Clutterfree with Kids: Change your thinking. Discover new habits. Free your home.

Clutterfree with Kids: Change your thinking. Discover new habits. Free your home.

Length: 199 pages

If you need some help getting motivated to clear out your stuff, this book is for you. It drags a little through the beginning but there’s a wealth of practical information in the bulky middle section, devoted to practical ways to get rid of the clutter.

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About the Book

Publisher’s description:

Children add joy, purpose, and meaning to our lives. They provide optimism, hope, and love. They bring smiles, laughter, and energy into our homes.

They also add clutter. As parents, balancing life and managing clutter may appear impossible—or at the very least, never-ending. But what if there was a better way to live?

Clutterfree with Kids offers a new perspective and fresh approach to overcoming clutter. With helpful insights, the book serves as a valuable resource for parents.

Through practical application and inspirational stories, Clutterfree with Kids invites us to change our thinking, discover new habits, and free our homes. It invites us to reevaluate our lives. And it just may inspire you to live the life you’ve been searching for all along.

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