I trust we’re all familiar with binge-watching. (Or is this just something I tell myself to make myself feel better about blazing through a season of Gilmore Girls in a week?)

Recently it’s been Sherlock and Veronica Mars. Before that it was The Office and Friday Night Lights. All were worth the time, but after so much screen time, I start to feel like I’d be better served by binging on books instead.

Since I read this post, I’ve been thinking about books I’ve binged on in the past, and what I’d like to include in future reading binges.

I have a long, (mostly) proud history of binge reading—and by binging, I mean “sat down on the couch and strongly resisted moving until I finished the last page.”

Books I’ve binge-read in the not-too-distant past include:

• The Hunger Games trilogy. (I suspect I’m in good company here.)

• Rules of Civility. A glittering and glamorous page-turner.

• What Alice Forgot. I inhaled this like it was chick lit, but found myself mulling it over for weeks after I finished.

• Tana French’s Dublin Murder Squad series. Suspenseful, psychological thrillers. F-bombs galore. Trigger warnings required.

• The Betsy-Tacy series. Pure comfort reading.

• Deliberate practice books. Because I go on a topical binge every once in a while.

And I would love to find the time to binge-read these:

Sherlock Holmes. I recently picked up an old edition that bound A Study in Scarlet and The Hound of the Baskervilles together, and flew through them both. I loved reading these stories after binge-watching Sherlock so recently, and seeing how true the modern scripts hew to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories despite the century gap. Now I want to read the rest (and then–let’s be honest–binge-watch Sherlock some more).

• Susan Howatch’s Starbridge series (beginning with Glittering Images, set in the Church of England in the 1930s). I’ve read this series before (maybe twice?) but it’s time for a re-read. Each of the series’ six books is self-contained, but is told from the perspective of a different character, allowing the reader to glimpse the same events from different viewpoints. There’s lots of religion, sex, and psychoanalysis. This series isn’t for everybody, but readers who love it really love it. 

The Mysterious Benedict Society series. I’ve read the first book in the series and would love to curl up with the other three some weekend soon.

• The Thursday Next series. There are 7 books so far in Jasper Fforde’s comic fantasy, alternate history, nerdy and self-aware series, and I’ve only read the first: The Eyre Affair. (Of interest: The Eyre Affair was frequently cited as a book you love AND a book you hate on the literary matchmaking survey.)

• The Maisie Dobbs series. Because apparently I like to binge-read mysteries.

What do YOU like to binge read? Give us some ideas for our own lists in comments. 

P.S. 7 books I read over and over again, and 7 books that changed my life.


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  1. Shelsy says:

    I just finished reading The Night Circus by Emily Morgenstern. It was beautiful and enchanting and dream like. I thought it was beautiful story telling. I read it in 5 days. With two littles, that’s the fastest I’ve read a book in a long time! I’m curious if you’ve read it and what you thought of it.

  2. Ashley says:

    The Harry Potter books. L.M Montgomery’s Anne books, all 8! Agatha Christie mysteries, especially during the summer for some reason?

    • Ginger says:

      To Anne & Ashley both:

      I recently read Tolstoy and the Purple Chair and the author talks about binge-reading mysteries, especially in the summer.

      What is it about summer that goes so well with mysteries? The longer daylight (less creeping night time hours)? No guilt while sitting on the beach?

      (Coincidentally, she went on a major binge read, and read a book a day for a whole year, and lived to write about it. I’m just crazy for books about books — is there a name for this sub-genre?)

      • Anne says:

        I love books about books (whatever you call it) but I haven’t read the purple chair book. I remember reading the blurbs when it first came out, and then I guess I forgot about it. (Did you enjoy it?)

        • Ginger says:

          I did very much enjoy it. It was more about life – kids, death, marriage, work – than it was about books. But I did enjoy it. Some of my favorite books about books are: So Many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson, What is Stephen Harper Reading? by Yann Martel (of Life of Pi fame), Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose, The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett, and of course Book Lust by Nancy Pearl.

      • RobinfromCA says:

        Don’t you just love Pinterest where these subjects stay alive forever?
        I also binge read the Betsy-Tacy books, a big share of the Sherlock Holmes series (binge watching Sherlock is a semi-annual event in our house), The Hunger Games trilogy (enjoyed #1 and didn’t enjoy the others). I’ve binged on the Tradd Street series, the Harry Potter series, Jeeves and Wooster, and I still binge on Jane Austen. Sometimes I binge on a genre with cozy mysteries heading the pack. I am in the hate – more just didn’t care for – The Eyre Affair category. I donated it to the library when I was done and haven’t read another.

        I would love to binge on Maisie Dobbs books and have them on my list along with the Benni Harper series.

  3. Louise says:

    I just binge-read my way through Megan Whalen Turner’s Queen’s Thief series – all four of them – this week. It’s my third time reading them, and my appreciation for her writing, and my love for her characters and her world, deepens each time.

  4. Molly says:

    I love binge reading the Ian Rutledge mysteries by Charles Todd. I actually have to make myself wait to read these until I have time to devote solely to the books. I have been known to ignore my other responsibilities (cleaning, grading papers, remembering to make dinner) once I get involved in these mysteries.

    • Kelty says:

      Okay, so we’ve been “binge-watching” Foyles War on Netflix and loving them. Have you watched those? I’m wondering if these books are similar. FW was set during WWII but they were so good, with a dose of history and appreciating what it must have been like to live in England through that time.

        • Kelty says:

          It’s really great. And you’ll get to see some big stars before they were big starts (also some overlap with Downton Abbey actors.) The first episode I didn’t love but we powered through and were hooked by ep. 2. Like Sherlock, each are 90-120 minutes, so it’s like an entire movie! So good.

  5. Last year I re-read Lucy Maud Montgomery’s journals and picked up for the first time her recent biography, The Gift of Wings. I could live in those books and was good for nothing else while I was reading.

      • I think you’ll love them. I felt so connected with LMM as a former teacher, a mother of boys, a pastor’s wife, and an author. It was fascinating to read about life in the late nineteenth / early twentieth century. Maud was very opinionated and such a natural storyteller she could make anything interesting.

        Her life was very sad in many respects, but knowing her whole story made her books that much richer to me. I couldn’t help wondering how much of a life can truly be recorded through a journal. There will be things one would intentionally and unintentionally leave out. I felt like the new bio, written by one of the co-editors of the journals, really worked to fill in gaps for readers of the journals.

        I could go on and on, but I’ll stop there. 😉

        • Corey Ann says:

          You need to pick up the newly released unedited journals if you can!!!! They are so much more enlightening and engrossing to read that the heavily edited versions originally released (esp the first journal).

          Gift of Wings was also a great read.

          • I’ve read about them! So they’re worth it? Some of those early-year entries still make me laugh, like when Maud and (possibly?) Nate got in trouble in school, and Maud writes her teacher acted like they’d broken the ten commandments all at once.

            Anything juicy about Herman Leard??? The Gift of Wings portion about him was a revelation.

          • Corey Ann says:

            I thought it was worth it, her “blues” actually started in the first book but the editors were told to cut it all out so it’s not quite so surprising when she starts getting more depressed later on. There is a lot more (it seemed) from the school years and her teaching years and yes, about Herman. That was an interesting bit in Gift of Wings!!

  6. Beth says:

    This whole winter has been about binge reading Charles Todd’s mysteries. Just finished the last one this week in the Ian Rutledge series and now have to wait for his new Bess one to come out.

      • Molly says:

        I have been reading his books for years. I tried one of the Bess books, but it didn’t grab me the same way the Ian books did. I just picked up The Walnut Tree by Todd. I think it stands alone.

  7. Lisa S says:

    James Herriot. I don’t know how many times I’ve read those books. I’ll reread one and think that’s the only one I’ll read right now, but I always end up doing all of them. I binge on Agatha Christie, too! And the Anne of Green Gables series. I think I reread more often than I read new books.

      • Anna says:

        The Herriot books would be great read-alouds with your kids. I still remember gathering after lunch, before rest time with my siblings (we were homeschooled) while Mom would read us a chapter or two. We were all in stitches because those books are hilarious. I re-read them as an adult and would lay in bed laughing out loud.

      • m.nagaraju says:

        Book riot’s start here also has a great list of where to start with a certain author, and binge read several from that author

  8. Betsy says:

    I’ve read the entire Mitford series at least twice (or is it 3 times?!), and it’s time to read it again! I have also read the Anne of Green Gables series many times.

    I like Rosamund Pilcher’s books, too, and have read both The Shell Seekers and Coming Home several times.

  9. Tim says:

    I binge read P.G. Wodehouse, whether the Wooster and Jeeves stories or his other great works. Summer lightning is a masterpiece of really good literature while still havering all the good fun you expect from Wodehouse.

    On Holmes, I have a bound volume of the complete works and have read through it more than once. Short stories and novels, they’re all there. What fun!

        • Laura says:

          You should start with the Jeeves short stories! His non-Jeeves novels can be a bit of a slog (at least Phish Preferred was). But the Jeeves stories are awesome.

          • Tim says:

            You can’t go wrong with the Jeeves stories, but I think Summer Moonshine (which I meant to write in the first message above, not Summer Lightning – a different one of his stories altogether) is outstanding and not at all a slog. It’s good lit. The Blandings novels are great too. The first three collected novels under the title Life at Blandings is another great introduction to Wodehouse.

  10. Courtney says:

    I have been binge-listening to every Karen Witemeyer book available through my library’s eAudiobook program. I can listen while I work, depending on what I’m doing, and there have been a few evenings that I kept listening and never turned on the TV. Now I’ll be adding several more of these suggestions to my ‘to-read’ list on goodreads!

  11. Kelty says:

    Harry Potter for sure.
    What Alice Forgot, I read all night to finish. I could not put it down.

    I love to get into a mystery series and then binge read the series. There’s something really fun about getting to know one main set of characters and then following them through many books. The Sue Grafton Alphabet Mystery Series is one my my favorites. The main character is quirky but not annoying and there’s just enough of a common story arch through all of the books to keep you tuned into the bigger story, even as you enjoy each book’s own mystery. BONUS: She’s up to W, so there’s a potential for a lot of binge reading ahead, should one decide to jump in now.

    • Anne says:

      I’ve never read Sue Grafton, but completely relate to binging on a mystery series. (Obviously!)

      I just started Liane Moriarty’s latest. Haven’t gone on a binge with it yet, though…

      • Kelty says:

        You know, sometimes I think it’s a shame that I read What Alice Forgot first of all Liane Moriarty’s books. I’ve read and really enjoyed several of her other books, but they don’t quite seem to measure up. I feel like I might have enjoyed the others if I wasn’t always expecting the next What Alice Forgot.

        The Hypnotists Love story was pretty enjoyable if totally preposterous. (that was kind of the charm though.) Which one are you reading now?

        • Anne says:

          I just finished The Hypnotist’s Love Story. It wasn’t horrible but I would have been better off using my reading time on a better book. 🙁

  12. Kirsten says:

    Harry Potter for sure. And I just finished the Hunger Games last week, all three books in four days. Quite an accomplishment for me. My husband thought I was crazy but oh well!

  13. kim s. says:

    The Fairacre Series by Miss Read…love!

    I’m thinking of starting to binge on the Divergent series, but the reviews for the last book don’t look so good. Any thoughts?

    • Anne D says:

      I really enjoyed Divergent and Insurgent, but I had to make myself finish Allegiant. The style changed, but worse than that, one of the main characters totally changed. The story just wasn’t the same after that. I read because I needed to know what happened, but it was not a fun read. My husband listened to the whole series, and felt the same way. My brother read the whole series and thought Allegiant was great. All that being said, I would still read the series. Divergent and Insurgent are worth the time, and maybe you would end up liking Allegiant like my brother did.

  14. Jamie W says:

    I’m also on a Sherlock kick. I just binged on the Mary Russell series by Laurie R King, they remind me a little bit of her Royal Spyness mysteries which I also love.

    • Kate says:

      Yes to Mary Russel! I was almost embarrassed to try the series since they’re a classics spin-off (they feature Holmes after he’s retired to the countryside to keep bees) and I hated every Pride and Prejudice spin-off I ever read. However, I was shocked how much I liked them, and read 12 of them that month. Interesting issues, intelligently written. One of them (Justice Hall) is probably a favorite book now. Wonderful.

      I also second (third?) calls to try Agatha Christie (especially Miss. Marple) and PG Wodehouse. I’d be shocked (yes, shocked!) if you didn’t love them.

  15. Sherri says:

    I’ve binge-read two series multiple times in my life and I fear that this post might set me off again. If you love historical fiction as much as I do, the time you’ll spend reading Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond Chronicles and Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin novels will add wit, sparkle, and adventure to your life. They’re superb.

    When I need a comfort compulsive read, though, the first three Thursday Next novels by Jasper Fforde and all of Laurie King’s Mary Russell novels do the trick.

  16. Liza Lee Grace says:

    If that’s the definition of binge reading, then binge reading is the only way I read books.

    I read the whole Hunger games trilogy in a day and a half. (I was sick. I didn’t move from the couch unless I had to.)

    The last time I was sick, I read 10 books in four days. (The Percy Jackson series, the Leviathian trilogy, and a couple of Neil Gaiman books.) I also started out this year with Harry Potter – the whole series. I think it took me a full week to read the series. Maybe a week and a half.

    But with any book, I read start to finish, stopping only if I have to. I’ve been known to serve sandwiches for dinner because it was late and I hadn’t cooked anything yet because I was reading. I’ve also been known to burn dinner because I decided to pick up a book while letting food simmer and then forgot to check on the food. Yup, I’m a binge reader!

  17. My MOPS book club just read Divergent and I completely binged on it, finishing the trilogy in four days. I did force myself to do all of the weekly chores before opening the third book. Several other members did the same thing and we had a hard time discussing only the first book at our book club meeting.

    I have also binged on the Anne series (of course), Little House series, Harry Potter series, and several from MMD Summer Reading lists.

  18. Just binge read “The Rosie Project” yesterday. I haven’t laughed at a book so much in a LONG time! My tastes have changed and I’m still trying to figure out the kind of fiction I like now that I’m a little older, so this was a little unexpected. It was fun. =)

  19. Ana says:

    I just lost a lot of sleep finishing “Life after Life”. I also read through the night on both Rainbow Rowell books this year—Eleanor and Park and Attachments. Gone Girl was definitely a stay-up-late too. I’ve got The Husband’s Secret from the library now…uh oh, I really need some sleep!!

    • Anne D says:

      Eleanor and Park…oh, I loved that book! I read it one snowy Saturday afternoon instead of doing my house cleaning. This makes me want to read it again!

    • Anne says:

      I completely relate. I think I spent two or three solid hours reading Eleanor & Park. Once I got into the middle of it I couldn’t put it down!

  20. Breanne says:

    I keep meaning to check out Veronica Mars since I finished Sherlock and Call the Midwife. And for binge-reading- The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, the Sherlock books, and JoJo Moyes to name a few. I’ve read Sherlock for years and love how they have adapted them for contemporary film while still staying true to the essence of the stories.
    Definitely agree on the concept of binge-reading especially after watching a lot of stuff. =)

  21. Susan F. says:

    I loved both Susan Howatch and Tana French’s series! Right now I’m having fun binge-reading the “Flavia de Luce” mysteries by Alan Bradley. Delightful:)

  22. Molly says:

    For those of you who are Sherlock fans, have any of you read any of the Sherlock Holmes Anthologies by Michael Kurland? What did you think?

  23. Karen says:

    The Beekeeper’s Apprentice Series by Laurie King…inhaled them all…a new twist on Sherlock Holmes during his later years and his new assistant…an orphaned girl

  24. Anna says:

    I’ve read the Hunger Games series and yes, I binged! I can’t wait to check out your other recommendations. I haven’t even gotten started reading all these comments, but I’m looking forward to those suggestions too.

  25. If you don’t know Mary Stewart, you’ve got a treat coming. She wrote romantic suspense novels in the 60s and 70s … I think of them as James Bond for women. They have plucky heroines, exotic locales, spine-tingling suspense and they are extremely well-written, too.

    Start with “Nine Coaches Waiting” or “The Ivy Tree.” “This Rough Magic” is excellent too.

  26. kimmie says:

    Dorothea Benton Frank books get me every time. They’re just cheesey romances which I hardly ever read but they’re set in the South Carolina Low Country. I always fall for a good beach book.

  27. Andrea says:

    I can binge on Phillipa Gregory books (her EARLY NOVELS) for some Elizabethan soap opera brain candy 🙂 also, I still do love dystopian YA (matched series, maze runner, the giver, delirium, hunger games, etc) but I think we’re all a little burnt out on the genre at the moment…

  28. I hope this isn’t shameful – because I am certainly not ashamed – but I binged on the Shopaholic books after I graduated college (BA English) and finished my student teaching (English as well).

    I wanted to fill my brain with something light, fun and shallow to counterbalance all of the dense reading I had just finished over the past 16 years of school!

    It was awesome.

  29. Erin says:

    I read Divergent on a Friday night in one sitting and read Insurgent on Sunday the same way. Then did it all again about a year later when I was determined to read them more slowly.

    I binge-read with most dystopian YA books. Also Phillipa Gregory’s novels. There are probably trigger warnings or something with them, but I can’t get enough.

  30. Heather says:

    I love this post! 🙂
    Books I have binge-read include:
    Twilight, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Save the Date by Jenny B Jones, Redeeming Love and Mark of the Lion all by Francine Rivers.
    Some YA that I couldn’t put down: Thirteen Reasons Why, Speak, Jellicoe Road, When you Find Me

  31. Anne A says:

    I love all these comments!
    To add to mysteries to binge read: Susan Wittig Albert’s China Bayles series. I read the last 6 or so in the series on a 3 week vacation (thank you Kindle instant download). If you like Miss Read or Mitford, try Susan Wittig Albert’s series about Beatrix Potter — more mysteries!

  32. Sandy says:

    I tend to binge through authors. My current obsession are Alan Bradley’s Flavia DeLuce novels. Wonderful mysteries with a lonely 11yo precocious girl as the protagonist. Flavia is a witty genius who is passionate about chemistry (especially poisons) and somehow seems to frequently find herself at the scene of murders.

  33. Casey says:

    Similar to the Hunger Game’s trilogy is the Divergent trilogy, also amazing! I actually just finished binge reading all three books in less than a week. They are amazing!

  34. Dinah Mitchell-Brown says:

    I love marvel punchy and rosamunde pitcher. I must read winter solstice every December. It makes me want to visit scotland so much. Nora Roberts, Debbie macomber, Irving Wallace, Nicholas sparks, and Richard Evans are all favorites. Susan howatch church of England series is also great. Why can I not just craft, read, and watch movies?

  35. Christina says:

    I am currently binge reading with my DD. She is a vigorous reader, but i try to keep up. She currently has hooked me on the Lunar Chronicles by M. Meyer. They are fantacy/sci-fi/fairytales. There are currently 3 books in the series…Cinder, Scarlet and Cress. They are fun and fast reads. We look forward to reading some of your suggestions…or maybe all of them…lol.

  36. Marilee says:

    This is the first time I have looked at this site. My latest NFA is Louise Penny. I think there are now 6 in the series. I love them and every one I have recommended them to loved them also. They stand alone but it is best to start with STILL LIFE and go on. She is a wonderful writer.

  37. Jessie says:

    I am shocked that no one has mentioned the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I’ve always been one to read anything and everything I can get my hands on, and I have never read anything as well written as her books. There’s a main series, a spin-off, some short stories and a graphic novel so far. The next main book due out in June and the TV series is debuting on Starz in August. Outlander is like crack for people who read.

    • Shelsy says:

      Oh, Outlander. *swoon* I think Jamie was my first love. I’ve been wanting to reread the series again, but I can’t bring myself to make the commitment when there are so many other books I’d like to read. I might have to just do it, though, to get ready for the new book..

    • Mary says:

      The Outlander Series is definitely ‘crack’. I re-read the entire series every time a new book comes out – my husband complains that I ‘go away’ for weeks when I re-start the series. I’ve introduced several friends to the series and they agree – can’t put them down once you start.

    • Amy W. says:

      I love the Outlander! I’ve only read the first three books so far but definitely want to get the others. And I’m addicted to the show- I can’t wait for the second season to start.

  38. Bethany Thompson says:

    After reading the comments about Wylly Folk St. John’s books, I ordered a couple of them through Amazon. The Mystery of the Gingerbread House came today and I loved it. I have loved mysteries since I was a child. My first favorite was The Mystery of Laughing Water by Bird. That book and Keene’s The Clue in the Crumbling Wall I read every summer and when I finally got a copy of Laughing Water a few years ago, I read it again. I was not disappointed.

    It’s hard to say what touches us in stories, but whatever strikes that cord that makes us want to go back and find that same feeling again is what keeps us reading. I hope that as a children’s librarian for 12 years that I was able to instill that love for reading in my students.

  39. Alicia says:

    The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I just started reading them two years ago and barely pulled my head above water while reading the seven huge tomes that were out at that time. Now I’m anxiously awaiting for the eighth book to be published in June 🙂

    • Jessie says:

      Read the Lord John spinoff series while you wait for the next ‘main’ book. Oh, and there are a couple short stories and a graphic novel. Should be enough to keep you busy until MOBY is released in June.

  40. Steph Reid says:

    Soulmates by Holly Bourne YA book devoured it in a few hours- main character very like .e 10 years ago! Also The Passage by Justin Cronin.

  41. C Eaves says:

    Francine Rivers is my favorite author!! I have reread Reedeming Love and her Mark of the Lion Series!

    If you liked James Herriott, Rosumond Pilcher and Jan Karon you’ll love Patrick Taylor’s Irish Country Doctor Series.

  42. Rachel says:

    Thanks for the recommendations. I loved the Betsy-Tacy series!

    I keep clicking around on your blog and finding tons of things I love. I think I’m addicted!

  43. Brienne Gardner says:

    The Mortal Instruments Series and its prequal The Infernal Devices trilogy. I just finished the last TMI book and i finished it in a week (its 725 pages!!). Also good is the Divergent trilogy. The Perks of Being A Wallflower is good, The Fault in Our Stars is also really good, and ive read an excerpt from a book called Dorothy Must Die and it was amazing. All of these are epic and quirky and just really good. Wallflower and TFiOS are more teen novels, but they have a very adult way about them. All great reads!!

  44. Alyssa says:

    I LOVE that you included the Betsy-Tacy series!! My all time favorite growing up, and I’ve read it multiple times as an adult. No one ever knows what I’m talking about!

    • Sarah says:

      Same here! So few people have heard of or read the Betsy-Tacy series! They were my absolute favorite series growing up, and I’ve reread them countless times. My husband even used Joe’s proposal to Betsy when he proposed because I told him how much I loved it.

  45. Gabby Ann says:

    I just finished a book called Fifteen Minutes by Karen Kingsbury. It’s about a young man who chooses to chase fame and leave his family, friends, and faith behind. I absolutely LOVED it!!!

  46. Cindy B says:

    I just finished reading A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute, for the fifth time. It’s a bit slow in the beginning, but well worth your time. Also love the Cat Who series by Lillian Jackson Braun. They are charming and clean! I read the Betsy/Tacy/Tib books back when I was in high school but hadn’t heard anything more about them until just a few years ago my friend excitedly told me about a new teen series she had just found – the Betsy/Tacy/Tib series! So glad to see it making a little bit of a comeback.

  47. Nicole says:

    The classics!! the color purple, pride and prejudice (duh), to kill a mockingbird, withering heights… and then there are those instant classics like a thousand splendid suns, the secret life of bees and the help are all phenomenal! ohhh I love series too like divergent (easy read) and the Harry potter series of coarse!

  48. Jessica says:

    I love a lot of these series. Here are my top favorites:
    -Julia’s Chocolates by Cathy Lamb (random and very entertaining)
    -King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss (AAAAAMMMMAAAZING) Every person I know who has read these books LOVES them.

  49. Laurie says:

    I’m off to the library asap! 🙂 Some of my all time faves are The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews, The Scarlet Pimpernel, and Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. Oh ya and I LOVED The Glass Castle and Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls.

    Every book is a binge read for me! I have no self control when it comes to reading!

  50. StephJ says:

    The latest binge-read for me was “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green. Once I started that book, I seriously couldn’t stop I was so invested.

    Before that, I read three books in a row by Geraldine Brooks. I started with Year of Wonders, then read People of the Book, then Caleb’s Crossing. I enjoyed all of them.

    Right now I am reading an awesome book that I am loving — Not sure I’ve you’ve mentioned it on here before but it’s CLEARLY up your alley it’s called “Longbourn” by Jo Baker and it’s the story of Pride and Prejudice told from the POV of the servants so it’s like Pride and Prejudice meets downstairs Downton Abbey. ♥ No spoilers I’m not done it yet, but really enjoying it so far.

  51. Erin says:

    The Bronze Horseman series (Tatiana & Alexander) by Paullina Simons. I haven’t enjoyed all of her books, but this trilogy is captivating. I love the historical aspect as well as the romance.

  52. Janet says:

    I just finished Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch. So so good. Hasn’t anyone read any Kate Atkinson? She’s the best.
    Outlander series an excellent binge-worthy read. Not a dystopia fan, but the students at my school all love the Divergent books right now.

  53. Hemendra says:

    i am new to reading… though i haven’t read any series. but i binge read authors, currently am reading david levithan, finished john green starting with looking for alaska, tfis, katherine abundance, paper towns, now with david leveithan a lovers dictionary, and now currently reading everyday. 🙂

  54. Lisa C. says:

    I totally binge-read the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries by Sayers over the summer. Hubby got me The Eyre Affair for Christmas so I’m just getting started on that. We’ll have to wait and see if it sets off a binge.

  55. Just reread all of the Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne. I got book seven for Christmas and felt compelled to re-read one through six! Great series for those who like mythology, humor and talking wolfhounds!

  56. Kasey Hewett says:

    I’m currently reading the Divergent series. And Pride and Prejudice. I read the first two Harry Potter novels in fifth grade (10 years ago) and would FREAKING LOVE to binge on those. I’m enrolled in six lit classes however so I’m reading at least five books at once and trying to also juggle pleasure books amongst them. Books that I read over and over again are The Secret Garden, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Scarlet Letter. A few books that changed my life are Fahrenheit 451 (*swoon*), Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, and Foxfire by Joyce Carol Oates.

  57. Sassy Apple says:

    I feel like I just found long lost relatives! Will try titles on here I haven’t already read, and I have some suggestions of my own. My favorite LMM book, and I love them all, is Jane of a Lantern Hill. Favorite murder mystery series? Phryne Fisher by Greenwood ( now jumbled into a TV series Netflix is running) but the book is ALWAYS better! Also, the Corinna Chapman series by Greenwood (don’t read if hungry) Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny, the Anne & Charles Pitt mysteries by Anne Perry ( older, but still good reading) and Deborah Knott series by Margaret Maron. Stand alone/one hit wonders, Ladies’ Room by Carolyn Brown ( adult) Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher ( classic children’s) and To Die For by Linda Howard. I’ll stop now, but I’ll definitely start following your site.

  58. Pleia says:

    I binged on the”In Death” series by JD Robb aka Nora Roberts. 48 books in one year. It’s a fabulous detective series about female detective with a horrific past, how one man changes her life and the friends she meets and becomes.

  59. Jennifer says:

    The Outlander Series! – Diana Gabaldon.. months worth of fabulous binge reading. Be warned though — everything else in life will take the back burner.

  60. Tasha Schultz says:

    Station Eleven was a recent binge read. Otherwise the Mitford series is like stepping into a warm bubble bath – calming.

  61. Rebecca Fleckenstein says:

    The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde is really entertaining. It’s a good series for people who love to read because of all the literary references. I highly recommend it! I’ve read them all and want to start his other series and titles.

  62. Elizabeth Carlson says:

    Elizabeth Jane Howard’s Cazalet Chronicles and Anya Seton’s Katherine, The Winthrop Woman, the Hearth and Eagle and Green Darkness. Old books and lovely books, definetely binge-worthy!

  63. DaniMarie says:

    A trilogy I really enjoyed recently is All Souls by: Deborah Harkness
    I’d also suggest any of these trilogies:
    The Key Triloy by: Nora Roberts
    The Liveship Traders by: Robin Hobb
    Sword of Truth Series by: Terry Goodkind
    I’d also recommend The Search By: Nora Roberts(I love her & Terry GoodKind)
    Amped by: Danie H Wilson is good to. More of a teen read but interesting still.

  64. melanie says:

    I like Sarah dessen’s books in general. It’s simply easy to read. But, the book what Alice forgot kind of reminds me of a book I read, “before I go to sleep ” is a psychological thriller where the main character has amnesia and so she writes in this diary and it helps her regain some memory since as soon as she sleeps, she forgets everything like her mind resets and as the story progresses she changes because she reads the previous pages. I loved it.

  65. Suyasha says:

    I believe ‘Millennium’ series is another spectacular, awesome binge read with three books- ‘the girl with the Dragon tattoo’ ‘the girl who played with fire’ ‘the girl who kicked the hornet’s nest’

  66. Joanne says:

    I basically binge-read all my books because once I pick them up, there’s no putting it down. I especially love binge-reading books where I don’t realize that the book is about to end like “The Bone Season” By Samantha Shannon and The Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn. I’ll check out some of the books you mentioned as well 🙂

  67. Sheryl Esau says:

    I agree with so many on the list and in the comments, but with all the mention of Distopian series, I’m surprised not to see The Unwind series. I could not put it down. Quit watching all TV until I was done. There’s a short story called UnStrung that fills a gap between the 1st and 2nd book that shouldn’t be missed.

  68. K. Williams says:

    I love the Tana French books. Have you read Ann Cleeves and Peter May? Along with the Charles Todd books, I could read these forever.

    • Brittany Miller says:

      I am reading it now and i am completely in love with it. When I’m done I’m going to read it over and over. I’m just in love with the care characters i wish she had written more than 8

      • Jessica Knudsen says:

        Book 9 is in progress, and there are several novellas about Lord John, as well as some shorter works about some of the other secondary characters. I think there are 2 more due out soon, as well.

  69. Rachel says:

    I’ve read two books in the Starbrige series on your recommendation and really did binge read them… After hunting for an interesting, attention grabbing book for my son, I read the Mysterious Benedict Society and although he wasn’t interested in the series at first, when he overheard me talking about it, he immediately picked it up and I think he’s read books 1, 2, & 3.
    It’s so fun to have these recommendations!
    Thank you!

  70. Joana says:

    I recommend the mystery series “Her Royal spyness”, by Rhys Bowen. It is set in the 1930s, and the main character is an upper class young woman (she is queen Victoria’s great-niece) who is flat broke. Mysterious murders happen around her, and she helps solving them. It’s a perfect blend between Downton Abbey and Agatha Christie.

  71. Kay says:

    I like to binge read some of my favourite authors e.g. all of the Kate Morton books. I found the Thursday next books got rather confusing after ra while and none of them lived up the first one.

  72. Kathy N says:

    I don’t know anyone else who has read the Sturbridge series and I LOVED it. So good. Read it at least twice and it’s probably been 30 years so I must be due for a reread

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