Why I’m still reading novels in the age of social media

On still reading novels in the age of social media

On still reading novels in the age of social media

Who’s still reading novels (sometimes on actual paper) in the digital age?

This girl. That’s who.

But you already knew that. 

Today I’m over on The Art of Simple talking about one of my favorite things:

I’ve heard the news: Google is melting our brains and we’re not built to read novels anymore. Even blogs are dying (so they say) as our attention spans wither and social media conquers all.

Not built for novels? Books are like air to me.

I love social media (I’m a blogger, after all): it keeps me up-to-date, inspired, entertained, and connected in real and valuable ways. But it doesn’t do what good books do for me….

Read the rest at The Art of Simple.

While you’re there, tell us why you’re still reading books in the facebook era, and any hot tips for how you fit in quality reading time.

Thanks for reading!


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  1. Molly says:

    I have always loved books. I can still remember which series I always went to first at the library: the Ramona books, the Little House books, and some mystery series with two kids (Amy and Chip?) Each book had about five mysteries the reader was asked to help solve. The answer page in the back of the book was printed in reverse so you had to hold the book up to a mirror to read it. I just got good at reading backwards. As an adult I have always had a few books around waiting to be read. Thanks to you (and your permission to not finish every book checked out) I have rediscovered the library. I do have a kindle and the kindle app on my phone so I can read at the doctor’s office, grocery store, etc. I like real books best though. I live the weight of them in my hand. I like being able to flip to the cover summary and remind myself where this story is going. I like being able to go to the index and find what I need. I like turning pages and knowing how much farther I have to go (a percentage just isn’t the same). I’ve decided kindle is for samples and fiction. I need to see the contents, index, and be able to flip around in reference books. I even prefer a two-pound dictionary to the online dictionary.

  2. Faigie says:

    I’m actually still reading books because #1 I only spend time on social media if its related to my field. I don’t even use my profile on facebook just my business page. #2- I personally don’t read fiction anymore as once I start I can’t stop and everything in my house suffers :). Years ago I remember reading The Far Pavilions by M/M Kaye and my husband had no wife for a week. I do read lots of non fiction and I have more patience for a book than reading online

    • Anne says:

      “I personally don’t read fiction anymore as once I start I can’t stop and everything in my house suffers.”

      You’re not the first person I’ve heard say this!

  3. Esther says:

    I love books and, thankfully, both of my kids love (adore!) books. In a few short weeks we’re moving half way around the world and I’m bummed there aren’t any English language libraries. The kids have a good library at the International School they’ll be attending, but it isn’t quite the same. Currently, we’re at the library at least once a week. When there’s downtime, the first request is almost always, “can we go to the library?” We have a Kindle, iPad and Nook, but it just isn’t the same. We’ll be having a baby while overseas and it pains me that this new arrival won’t set foot into an English language library until he/she is almost 2. While I know that there are great titles available in digital formats, there just isn’t a replacement for an actual book.

    • Anne says:

      Your story sounds familiar—I’ve had friends who’ve served overseas, and while Kindles are fabulous things (no international shipping!) it’s just not the same, they say.

    • Deborah says:

      This sounds like one of the many things that we grieve when we count the cost of moving our families overseas. Hoping that the advantages of living overseas outweigh what you’re giving up! They sure do for us, but it’s different for every family.

  4. Loved the article! You continually inspire me to read more, and…it’s working! Also, I’ve noticed myself turning to books way more in the evenings now that all of my TV shows are on summer hiatus. 🙂 That helps too! haha.

    Congrats on the post at Art of Simple, btw! That is a great source (my dream!)! 🙂

    • Anne says:

      Erica, I never thought about shows being on hiatus as a boon for summer reading—but it totally is!

      And thank you. 🙂 It’s a great space and I’m honored to be there.

  5. Jeannie Reid says:

    Yes! Bring me a book with pages over a device any day. I get so much pleasure out of the feel of paper in my hands. I teach 7-12 graders and I love hearing them say the same thing. I would say the teenagers I know read 90% “book-books” and the rest on a device. That encourages me.

    After all, it’s so fun to GIVE a book to someone when you’re finished. “Here,” you say, “this brought me joy and I think you’d love it, too.”

  6. BarbaraP says:

    I read both physical books and electronic books. I’m one of those people who reads several books at a time and my Kindle allows me to carry them all with me quite easily. At the same time, I love to pass along books I read, so continue to consume “real” books as well (I even have read it first on Kindle then decided I need a hard copy to loan or to keep for later!). I make time for reading, as well as keep something handy for any down time so there is always one of my current reads available. Reading is both important for growth/development and relaxation/enjoyment!

  7. Lori P says:

    I read blogs and of course I’m on FB, but I love to read books. I have 2 ereaders and a lot of print books. Because my reading allowance isn’t endless I also use my public library all of the time. There is nothing quite the same as the smell and feel of a real book. It isn’t so much about making time to read as it is that I have to read. My day isn’t complete if I don’t take some time to sit down and read. Usually I do my most reading right before bed, but there have been days where I have read whenever I could fit it in between chores and errands.

  8. Breanne says:

    Great post and I couldn’t agree with you more. We’ve been gone from home for a couple of weeks now and while I do have my Kindle along, I gravitate towards books in everyone’s home that we’ve stayed in.
    I’ve sped-read a few novels while at my in-laws just to have the quiet down time to maintain some sanity between all the (wonderful) conversations. =)

    • Anne says:

      Hmmm. We’ve been in our new place three weeks today and I still haven’t unpacked mine! At least, not most of them. I did tackle a few boxes because I was looking for the overdue library books!

      I understand about the reading time-outs. Glad you’re taking some. 🙂

  9. Jeanie says:

    I always feel startled when someone tells me they don’t like to read! I just can’t imagine why.
    I discovered the love of reading in third grade when we had library class and the librarian read us the boxcar children for the first time and that fed my love of mysteries and my love of writing books. My husband thought I must have a kindle so he got me one for Christmas and I mostly read blogs on it or play solitaire lol! I prefer the holding,smelling,and cuddling under my quilt at bedtime and mentally escaping. We just bought a new house and the previous owners had built in bookshelves in the master bedroom. She is a fellow book lover as well, so when we came to look at the house and we walked in the bedroom she laughed when my eyes glazed over and I swear I heard angels sing! Lol!! She laughed because she understood, where as our husbands just shook their heads. Those bookshelves and sitting area in mb was my reason for buying the house!!!
    My hubby lovingly tortures me by saying one day paper books will become obselete. I glare and growl at him and order more!

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