire that first got me thinking about it. In Drums of Autumn (that’s Outlander #4 to the unitiated), Lord John admires their marriage, saying, “Do you know how rare such a thing is? That peculiar sort of mutual passion?” (“The one-sided kind,” he notes, “was common enough.”) Nevermind that Jamie and Claire are fictional. It’s still a good question, though a hard one to discuss.”

Two years ago: Crazy talk. “Now for the crazy part: reading about Ann Patchett’s store makes me want to open my own.”

Three years ago: What Alice Forgot and ugly relationship creep. “Because we don’t see the middle, we can’t tell when he stops kissing her goodbye in the morning, or that she begins to nag him more and more, or that the sarcasm in his voice takes on a cruel edge. We’re left to wonder how it all went wrong.”

Four years ago: The minimalist’s guide to stocking stuffers. “Now I stay away from the “traditional” stocking stuffers–the cutesy little trinkets and toys and games. Those little trinkets are just stuff, and we don’t need any more stuff around here.”

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Ciera says:

    I’ve really loved your “On the Blog” segment on Fridays. I found your blog about 6 months ago, but the thought of combing through archives is daunting. This segment is a nice way for me to read some of your great posts from the past!

    • s says:

      I agree – it is a great way to access older posts! Loved the stocking stuffer post – I am similar with filling stockings with less junk and going with more meaningful and useful things (headlamp, bike tire repair kit, hair ties for daughter, lip balm for all, face wipes for the teens, gum and mints, beef jerky for the boys-Yuck, small hand creams and sanitizer for backpacks, bookmarks, favorite magazine issues or word games, cards) less clutter!!

  2. liz n says:

    Some of those Myers-Briggs thingies don’t quite match up, but ISTP is dead on! (One of my sons is an ISTP and he has actually done that.)

    And, yes, the book tables are the very best thing about Costco. Tied for second-best are the pretzel rolls and the giant package of Pilot G2 pens that works out to less than a dollar per pen…*happy sigh*…..

  3. Jessica says:

    I KNEW reading fiction was making me smarter! So glad to have confirmation. This mirrors one of my favorite Einstein quotes, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

  4. Janice says:

    I always love reading Myers-Briggs things too, but I agree with you on this one.
    I’m an INFP also and that didn’t feel like me at all.

    Which got me thinking, How do I approach Christmas? I decided I approach it like every other aspect of life that can get quickly out of control – I try to plan ahead enough to keep things calm and refuse a lot of things that could clutter up my time. Because Christmas is lovely when it is calm and peaceful and spent with the people I love!

    How about you, Anne?

  5. As an INFJ, that article nailed me. I am happy to say that for the first time ever, I have all my Christmas shopping done and I managed a perfect mix of practical and meaningful for the majority of them. Now I can barely wait until Christmas! 🙂

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