13 things I’ve learned in 30 months of Stitch Fix (aka my best Stitch Fix tips).

this early Stitch Fix box from fall 2012 holds two of my all-time favorite pieces: a star-studded scarf and a grey ruffled cardigan

I haven’t written about Stitch Fix in a long time. Today I’m (finally) giving you my best Stitch Fix tips and answering a frequent reader question: Do you still use Stitch Fix, and are you still happy with it? 

I got my first fix in October 2012. Since then, I’ve gotten many fixes. Like, more than I’d care to admit.

For several years now, I’ve been getting regular automatic Stitch Fix shipments. Women use Stitch Fix for different reasons. My big reason is because I don’t want to spend time shopping, or even thinking about shopping. Stitch Fix puts my closet on autopilot: it’s easy, it doesn’t take much time, and it’s a boon to those of us who struggle with decision fatigue.

I liked Stitch Fix from the very beginning, but I came to love it after a few poorly conceived shopping excursions. Since I hadn’t been shopping in a while, I thought it would be fun to browse the racks—and hit the dressing rooms—at Anthropologie and Nordstrom Rack.

Best Stitch Fix Tips: 13 things I've learned in 30 months of Stitch Fix | Modern Mrs. Darcy

Daniel Rainn blouse from Fall 2013

Clearly, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I’d forgotten one important thing: I hate shopping. After 45 minutes, I had little to show (two tops I later returned) and was annoyed I spent my precious babysitting time in a poorly lit dressing room.

I don’t do that anymore: I just wait for my Stitch Fix box to show up every three weeks or so. When I started using the service, my wardrobe needed serious help. I hadn’t bought much since my last child was born, and my closet was empty. Stitch Fix didn’t fix that in just one shipment, but over time I’ve built a pretty and functional wardrobe.

An unexpected benefit: I have a more defined sense of personal style than I did when I started Stitch Fix, and it’s not just because I’m a little bit older and wiser. The service got me to try styles I wouldn’t have otherwise tried. Plus, I’ve learned what works for me, what doesn’t, what I feel most comfortable in, and what styles just aren’t for me.

At this point the bulk of my wardrobe is from Stitch Fix. I didn’t do that on purpose; I just stopped shopping elsewhere without even noticing I was doing it. (24/33 of my capsule pieces are from Stitch Fix.)

30-something fixes later, these are my best Stitch Fix tips for getting the most out of your fix.

Best Stitch Fix Tips: 13 things I've learned in 30 months of Stitch Fix | Modern Mrs. Darcy

a favorite top and earrings, both from spring 2014

1. Try everything on.

This hardly seems worth saying, but try everything on, especially the garments that look horrible in the box. Sometimes the stuff that looks blah in the box looks terrific on, and sometimes the cutest item in a fix looks terrible on my body. Try it on.

2. Don’t buy it just because it’s there.

Stitch Fix is where I get the bulk of my clothes. If I need a sweater, and they send me a sweater, I’m always tempted to keep it—even if the fit isn’t quite right, or the color is slightly off, or the style isn’t really me—because it’s right there. But I’m always sorry later for keeping garments that aren’t exactly right.  

3. But consider buying it because it’s there.

In the past, I’ve kept dresses even when I wasn’t sure where I would wear them, and denim even though I already had similar pairs, and thin tees even though it was the dead of winter. But I kept them because they were perfect for me, and was thrilled to have them later when my neighbor got married, when I ripped a hole in my favorite skinnies, and when spring finally came.

4. If it’s not a color you usually wear, think about it.

One of Stitch Fix’s professed goals is to expand your style horizons. Some of my favorite pieces from them have been in colors I don’t typically wear (bright blue, violet, mint) but have gone great with my neutral basics.

Best Stitch Fix Tips: 13 things I've learned in 30 months of Stitch Fix | Modern Mrs. Darcy

chevron maxi and coated multi-strand necklace from summer 2013

5. If it’s a color family that’s not flattering, send it back.

It doesn’t matter how stylish a piece is, or how well it fits: if the color isn’t flattering, send it back. (You could always ask Stitch Fix to send you the same item in a color that doesn’t make you look ill. They can’t always exchange a specific item for a different size or color, but if they can, they will.)

Alternatively, you can join one of the Buy/Sell/Trade Stitch Fix groups that are popping up on Facebook. Yes, it’s a real thing.

6. If you can’t figure out how to clean the jewelry, send it back.

Stitch Fix has sent me some fabulous jewelry. They’ve also sent me a few pieces that I loved but that didn’t wear well: they were impossible to clean, and couldn’t be worn more than a few times. Now I make sure I know how to clean a piece before I keep it.

7. Use the full three days.

After your Stitch Fix box arrives, you have three days to make up your mind before you send your rejects back. (There have been times I’ve taken longer, ahem.) Use the full three days to mull things over.

Best Stitch Fix Tips: 13 things I've learned in 30 months of Stitch Fix | Modern Mrs. Darcy

this 41 Hawthorne tote is my most-used Stitch Fix piece. I still use it everyday. 

8. Don’t rule out basics.

I frequently see bloggers recommending that you get your basics elsewhere. Their reasoning: Why pay boutique prices when you can get the essentials at Marshall’s for a fraction of the price?

Since my goal is to stay out of the mall (or Gap.com), this advice doesn’t make sense for me. I’ve gotten a ton of great basics from Stitch Fix, because my goal is to build a wardrobe without having to shop for it.

9. Don’t automatically rule out outerwear.

When I first started with Stitch Fix, I told them I didn’t want outerwear. I don’t remember why I finally unchecked that box, but I’m glad I did: I’ve gotten some fabulous jackets—heavy and lightweight—from Stitch Fix.

Stitch Fix sent me two fabulous winter coats this year, both from Andrew Marc: a navy peacoat and a burgundy down jacket (it’s a compliment magnet, similar to this one). Both were great values, and great additions to my winter wardrobe.

10. Plan ahead.

I’ve finally learned to tell Stitch Fix in advance that I need a dress for a friend’s wedding, another pair of black skinnies, lightweight blouses for spring. If I tell them what I need before I need it, I don’t have to shop.

Best Stitch Fix Tips: 13 things I've learned in 30 months of Stitch Fix | Modern Mrs. Darcy

black dress from Winter 2014

11. Give honest feedback.

After your fix arrives, tell Stitch Fix exactly what you liked, and what you didn’t, and why. The why is important. You aren’t going to hurt anybody’s feelings.

If you love the things your stylist is picking out for you, you can ask for them to be your regular stylist. I’ve been with Layla for nine months now and I love her.

12. Progress isn’t relentless.

You’ve probably heard that each client’s fixes improve over time. This is absolutely true: Stitch Fix uses your feedback to send you more of what you love the next time. But fixes don’t keep getting better and better. Every once in a while, you’ll get a dud box where nothing works, maybe nothing’s even close. It happens to everyone. It still happens to me.

(If your box is truly terrible—and this has only happened to me once—remember that Stitch Fix wants you to be happy and their customer service is wonderful. If you explain the problem and ask very, very nicely for a re-do box or a refund of your styling fee, you may just get what you ask for. No guarantees.)

13. Keep that style profile updated.

To keep getting fixes you love, keep your style profile up-to-date. (I shared my style profile best practices here, plus an explanation of how to get started, with screen shots.) I regularly updating mine to keep adding to the list of things I don’t want to see in my fixes: rayon, elastic waists, fit-and-flare. Pinning clothes to love to a designated pin board (here’s mine) also helps them choose well.

You can view my Stitch Fix archives here, or sign up for the service here.

I’d love to hear your best Stitch Fix tips in comments. If you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.

P.S. This post isn’t sponsored or perked in any way, but Stitch Fix does have terrific referral and affiliate programs. These are my affiliate links.

Best Stitch Fix Tips: 13 things I've learned in 30 months of Stitch Fix | Modern Mrs. Darcy


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  1. These are great tips, when my body is done with the up-and-down that of pregnancy/post-partum/nursing with its difficult fit issues (ahem, belly and boobs), I plan on getting back on board with it. In the meantime I created a Pinterest board with my style picks. Hoping that helps! I don’t do “drapey”. It’s all tailored and very much “winter” colors.
    (Linked in profile if anyone is interested.)

  2. Katie says:

    What a great post! I am about receive Fix #18 next week, which I bumped up 2 weeks after a dud Fix #17. For me, it’s all about managing expectations – I no longer “peek ahead” to see what’s coming in my next box because all it did was set me up for disappointment — when I love something “on the page” but it doesn’t work IRL, or when I think I hate something that’s coming and later find it looks fantastic on me, all I’ve done is given myself several days of worry and anticipation. Getting more frequent Fixes helps with that as well as with being pickier about what I keep. Not sure about a dress? Let it go, there’s always another box on the way!

    • Anne says:

      “Not sure about a dress? Let it go, there’s always another box on the way!”

      I agree. 🙂 And I always peek (I can’t resist!) even though I like your reasoning.

      • Alisun says:

        Hi thanks so much for this blog!! I usually keep a piece if it’s a tiny bit too tight is that wrong should I send it back? Sometimes it doesn’t work out when I look at paying more for the other pieces. What’s your advice?

        • Anne says:

          Definitely send it back if it’s not a perfect fit. Before you consider paying more for the other pieces, as you said, contact their customer service and see about exchanging the too-small piece for a different size. They can’t always accommodate those requests, but they sometimes can.

  3. Stacey says:

    Thank you for the motivation to get back on the Stitch Fix train! I used Stitch Fix for quite a while and have gotten a bunch of fun pieces. For awhile, I was getting fixes that were really, really off. I got discouraged and stopped. I just went back and worked hard to update my profile. Fingers crossed for a great fix!

  4. Leslie says:

    A monthly fix sounds so fun and refreshing! I’m curious how to make a monthly fix work in a budget. What would be a reasonable amount to plan?

    • Anne says:

      That’s so hard to answer! It depends on what you need and what you like. Here’s a starting point: there average price point per item is $55, but of course that’s just an average, and depends on what kind of items you’re looking for, and on what parameters you set price-wise on your style profile.

  5. Beth says:

    I’ve gotten three fixes and they are definitely improving. I always get input from my husband, but I get the final decision. There is an item from my last fix I didn’t listen to him about and I kind of regret it now.

  6. Anne says:

    Ah, I love this. I like how you put them on autopilot. I went shopping for a formal-ish dress the other night, and I thought: if I’d had thought about it sooner, I could’ve stitch fixed it! It also reminded me why I dislike shopping. I’ve been wanting to try them again now that my baby is older.

  7. Thank you for the tips! I find shopping frustrating too. I gave Stitch Fix a try and ended up stopping the service because it seemed overpriced, but it just might be worth it considering I wouldn’t have spend the time and energy shopping. I have a feeling Layla is going to get an influx of styling requests 🙂

  8. Sharon says:

    I really, really wish I wore a size that allowed me to use the Stitch Fix service because I loathe shopping. Alas, I have been a solid size 16 for quite some time, and they only serve up to size 14. 🙁

  9. Dana says:

    I tried Stitch Fix after reading about it here but I was underwhelmed. I explained in my profile that I was retired late 50’s and needed casual pieces. What I got were pieces ( tops) that were way too “ruffly” and dressy and designed for someone much younger than me. They were also way too large as well. I did keep a pair of crop jeans that fit well but they were something I could have found elsewhere and probably cheaper… I was so disappointed and the prices on the items seemed kind of high. I shop a lot at consignment shops, so I have a skewed idea of prices I guess.

    Anyway I did not try again after the first fix. I think perhaps I am not in their targeted age group

    Your tips though have made me think about giving them another try…we will see. My favorite consignment shop is closing next week so that may give me a push!

    • Anne says:

      I’m sorry to hear that. My mom had a similar experience with her first fix. She wears classic clothes in bright colors, and her first box was very boho/romantic in muted colors. Her favorite Stitch Fix pieces actually turned out to be items from my boxes that I passed on, but were perfect for her. 🙂

      I’m so sorry your favorite shop is closing!

    • Dona says:

      I had the same problem – I created a Pinterest board and polyvore account, then the stylist sent tight bottoms and flowing tops but I said I hide my bottom/hips and love my back/arms. It was just so weird to be sent completely the opposite from what I requested, that I have never been back. There wasn’t even an attempt on their end to try to figure out why I did not like my box, which is the opposite of going to a department store, where they help me figure it out (but yes, I’d rather shop gap.com in the sale section, lol!). Glad it works for someone!

    • Diane says:

      I just wanted to speak up. I’m an over fifty gal and struggled with what the advertising industry says I should wear. I’m not trying to dress like a 30 year old. But I found stitch fix nudged me from my tried and true basics and added a bit of playful and professional. (I don’t do ruffles either). When I wear something a bit more sophisticated I have colleagues who is if it’s from Stitch fix since my answer is almost always yes it is.

      • Anne says:

        Interesting. Thanks for sharing that perspective. As I was reading I was wondering if the “nudge” was going to be a good thing or a bad thing—glad to hear it’s a good thing!

    • Denise DeGemmis says:

      You are NOT too OLD Dana!! I’m 60 and I always LOVED to shop and come from the clothing biz! I know what to look for, quality and price. I know every bargain store there is and refused to pay full retail! I felt like 60 hit hard so maybe this would be a good “pick me up” and I stopped following “styles and trends”. I think it’s so fun, I’ve only just received my first fix. It’s refreshing to NOT go to a store and be turned off by all of the “junior” items and feel even worse about aging!! It’s more than I would spend, I justified it because my time is worth money! Thanks for the tips Anne! (Maybe we are not all young moms on here, it’s fun to hear from you!)

  10. Nichole says:

    I’m so glad it has worked for you. I tried it on your recommendation, and it did not work for me. After 3 fixes, where I kept only two things, I gave up. They did not seem to read my profile very carefully. Or my feedback after two very serious dud boxes. For instance: “I love color” was very prominent on my profile. Entire first box was black and white. Also, they don’t carry petite sizes. This makes it very hard for almost anything to fit. I am short, and there’s no getting around it! I gave guidelines for how to work around my petite sizing issue. Those were ignored.

    Now that I have had my colors done by a professional, I think it would be even harder to use a service like Stitch Fix.

    • Anne says:

      I’m sorry to hear that: it sounds like a frustrating experience! (I experience the flip side of your petite challenge that with tall items sometimes … )

      I’m so curious about your experience with having your colors done!

      • Dorothy K. says:

        Nichole, I have had the same issue when trying Stitch Fix. It does help knowing beforehand that Stitch Fix is not designed to style anyone outside the Missy 2 -14 size range. I love the idea of having another person pick out stuff for me to try, but, I would love to see a service that caters to special sizes like petites or plus women.

    • Tracy B. says:

      Nichole, I’m so sorry to hear you didn’t have a good experience. I first heard about Stitch Fix a few years ago and thought it was an awesome idea but was so disappointed to find out they didn’t carry petite sizes. About two months ago I thought of them again and wondered if anything has changed, and it has! They now carry petite sizes and maternity. I’ve gotten two fixes so far. Actually, they sent me a dress that I was worried about not fitting because it wasn’t petite, but when I tried it on, it fit perfectly. I’ve tried to be very specific in my profile and requests/feedback, and have actually posted a few pics of myself to my pinterest board and newly started blog so they can see how the pieces are fitting and look with my coloring.

  11. Miriam B. says:

    I never have much luck shopping for clothing, unless it’s workout gear. I am curious: if my monthly budget was around $40, would I be able to make Stitch Fix work?

    • Anne says:

      That’s tricky, because if you keep all five things it brings down the price per item quite a bit. (25% off if you keep everything in the box.) A definite yes for tops and accessories, and most sweaters. No for denim or other bottoms. My very favorite pieces (a tote, a dress, a cardigan) all were right about $50 each.

  12. MelissaJoy says:

    Many of my clothes are not fair trade or local (trying to be more conscious) but I wonder if using Stitch Fix would help narrow that choice down as well. Do they offer fair trade pieces?

    • Anne says:

      As for fair trade: not at this time. They’ve been very responsive to customer requests in the past, so I’m hoping to see this in the future.

  13. Ros says:

    Love love love that black dress, it fits you beautifully. Such a shame we don’t have anything like Stitch Fix in Australia! I don’t mind shopping but clothes shopping is quite tedious! Would much prefer to try on clothes at home than in a change room.

  14. Katie says:

    That black dress is adorable on you! Just curious – is the green statement necklace you’re wearing in the picture from Stitch Fix also?

  15. Abby says:

    Do you pay the $20 stylist fee for each box they send? What happens if you hate everything in a box one time, is the $20 totally forfeited, or can you put it toward your next order?

    • Anne says:

      Yep, $20 every time. It’s credited towards anything you buy, and if you don’t buy anything you forfeit it. (Unless you use tip #12.)

  16. Maryalene says:

    I really wanted to like Stitch Fix, but it didn’t work for me. Maybe it’s because I’m a bigger size, but it seems like every box was 4 similar looking tops and a pair of skinny jeans (even though I specifically said to please not send me skinnies) or a piece of jewelry.

    However, what made me finally cancel was how flimsy the shirts were. They all seemed to be very thin fabric, and I had about three tops go through the wash 2 times and come out with rips. At that point, I gave up. Still, a couple of my very favorite shirts are from Stitch Fix so it wasn’t a completely negative experience.

    After Stitch Fix, I connected with a stylist at Keaton Row and was very happy with what she came up for me. Way more expensive than Stitch Fix though!

    • Anne says:

      I get what you’re saying. I’ve gotten very, very specific with what fabrics I do and don’t want (mostly natural fibers and NEVER rayon) for that very reason: because they either fell apart or looked “cheap” to me.

      I did have some shirt massively shrink (of course it was a shirt I loved!) and Stitch Fix accepted it as a return. They said thanks for the feedback; they didn’t want to carry items where shrinkage was a problem. I wanted to size up but alas, they were all sold out.

  17. Byrd says:

    Like some of the above commenters, I REALLY wanted Stitch Fix to work for me – I tried it three times with lots of feedback. I was hoping to use it to supplement and build a business casual wardrobe, but they just don’t understand business casual. They kept making the same mistakes – sending me leggings and unstructured pieces, as well as pieces with very odd proportions that I almost felt they were trying to get rid of.

    So it’s a great idea for all the reasons you mentioned – I just hope they begin to have some competitors so I can try again!! Also I love that it’s working so well for you – that black dress is amazing!!

  18. I personally have never used Stitch Fix, however I find the company fascinating! I think it would be so much fun to be a stylist myself and be able to pick out outfits for others. I love all of your tips- they are simple, but I think they are very useful. I never try things on if they do not look nice on the rack, but sometimes my mom will convince me to do so, and I am always surprised by the difference!

  19. Lynn Brown says:

    Thank you for sharing your Stitch Fix experience. I’m currently awaiting my 1st fix. I wish I had made a Pinterest board first so they would know what I like. I’m kind of nervous about what I will get. I have since made a board and have pinned most of your fixes – I love your style!

  20. Darcy says:

    Anne, thank you so much for your thoughtful and candid review of Stitch Fix. I had toyed with starting up with it last year, but decided not to – for reasons I can’t recall now. But, I desperately need new clothes and with 3 little boys (including an infant in that count), shopping was impossible, not fun and an emotional drain too. My husband and I recently had several hours to ourselves, kidless, and he suggested that we go look for some clothes for me (sweet, right?) but I declined because 1) I hadn’t shaved my legs & trying on clothes doesn’t look right unless I feel right. and 2) I didn’t want to waste my precious alone time with my husband by squandering it looking for clothes and probably not finding anything anyway. All that said, your review pushed me to go for it. And I’m going to sign up. 🙂 Thank you again!

  21. Amy says:

    Thanks so much for the tip about requesting to work with a specific stylist. I’ve been using Stitch Fix for a year (with mixed results), but my latest Fix was the best yet, so I just requested another Fix from that stylist. Great idea!

  22. Hannah McKay says:

    Thank you for this! You got me back in the game. This post and the fact that they’ve now started offering maternity clothes. I’m 12 weeks pregnant, so hooray! 😉

  23. Mel says:

    What about when you should order? If you read glassdoor reviews all of the stylist talk about the lack of inventory on Sunday’s and Mondays. If it takes say 2-3 days to ship, should you plan your fixes to arrive on Friday or Saturday to avoid the ‘bad inventory’ times?

    • Anne says:

      They do have maternity now, and petites, as of a few months ago. There was no Stitch Fix when I was pregnant, but I did invest in one great dress, one fun top, and a great pair of jeans pretty late in my pregnancy because I was deathly tired of wearing the same thing every day. (For my last pregnancy, I was also wearing the same clothes I’d worn for several previous pregnancies which made it worse!)

  24. Julie says:

    I’ve been interested in trying Stitch Fix, but what most concerns me is the pricing. I’m used to purchasing clearance tee shirts from Kohl’s with a free shipping coupon – clearly, I could use some styling help, but I also can’t spend $40 on a single blouse, either. Do you think it would work for someone with a very modest clothing budget? Or would I be better off continuing to browse online clearance racks until I can increase my budget a bit?
    Thanks for your excellent tips!

    • Anne says:

      The cheapest items I’ve gotten from Stitch Fix have been $28 for tops and accessories. On the one hand, you could make an argument for fewer, better clothes. On the other, if the prices stress you out, then Stitch Fix just isn’t going to be fun. (You only pay for what you keep, but you always pay a $20 styling fee—it’s credited against the cost of any items you keep, but if you don’t keep anything you’re still out $20. And you can specify your price points in your style profile.)

      I know that’s not exactly an answer but I hope it’s helpful.

      • Luhale says:

        You mentioned that the cheapest tops you’ve received have been $28. Do you have your price point set at the lowest option or something else? I’m just curious if it’s possible to receive more items in the price range if you set your price point at the lowest possible.

  25. Jamie says:

    Ok this was finally the post that talked me into trying it. I identified with the “don’t want to spend my precious babysitting time shopping” thing a little too much 🙂

  26. Sarah says:

    I’ve just received my second box, and it was “meh”. The first box had two perfect items, two usable items, and one never in hell (but it was cheaper to keep it). I thought “awesome!” but the second box was all usable (which I need, so I kept) but nothing that made me excited. I sought out blogs about it, found yours, and have now updated my comments. I think I was too kind about the “meh” items. Your post is so helpful! My first thought is “dammit, do I really have to start a Pintrest page? Grumble grumble…fine.” It beats trying on seventeen shirts at Marshalls! I do have a couple questions though. You seem to imply that you have had different stylists. Was this through requests? I’ve had the same for both, but I wonder if she’s right for me. Also, you seem to have a similar build as me (sometimes small but sometimes medium). Is this something they learned from your sizing assessments, or were there comments about it? Loved your post, and I’m enjoying your blog!

    • Anne says:

      Sorry about the “meh” part. (That STILL happens to me sometimes; I think that’s just how it goes. And you’re right, it does beat trying on seventeen shirts anywhere—at least for me.)

      I have had different stylists. Once I asked for a change, but sometimes Stitch Fix did the changing. Once when I commented that my last few fixes had seemed “off” they changed my stylist immediately—even though I had been very happy with several of the fixes she’d done previously.

      I uploaded a few photos of myself in my typical kind of outfits to my pinterest profile (even though it felt pretty weird to do that). That might have helped them figure out my build.

  27. Kelsey says:

    I am nervous to try this but at the same time I want to. Know any way I can get my first month free? AKA not spend the 20 dollars unless I keep something in the box? I found a couple promo codes online but none of them work. Thanks in advance 🙂

    • Natalie says:

      Kelsey, I made an online profile, but then never scheduled a fix because I just thought it would be too pricey. A couple months ago they sent me an email with a code to try it free, with my first styling fee being complimentary. Maybe if you sign up and create a profile but don’t schedule a fix it triggers an email coupon code? Or at least you’re on their mailing list when they decide to send out free fix codes!

  28. Carol says:

    I just got my second box. The first was okay. I kept 2 of the items. This time I believe I am going to keep them all. I had a different stylist both times but I think I am going to ask to keep Kat who did my latest box. I posted pics on Pinterest and gave notes on what I liked and didn’t in my last box. I think she paid attention. It is more money than I would normally spend on more than just one or two pieces, and I’m not sure I couldn’t get similar pieces at a lower cost, but I guess I’m paying a premium to have someone dress me. I love to get my box and see things that I probably wouldn’t have tried on in the store only to find they are just what I wanted. I haven’t actually worn anything yet as I’ve requested fall clothes and it still about 90 here today (not complaining) ,so I can’t speak to the quality or how they hold up after washing. Do you know if Stitch Fix has it’s own brands? I’ve looked online for some of the companies and generally what comes up are other stitch fix posts. I’m sure I will order again. I think I’m addicted.

  29. Natalie says:

    Hello Mrs. Darcy!

    Love your site and LOVE LOVE LOVE your kindle deals. Soon my kindle will explode for all I am force-feeding it! I wanted to say about Stitch Fix….I LOVE it! I feel the same way about it as you do. Must be an introvert/bookworm thing. ha! I didn’t see this mentioned and wanted to add… What happens with me occasionally is that I really won’t LOVE one or two of the pieces but it’s not worth it to send it back since if you don’t take all five, you lose the 25% discount (which is quite substantial). So I now have several pieces I don’t really like or am waiting to grow into. So, sometimes it really doesn’t pay to send them back. Do you agree or do you know something I don’t! 🙂

    • Anne says:

      You’re totally right. (This is why Stitch Fix buy/sell/trade groups exist … but I’ve never taken the time to sell or trade anything on there. I usually pass my rejected 4th and 5th items on to a friend who will actually look good in them!)

  30. Michelle H says:

    I used Stitch Fix for awhile, but finally canceled it. I had turned off “send automatic fixes,” yet mysteriously I still got one. I assumed user error, so turned it off again, and took a screenshot. I still got another one. After emailing their support, they said “oh you must not have turned off the ‘send the next fix’ option.” As I couldn’t locate that anywhere, I asked where it was. Silence. To alleviate issues, I just canceled my account, which was disappointing since I did receive some nice stuff. Although I did have the “don’t send pants” option checked, yet I’d still get pants every once in awhile by a stylist who’d say “I know you don’t want these, but….”

  31. Loved your review! I agree that having a Pinterest style page really seems to help. Stitch Fix has gotten me to buy more patterned tops (when I shop by myself, I seem to only buy solids). They haven’t worked for me for pants so far, but I’m okay with that. Even having someone help me do half my shopping is worth it. 🙂

  32. June says:

    I’m jumping into this thread almost a year late, but it still shows up on Pinterest when you search “Stitch Fix”, so it’s still relevant. I’ve only received one Fix so far, and I think I figured out two important things: 1) Even though I specifically outlined my personal style, I was sent one great item that I kept; an item that was okay, but not worthy of keeping; and three items that were the exact opposite of what I asked for (color, shape, floral design when I checked the “no floral” box). This led me to believe that at the time my delivery date rolled around, the stylist looked at what was in the warehouse, and just picked whatever was left in my size even though it didn’t fit my style at all. 2) My profile was a little too open to experimentation, so I went back and really tweaked it to more strictly adhere to my tastes. I also made a new Pinterest board with a mind to guiding any future stylists to pins specifically from Stitch Fix that I like, rather than going off of the previous board I had linked to, which was full of general fashion ideas I’ve been pinning over the years. Maybe after Stitch Fix has proven to me in futures Fixes that their stylists are really paying attention to my directives, and if I can manage to find a stylist that I click with, I’ll be more open to experimenting. It might seem harsh to be critical of a stylist’s choices in the feedback, but there’s a way to do it politely and effectively — I hope! 🙂

  33. Kelley says:

    I haven’t had the time to read all the responses so I apologize if this is a duplicate tip, but my one piece of advice is to check the laundering requirements of each piece to help you decide if you are on the fence. I’ve kept a few lovely shirts only to look at the tag after a few wearings and see “hand wash only cold.” Ugh!

  34. Laura says:

    Thanks for this post; it helps me reconsider Stitch Fix! I’m a recent first time Stitch Fix customer FAIL. A piece came to me dirty and as a first time customer, I was totally grossed out (someone else’s deodorant- no thanks!). The way they handled it was the generic “sorry our fix wasn’t to your liking” and “we look forward to your next fix”. It was one of those “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression” moments for me. But, your clothes in the photos in this post (love the winter 2014 black dot dress!) and your tip about honing your feedback overtime are helping me to reconsider…

  35. Laura says:

    I don’t know if you still respond to comments from this post, but I thought I would try. I’m really struggling with stitch fix. In the beginning they did well, but are progressively getting worse. In this last fix I asked for pants, stating that I currently only have two pairs of jeans in my wardrobe and no other pants. I just got my shipping notice and I peaked. They only sent me one pair of pants . . . jeans . . . that they already sent me . . . in my first fix. I sent them back because I don’t like my jeans to have holes. In essence this fix will have no pants when that is what I really wanted and asked for. (They have also been batting poorly with tops so I thought shifting my focus might redeem them a bit – they sent a pair of pants last time I wish I would have kept – I told them that.) I truly feel frustrated by this fix and it may be enough for me to just be done. Should I contact them seperatly about this fix being so off or should I just put it in my comments when I send the fix back? I honestly feel like no one is getting my style. I would be ok with just being done, but I REALLY like the concept and I want it to work, I just feel like they aren’t hearing anything I’m saying. What are your tips on how to proceed?

    • Anne says:

      My last few fixes have also been a little puzzling. I try to be very clear about my feedback and if I have another one that’s “off” I’ll explicitly request a new stylist. (I did this once in the past and that worked out pretty well.)
      I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

      • Dagmara Pagliaro says:

        How can you peek at your fix? I wasn’t aware that was an option… I have been doing Stitch Fix for about 5 months. So far I usually end up keeping 1-2 items. I can see my stylist puts a lot of effort to match my style. I’ve requested the same one (Nicole) evrytime.

        • Anne says:

          As soon as your fix ships, you can click “check out now” to see what they sent you and the prices. You can’t see pictures though.)

          • Rebecca says:

            If you download the Stitchfix app and then peek at the items at checkout in there, you can see all the pictures. 🙂
            What’s the brand/designer of your black dress? Love it and would like to see if I can request it through StitchFix. Do you mind sharing the brand? Thanks!

  36. Haylee says:

    DO you find the prices more than what you would like to pay? What would you think of a similar service but with pre-owned clothing at much cheaper prices, more like an average of $10-$15 instead of $55.00?

  37. Diane Heaphy says:

    I am really interested in signing up for Stitch Fix! I’m just trying to figure out how true to size they are. Sometimes I’m in between sizes – just wondering if someone could tell me if their sizes are comparable to Ann Taylor Loft or some other store?

  38. Katie says:

    Great tips, I just booked by 3rd StitchFx and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. I feel like some items are spot on, but some seem so far off from my profile it’s confusing!

  39. Tara says:

    I’ve been with stitch fix for 3 months now and have moderately satisfied. My biggest complaint is that I feel they aren’t listening to my feedback. I’ve been very, very specific in what I don’t want e.g. Shorts and very specific about what I do want e.g. Dress shoes for work. I get a fix every 3 weeks and have not received dress shoes once , AND they’ve sent me shorts 3 times! Do you have any recommendations to help with getting stitch fix to actually listen to feedback?

  40. Anna Y says:

    I had Stitch Fix for the first time last month and LOVED it. I thought it was so fun and exciting to see at my doorstep. Before I opened the box I made sure to give myself a spending limit. As a recent college graduate I knew I would not be able to afford everything, and needed to budget. I set a budget of $120 knowing I would only take home one or two items, which I was happy with on my first time, hopefully raising that in future fixes. When I opened the box I tried on everything before looking at the prices, which left me with an unbiased opinion. I loved 3 of the 5 items, and 2 out of the 3 fit under the $120 budget (2 work shirts for $50 each, the 3rd a sweater for $80). Now normally I wouldn’t spend $50 on a shirt, but I went into this knowing they would be this expensive. They were awesome quality and totally screamed something I would wear. My stylist did a phenomenal job. SO FUN!

  41. Cynthia M. says:

    I just received my stitch fix box #1. I am happy and sad at the same time. 4 of the 5 items work…but the 5th item is so bad, and looks so bad on me I could never keep it. Sad because If it semi-worked I would keep the whole box and get the 25% discount. The dress I received looks ah-mazing on me, so it is a keeper. The jeans, top and necklace they sent…I all really like… but considering I can’t get the discount on them they will go back. I wish they had a pro-rated discount. Like I could get 20% of for keeping 4 items.

    • Michele Newton says:

      I agree with the prorated discount! I am having the same dilemma now! It would actually be cheaper to keep all five with the discount.

  42. Myinnermagpie says:

    That black dress with the lime green necklace is great on you. I’d never have thought of it myself but it is perfect for you.

  43. Alicia says:

    I love stitch fix and have been using them for years. If you have kids try Wee Blessing as they are awesome. Pretty much stitch fix for kids!

  44. Taylor says:

    I am interested in stitch fix but I am overweight. All of the pics and clothes people describe (Ann Taylor for example) are tailored to think women. Does Stitch Fix work for we fuffy, fabulous women?
    I’d love to hear from other women on this.

    • Morgan says:

      I just literally stumbled across this because I was Googling “does stitch fox carry shoes” and this popped up- I saw your comment Taylor and figured it was fate. I literally just received my first fix and, as a 2XL, can tell you it’s worth trying. I received a dress, two tops, faux leather jacket and earrings. I loved all of it but kept one top and the jacket- the one top had an open back which I can’t wear, the earrings were beautiful but similar to something I already have and the dress was made for someone a little less broad but still awesome. For $20, I’d say give it a try! I’ve already ordered a 2nd!

    • Taylor says:

      Can anyone give me an average as to what you spend on each box?
      I think there is a “spend limit” forbthe stylist, but what are women finding they spend per month?
      And how much is the
      re-stock fee if you have to send it back?
      Do you add that to your cost if you buy only 2 pieces?
      Thank you for any feedback!

      • Sup says:


        So far I have seen prices range from 48-88 dollars. The items can be costly but the monthly surprise makes it worth it.

          • Jacki says:

            Taylor, the $48-88 is PER item. It can get a little pricey if you keep a lot of the items, but I think it can be worth it for your time saved and for the quality of the items.

      • Jweazy says:

        I chose 50-100 for the dress category and cheap as possible for everything else. The “styling fee” is $20 per box that is credited towards anything that you decide to keep. There is no return fee or restock fee. It comes with a prepaid label to return through usps

    • Danielle says:

      Yes! I am overweight as well and have had issues finding clothes that are tight enough in the waist while wide enough in the hips and I have had two boxes so far and have purchased two items from each box. Personally, I like StitchFix better than Dia&Co as well because I feel like they are better able to dress plus sized women while retaining a sense of style.

    • Karyn Swarner says:

      YES! There’s a profile you fill out when you register and you can explain your concern. I m overweight and have gotten some of my favorites from Stitch Fix.

    • Jess says:

      I have gotten 3 fixes so far and am a size 16 bottom and lg top. I have LOVED my fixes and am extremely pleased with the way they fit. I feel more confident and more beautiful than ever!

    • Jennifer Holland says:

      YES! I am 5’10 and I am a size 20W. So, tall and plus are a hard fit. I got my first box a few weeks ago. It’ll all fit, but I liked 3/5 of the pieces so I kept them. And scheduled a new fix for July 3! Try it!

    • Babs says:

      Give it a try! I am overweight as well – I’m a 16W or 18W or 2X. I just got my first fix and LOVE 2 of the 5 items that came. I’m hooked. The style is fantastic and I don’t know where I would have found these items. Fill out the profile ACCURATELY and you’ll win. I promise. I LOVE my fix and am excited for the next one.

    • Sonia R Memmel says:

      They carry up to 3XL/24.
      I would HIGHLY recommend them. Stick with them for awhile even if your first few boxes aren’t the best. I just received my 4th and my stylist nailed everything so I’m keeping the whole box! If you keep everything you get 25% off. So essentially I got a dress and a blouse..FREE!

    • Jae says:

      Hi Taylor and anyone else who is like me, finding this article now.
      You fill out a profile with your height, weight, style preferences, price you are willing to spend per category(jewelry, outerwear, pants, dresses, etc). It takes about 15 minutes or so to fill out the questionnaire. I’ve just logged into my own account and see that they go well into plus sizes, so I’m sure wherever you fall in the overweight category, you can use the service and look fabulous. 🙂 I’ve been using stitchfix for about 2 years now and I love it. I like that I can take breaks and change my profile from cheap to pricey as I see fit, no pun intended.

      I like that I return everything without a penalty. When I started, exchanging items wasn’t an option so I don’t use that feature, but most of the time, I dont have to. I dont keep an item unless i LOVE IT.

      I first found out about Stitchfix when viewing Instagram. Yeah, they found me…I’m that person that responds to IG marketing ploys. But I’m so glad I did, because I don’t like shopping in stores and online shopping is always a crap shoot. I’m 5’6 with a small waist and big hips. Shopping for pants is usually nothing short of a nightmare. Stitchfix has allowed me to like wearing pants and jeans again! It feels like I have a custom tailor making all my clothes. It has been a wardrobe game-changer for me, personally.

      I’ve referred people to Stitchfix and everyone I know has had a great experience. I’ve tried other clothes subscriptions that were costlier than Stitchfix and the fit wasn’t as “tailored” to my body. I hope this helps anyone looking to try it out.

  45. Sarah says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on Stitchfix. I got a gift card for Christmas and still haven’t placed an order because, well, I just want to be prepared to make the most of it. These tips are so helpful!

    • Erica says:

      No- It is a $20 styling fee that applies to any item you keep. If you return all items the $20 is a loss. If you keep all the items, you’ll get 25% off the entire order and then your $20 styling fee is applied also.

  46. Kimberly says:

    Thank you for tips. I just ordered my first Fix two days ago and am supposed to receive it next week. I’m very curvy and thick in some areas which makes shopping a nightmare for me and often ending up with nothing. I’m hoping this site is an answer to my prayers. LOL

  47. Julie says:

    Question for the well-experienced Stitch Fix-er: What do you do if you like 4 of the items but hate one of them… and the cost of that 5th item is less than the 25% off discount? Do you keep it anyway? I received a pair of shoes I very much dislike and will never wear, but am wondering if I should keep them just to take advantage of the discount. What do you normally do in this situation?

    • Kimberly says:

      Well that’s an interesting point Julie. I should say that I just got my first Fix, so I’m no expert, not even a novice yet. LOL However, I would say to take advantage of the discount and then sell the shoes on Ebay or another place they can be sold. If the difference in price is worth it to you then you could recover some of your cost. This is a quote from Mrs. Darcy’s article..”Alternatively, you can join one of the Buy/Sell/Trade Stitch Fix groups that are popping up on Facebook. Yes, it’s a real thing.” Just make sure it’s worth it to you. 🙂

      • Julie says:

        Hi Julie,
        This happened to me with my first box. I received a darling top that would never flatter my shape. They let me exchange it to my daughter’s size and I surprised her with a gift. I have another friend who also gifts that 5th item from time to time.

        • Kimberly says:

          What a great idea Julie! I guess if you end up outside the return window in the future, you could always resort to the other options on those other venues. 🙂

    • Andrea says:

      I work with a bunch of people that use Stitch Fix. If there is an item I don’t like, I bring it to work to see if anyone else wants to buy it from me so I can get the discount price of keeping all five items. I charge them the discount price and it is a win for all of us.

    • Lisa says:

      Why would you not keep the item if it’s essentially free? When you check out, just check out with and without the item and see what the total is each way. I’ve had a couple of fixes where I hated one item, but keeping all items gave me a lower total cost due to the discount. You can always donate items you don’t like.

    • Sonia R Memmel says:

      That’s a toughie! Great question! I contemplated that just today when I received my box! I loveee everything in the box that I just received. There was one blouse that I was iffy on because it showed a bit too much of my arms. I decided to keep it because keeping it, I saved $78 on the whole box. So the blouse and a dress were essentially free! I love the color so I could put a jean jacket over it or a buttoned cardigan. In your case, keep them and gift them to someone that you know would like them. They don’t need to know you got them from stitch fix.

  48. Stephanie says:

    Hello, I was wondering if we could wear the outfit for a day to decide if we want it? Or if we wear I think out do we automatically have to buy it?

    • Sonia R Memmel says:

      You can’t do that with stitch fix, but there is another box subscription that lets you. I believe it’s “wantable”.

  49. Stacey Moubray Lockhart says:

    I absolutely love Stitch Fix and cannot wait to receive my box every month! When I shop I can never find pants to fit but with them I have not received a pair that does not fit and I absolutely love them.

  50. Holly says:

    Excellent points here. My sister is blind and she signed up for Stitch Fix. So far, she’s received two boxes. I’m tasked with describing the items to her. Because of this post, moving forward, I’ll insist she try on every piece. Going shopping at physical stores can be overwhelming and time-consuming because there’s just so many items to choose from, so Stitch Fix has been a wonderful change of pace.

  51. Jennifer Holland says:

    I spent about $212 for 2 blouses and a pair of work slacks. You set the timeline as to when you want to receive a new fix. Mine, for example, is every 2 months.

  52. Jennifer Holland says:

    @Jweazy, did you choose “as cheap as I can get it” for your pricing? I’m just curious. I chose $50 to $100 on my first order, but have changed the parameters to as “cheap as I can get it” on everything but shoes for my July fix. I want to see what the quality is for that price point.

  53. Cary Osterman says:

    I’m at the end of my rope with Stich fix. The first fix was awesome. The second fix had a dress that was horrid. They would could not exchange it. I was upset because keeping only 4 pieces was far more expensive than keeping all 5. I was told by customer service to purchase all 5 and give item away. I was told to “expand my comfort zone”. . We came to a resolution and I gave them one more try. I asked for three specific pieces. It was like they did not read my notes. I feel like they have generic boxes they send out withoverstock items.I have asked for trendy pieces but my requests fall on deaf ears. They are good at trying to keep you going with offers designed to make up for mistakes but when you specifically ask for linen Capri pants in any color but white, black or blue and they send you a $98 dollar pair of black polyester pants and charge you a $20 styling fee, what is there left to say?

  54. Dee says:

    I just received my first SF box. Most of the pieces I like, but there is one piece that is stitched oddly. Maybe just a lemon?

    I am wondering if I do an “Exchange” for the one item and plan to purchase all five pieces, do they still do the 25% discount, with that one piece exchanged???


    • Anne says:

      I would hope they would, under the circumstances. It sounds like this is an unusual situation; if it happened to me I would reach out to customer support.

      • Dee says:

        Thanks Anne! I did go forward with an email to CS and they did an exchange and I still received the 25% off all five items!

        Thanks for the reply!

  55. Deja Cooper says:

    I would love to do this. I just need to know if i dont keep anything from my box if i have to pay anything and also whats the cheapest thing you have gotten in your box?

    • Jae says:

      Hi Deja,
      If you don’t keep anything from the box, you pay nothing. Send it all back. Also, leave feedback for the stylist so they know what you like or don’t. Many times, I find that I don’t really like or love what they send me. I’m neutral or I love the pattern, but the fit isn’t good or I love the fit and the pattern doesn’t work. Be specific in your feedback. It helps for future fixes. The cheapest item in the box depends on the price range you select in your profile. I’ve tried out doing “as cheap as possible” with everything and while I’m going off the top of my head, I’ll say that nothing I’ve received is less than $20 and that may be pushing it. I think the “as cheap as possible” ranges between 25-50…In my experience. If you’re looking for cheap clothing(like under $20), Stitchfix may not be the service for you. Hope this helps! 🙂

        • Jae says:

          Oh. You know what? To be honest, I never really noticed that, which is not good…I know.

          I actually haven’t had a fix in a while, because I’m scaling back on expenses. This $20 for “nothing” may be a deal-breaker for some people. Thanks for catching that! :).

  56. H.W. says:

    Do they just have all fancy clothes or normal wear everyday outside clothes? We live in rural Arkansas and there are no clothing stores around as a result I haven’t bought any new clothes in almost ten years and I am down to two pair of pants and 3 shirts. Going shopping is not an option unless you count the local good will store in the next town over. I am afraid I will sign up and the clothes will be way to fancy. I work from home and farm for a living when I am not working on the computer. I homeschool me kid so I need clothes that are for active folks that are outside a lot. Besides going to church we do t go anywhere. This service sounds great no shipping required and your clothes are mailed to you.

    • Jae says:

      Hi HW,
      You fill out a profile that takes about 20-30 minutes that talks about your preferences. You can also tell your stylist what you want or need and they are usually good with the requests. You can choose as fancy or as regular everyday as you want. Everyone has a different idea of normal or fancy, but I think you may find what works for you.

      I’d say give it a try. 3 times is usually the amount of time I try a service, as it’s hard to get it right the first time around. And being as there is free shipping and no monthly subscription or obligation to buy, why not?

      Hope that helps! 🙂

  57. Catie says:

    How much does Stitch Fix cost? I saw on the website that it only costs about $20 per fix, but I would like to hear it from an actual client. Is it $20 per piece? Per box? I’m so confused!

    • Lisa H says:

      20 is the styling fee per fix and is credited back if you keep any pieces. Prices on clothes vary and you can select a price range. You also get 25% off if you keep all 5 pieces.

  58. Kat says:

    I used your tips to get my first fix and they were very helpful. I also remembered the post where you said something to the effect of you weren’t actually bohemian style, just aspired to some small parts of it, and parsed my responses with that in mind. Results – I only kept two items (both of which I love) but I could see why they had picked each item and sent it to me. So thank you!

  59. CHERRY F says:

    Love ❤️ Stitch fix – love clothes!
    Love getting a box of clothes in mail!
    I,m 65, I think I have a great stylist and she does listen to my requests.
    One of the things I like is getting something I would never have bought and liking it. Also getting a color I would not have chosen, yet is a good color for my
    hair color and skin tones.
    The jeans or pants I get seem to always fit well and good quality.
    The dresses are inexpensive put younger looking and casual/ cute.
    I wear size 6/8 in pant and medium / large in tops and dresses.
    I used stitch fix for over 2 years , probably need to take break , but it is a stitch fix not easy to give up.

  60. Faith Miller says:

    Does stitch fix get new arrivals regularly? I am pregnant and just got my first box! I love everything in it, but there’s not a lot of maternity clothes to choose from on their site.(in my price range) just wondering if it’s new stuff every month or they stick to the same clothes for a while. Thank you!

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