What’s saving your life right now?

A favorite Modern Mrs Darcy tradition

It’s almost time for one of my favorite Modern Mrs Darcy traditions.

Winter has never been my favorite season. It’s cold and grey, it too often brings colds or worse, and usually a bit of cabin fever, besides. This particular winter has been strange for me: I got sick on December 22 and haven’t been myself since. As someone who’s relatively young and generally healthy, this winter has felt like a season out of time.

This year I’m especially I’m grateful for our annual practice that calls me to assemble a list—a literal, physical list—of the things that are saving my life right now.

The idea comes from author Barbara Brown Taylor. In her memoir Leaving Church, Taylor tells about a time she was invited to speak, and her host assigned her this topic: “Tell us what is saving your life right now.”

Most of us know what’s killing us, and can articulate it, if asked. But few of us stop to note what’s giving us life. 

Taylor says it’s too good a question to not revisit every once in a while: what are the things—big or small—that are saving us?

Every season carries its unexpected challenges and joys. Sometimes the challenges nearly crowd out the joys; sometimes (perhaps, I hope, please say yes) it’s the other way ’round.

Our lives reflect what we persistently think about. This practice calls me to pay attention to what I’m dwelling on, and to intentionally look for the good.

Next Thursday is February 2, the halfway point of winter. For many years now, we’ve been joining together to combat the winter doldrums by making our lists of the things that are saving our lives, and sharing them here.

I’ll gather my thoughts on this topic to share on February 2—and you are invited to share yours as well: in the comments section you can link to a blog or social media post, or simply post your thoughts there there for us to read.

This can be a hard season, but by pausing at its halfway point to share the things that are helping us through it, we’ll lighten the load.

I can’t wait to hear what’s on your list.

P.S. We’ve engaged in this practice for nearly ten years, but now I can point to my book that touches on the subject. For more about intentional practices like this one, pick up a copy of Don’t Overthink It and flip to Chapter 7, “Tend Your Garden.” My hope is that this book can be one of the things that brings you joy, peace, and life.


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  1. Clarissa says:

    I love this idea! I just might use it (at least a version of it) as a writing prompt for my middle/high school students today. I may have to tweak the wording so they understand what is being asked of them.

  2. Eileen says:

    I’m so very aware of what is saving my life right now, midst immense changes around me and family health concerns. Topping the list is the breath. When anxiety arises, when 3:00 am finds me waking up, I go to the breath. I invite the breath. I stay with the breath. Mindfulness, awareness, befriending myself, taking care of myself…companions of the breath. And then, books…especially, this year, poetry: always, Billy Collin’s and George Bilgere, Ada Limon, Walt Whitman, John Keats. Hundreds more. A few months ago, I read Katherine May’s Wintering, and touching her story brought me solace.

      • Colleen says:

        I must be the only person in the world who did not like Wintering. I struggled through about 30% of it before deciding it was not for me. Many of the things she described doing are beyond my physical and fiscal abilities. I need a book “like this” that focuses on resources available to all in and near their home, where my wintering occurs.

  3. Beth Stevens says:

    Getting outside every sunny morning. Having the sun on my face, no sunglasses, no makeup or sunscreen, and taking a walk. Wearing as little covering, (coat, hat, gloves, long sleeves, or long pants) as possible, letting the sun touch as much of my body as I can!

  4. Laurie Munn says:

    Katherine May’s book “Wintering” gave me life and hope in the first half of this winter. I am also taking an online art class right now that focuses 9n flowers, which makes me look forward to spring.

  5. Meg says:

    Good Earth Sweet & Spicy tea for when I’m cold, sad, tired, or just in a funk.

    The audio from Studson Studio’s Howl’s Moving Castle model build for when I can’t sleep. I just listen to it and the host’s voice is soothing enough for my to pass out.

  6. Janice Cunning says:

    I enjoy winter especially because about 23 years ago (at the age of 30) I learned to ice skate. I have a weekly date with my friend and we get to skate, enjoy the outdoors and catch up. We often talk about books. In Toronto, where I live, we are lucky to have so many free, beautiful, outdoor ice rinks and skating trails. The skating season only lasts about 3 months so it makes me appreciate it even more.

    • Kate says:

      Janice – I’ve taken up regularly ice skating this winter and I love it! I live in Chicago and my office is across the street from an amazing ice skating ribbon (Maggie Daley Park). We have a club that goes once a week at lunch time! Such a great way to embrace winter.

    • Amy says:

      So I love to ice skate, but desperately need a new pair. Can anyone recommend a decent mid-level skate that isn’t too pricey? I’ve been researching options, but it’s a little overwhelming. I just want to order a new pair and get going. Thank you!

  7. Sarah says:

    Good audiobooks. I’m listening to an audiobook at the half hour commute home and when I’m going on walks. I’ve been enjoying nonfiction about place-making lately as well as some backlist Laura Vanderkam. All very helpful at the start of a new year.

  8. Julie says:

    I keep myself busy reading with the fireplace for warmth. I am a Knitter/Crocheter, so I keep busy making projects to donate to some of my favorite causes. The repetition soothes me, and thinking about what my next project (especially the colors and pattern) keeps me looking ahead.

  9. Cara Harker says:

    What’s saving my life: “Winter” candles and hand soap from Bath and Body Works, demanding dinner at the table as a family (when possible), pizza-Movie night Friday with my family, and probably most of all, my current Bible Study from She Reads Truth: the Life of Jesus.

    • Kristy Burke says:

      We do pizza/movie night on Fridays as well and have for years. Unfortunately, my kids have outgrown it but my husband and I do it every Friday. I find it comforting.

    • Sophia says:

      If you like studying the life of Jesus, I recommend the show called The Chosen. I am 14 and I love it very much. It helped me rediscover who Jesus is and reaffirmed my faith. I think you will like it. I am also going to look into this bible study. Thank you for the mention.
      Have a great day!

      • Vanessa says:

        Sophia!!! You are so right! I was just sitting here reading all these comments and thinking I don’t really have anything that’s “Saving My Life” this winter, but I began watching The Chosen a few weeks ago and I completely agree with you! Focusing on and seeing Jesus’ life in this artistic format is definitely saving my life!! It gives me something to look forward to that I’m excited about! I’m still in the second season and I’m thoroughly enjoying every episode!

        • K Patrick says:

          I love the Chosen!! And She Reads Truth! I’m on a quick personal retreat to a sunny place, and both the show and Bible study have been important daily to keep me focused on what matters most.

        • Sophia says:

          I recently returned from a brief trip to DC with my mom and we had so much fun. Since I have lived in Florida for a while it was nice to go to a place that had more wintery weather. Planning a trip really makes your days feel exciting. Have a great day!!

    • Jill S Fitzpatrick says:

      Similar here. I am chaperoning a MS/HS student trip to Japan this summer and started taking DuoLingo Japanese classes about two months ago, a few lessons every day. It won’t get me anywhere near fluent, but I should be able to speak and understand at least a little bit by the time we go. It feels good to flex those language-learning muscles I haven’t used in a loooonnng time.

  10. London says:

    As much as I dread the 6:30 AM dogwalk in the dark, I find that when I’m outside, feeling the winter air and listening to a good book, something in me awakens. This morning, I walked through snow listening to George Saunders read me the first story in his collection, Liberation Day. It was a nice way to start the day.

  11. Denise says:

    1. Watching The Mary Tyler Moore show on Amazon Prime. 2. Going to bed early, need my sleep! 3. Listening to music while I work. 4. Looking at nature guides – I love the illustrations, particularly bird and butterfly guides. 5. Short, fun reads. I’m on a Helene Hanff kick right now, listened to 84 Charing Cross Road and now reading The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street.

    • Anna says:

      We are kindred spirits! I prioritize my sleep and am not ashamed of my 9pm bedtime. Just bought the Sibley Western Bird Guide and love illustrated nature guides. MMD introduced me to audiobooks last year and they are my lifesaver now too. My library doesnt have the audio of 84 Charing yet but Richard Osman’s murder club series on audio is my latest favorite. Such funny British humor and the narration is wonderful.

      • Sue Baum says:

        One of my favorite reads of 2022 was All About Me! by Mel Brooks. In his memoir, he wrote about his marriage to the true love of his life, Ann Bancroft. He mentioned in the book that she starred in the movie version of 84 Charing Cross Road. I found it on Crackle… it was wonderful!

        • Pam Goen says:

          Good to hear about the movie version, Sue! I SO enjoyed his memoir as well. It was touching to read about his relationship with Anne, and his best friend Carl Reiner. It was a bonus to read about how all of his films were made. I watched a documentary of him on HBO a couple of weeks ago called Mel Brooks: Unwrapped. Think you will enjoy that as well.

  12. Jennifer Postma says:

    Saving me right now: ▪︎fires in the fireplace ▪︎cappuccinos with cinnamon
    ▪︎listening to Chopin, Josh Garrels, or Will Reagan
    ▪︎reading, always reading (just listened to Spare by Prince Harry….5 stars for me!)
    ▪︎my husband’s hugs
    ▪︎coffee with my girls
    ▪︎lunch with my son
    ▪︎snuggles with my cat, Maeve

  13. Renee Williams says:

    This is such a good question and wonderful tradition! The winter months are hard for me and I try to put my head down and get through it. The past several years we have taken our family vacation in February instead of during the Summer and it has made such a big difference in my life. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to do this earlier. Other things that make me happy: Coconut Almond Kisses Tea, the fireplace, a stack of books to read, a knitting project by my side and watching my hometown hockey team, the Pittsburgh Penguins.

  14. Nanette says:

    Going to live theater. My partner and I are huge fans – she’s a stagehand and storyteller, I’m on the board for my favorite local theater festival (Minnesota Fringe Festival).After two plus years of reduced theater performances, I am so grateful for that return to normal. We went from five or six performances a week to none mid-March 2020. Missing the community aspect was one thing, but even harder was seeing so many of our friends instantly out of work. Now, before each performance, I close my eyes, take a breath, and give thanks for this privilege.

  15. Nancy Willard says:

    Bluebirds!!! Loving watching these beautiful creatures as they visit our backyard feeders!!! Husband has strategically placed the feeders to allow best close ups and photo ops while staying warm inside.

    • Ruthie says:

      YES! Our bluebirds had 3 broods last summer, and they’ve all stayed near enough to our yard to gather at the feeders throughout the day, along with all of their non-blue, but still colorful and beloved, friends!

  16. Sandy says:

    I love this question! Saving my life right now: weekly orders of healthy prepared meals from a local Clean Eatz, listening to the Hallow prayer app on my phone via my Christmas gift AirPods, and frequent visits with my 3 yo granddaughter and 1 yo grandson. My husband had a critical health crisis in December and had minor surgery this week so this winter has been a season of trials for us too!

  17. Jennifer Geisler says:

    As a Reiki Master and with one and a half years of Donna Eden energy medicine training, I had stopped using it daily. Thanks to a wake up call from the universe, Im now giving Reiki to friends recovering from cancer, surgery and Covid. Add in 7 minutes of Donna Edens daily energy routine (7 minutes) and Im feeling better about everything! Just enter Donna Eden daily energy routine into your browser and you can feel more grounded and energetic, too.

  18. Kathy D'Amelio says:

    Yes what an awesome question to have you count your blessings and things that provide that comfort in the cold of winter.
    * My husband making delicious soups and grilled cheese
    *My dog buddy and his constant love and attention
    *Audio books for that dark ride to work in the morning, I am presently listening to “As You Wish” by Cary Elwes and Joe Layden. It is about the making of the movie “The Princess Bride” It has clips with all the actors and Rob Reiner the director. I am laughing all the way to work
    *my nightly listening to the catechism in the year with my husband. Its a podcast with Fr. Mike Schmidtz
    * my quilting and sewing… such a great outlet and time for more audio books

    • Ruthie says:

      At your suggestion, downloaded As You Wish. I’ve been hankering for an upbeat book, and unable to find something appealing this week until I heard that. So excited! Thanks!

    • Claire says:

      Hi Kathy! Great list! I am doing the Bible in a Year by Father Schmidt and am loving it. What is saving me is my knitting, hot tea (Glazed Lemon Loaf), my weekly bible study with a wonderful group of ladies, my knitting workshops and bowling with my husband. Also my reading and my sweet dog, Axel.

    • KC says:

      Quilting and sewing for sure! Planning and anticipating my projects is almost as satisfying as actually creating them. And yes, audiobooks and podcasts while I sew are a nice perk!

  19. Cliff says:

    We got a record player for Christmas and playing records every evening has been so relaxing and life-giving, particularly James Taylor’s Greatest Hits, Taylor Swift’s Folklore, Cat Stevens’ Greatest Hits, and John Denver’s Greatest Hits.

    I also have a standing Zoom hangout with my best friend to play Animal Crossing and that is the highlight of my week.

  20. Patricia says:

    What’s saving my life right now? Seeing my manuscript improve. I’ve been writing and rewriting a mystery. This week I’ve had one zoom class on ‘Writing Better Dialogue’ and looking forward to another on ‘Creating Engaging Characters’. Each class I take helps me move forward to my end goal; getting published either traditionally or self-published.
    Making plans for vacations later this year: a beach trip in April and a trip around the British Isles by ship.
    And reading. Reading saves me over and over again. Bless my local library.

  21. Amy Czuba says:

    I love to plan trips, and just the anticipation of a warm weather trip in March, June or September gets me through these dreary days! Planning is half the fun!!

  22. Sheila Dailie says:

    After taking down my Christmas decorations, I leave most surfaces empty and string little white lights. I have several scent warmers that give off light which I place in front of mirrored china cupboards. It makes the long dark evenings and even gray days seem a bit softer and cozy.

  23. 1. The British quiz show Qi, offering a combination of surprising rabbit-hole information and ribald British humor from a revolving crew of comedians (it’s been on for 17 seasons, and I’ve only just discovered it)
    2. My view of the Hudson River, the one thing I can count on to surprise me every day
    3. My husband, with 35th anniversary coming up, children grown and living their lives, and us, in a sense back to where we started
    4. Soup
    5. Scrabble
    6. Sweaters
    7. Sorting/tossing/filing pages/books/drafts/notes from newly finished novel
    8. The doggo, when she’s not barking
    9. Hope
    10. The promise of spring

    • Liz Carpenter says:

      QI is a favorite of mine, and if you’ve got the mental space for a podcast, four of the show’s writers (the “Elves”) put out weekly episodes of No Such Thing as a Fish. They run through the four most interesting facts they come across each week, and then riff on them with even more facts. It is hilarious, and helps to fill the hole between new QI episodes.

  24. Brucie Mintz says:

    As always, Jane Austen! In a different way this year—I read a book called Unequal Affections because Anne recommended it, loved it , and have now gone way down the rabbit hole of Jane Austen fan fiction. Thank you, Anne—I didn’t know it was a thing. Last night finished an annual rewatch of the 1995 miniseries of P&P, and it is aging very well.

  25. Jackie says:

    *Binge watching Ally McBeal on Amazon Prime
    *Intermittent fasting – even if only for 12 hours it is beneficial
    *Lullalby caffeine-free tea – Elmwood Inn brand

  26. Erin Bolenbaugh Montoya says:

    Quite literally- air bags. Two of my kids and I were in a terrible car accident early this week and I am so grateful and amazed that we were able to walk away without any major injuries. What could have been a horrible tragedy has become a moment to give us pause, bond us even more tightly together, and remind us of all we have to be grateful for.

  27. Laurel says:

    I have to walk outside every day….luckily I have a sweet older lab who loves to go with me! I’m also loving listening to Becoming Duchess Goldblatt! What’s that quote “ I read to know I’m not alone”. I’m going through some uninvited changes in my life and listening to this book has helped me put words to my situation!

  28. Hilary says:

    For me, it’s been rock climbing. Our gym has a rock wall and my younger daughter had been begging to try it. We were going to let her do it once or twice but she’s gotten super into it. Consequently, so has the rest of the family. It makes me excited to go to the gym. I love it. I can tell my grip strength has gotten better. It’s fun to watch my kids too when I need a break.
    We’ve also randomly been doing duo lingo. I figured we’d last a day or two but it’s been 3 weeks and it’s still been pretty fun! As an adult, I don’t formally learn a whole lot of new things each day so this has been enjoyable to me.

  29. Adrienne says:

    Nespresso coffee. My turquoise ForLife teapot, turquoise Corning mug (nicked from my last office job), and earl gray tea. The view from my desk of our backyard and the sunrise in the mornings. My shearling-lined slippers.

  30. Paige says:

    Knitting. It’s a hobby, something to do with my hands, something to keep me warm (even while I’m working on it), portable, and engaging. I’m learning all sorts of new things about yarn, yarn dying, different ways to complete increases and decreases (there’s more than one of anything) and generally just enjoying a peaceful way to pass the time. Even if I have to pull things out, I think about what I learned. It’s keeping me less crazy to be the crazy knitting lady.

  31. Chris Armstrong says:

    As Laurel mentioned I’m going through some uninvited changes in my life, also. My friends, family and my dogs have really helped. As well as all the reading I’ve been doing. I’d like to thank everyone for listing what is saving them. I’m looking into quite a few. Thank you, Anne, for doing this.

  32. Pat Decker says:

    Getting up each morning during the week and going to the Y. I do a little exercise and weights, but the fellowship is everything!! When I leave I am ready for the day.

  33. Diane Egelston says:

    Time with my husband and grown kids and their significant others. Weekly zooms with my brother and sister; weekly zooms with high school classmates. My longtime sewing groups who share creative efforts. My kooky dog who requires daily walks. Reminds me of nature’s beauty, every day.

  34. Ellen Cole says:

    Even though I’m not Danish, I’m pursuing all things “Hygge” at this time of year. It means different things to different people. For me…A fire in the fireplace, relaxing music, making soup or baking, reading, soft blankets, bundled-up walks in nature, time with friends and family. It makes passing through winter desirable, instead of something to be tolerated or dreaded.

  35. Susan D. says:

    *Sunshine – I need to feel and see that sun so thank goodness we’ve had an unually warm January where I live
    *Walking outdoors, or at home to one of Leslie Sansone’s YouTube videos
    *Planning travel this year to see my out of state children
    *Baking and stocking my freezer
    *Re-connecting with an old friend who was my now adult children’s cherished pre-school teacher who I had lost touch with for almost 30 years
    *The Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club – and I truly mean this for reasons too lengthy to get into here!It was on my list last year too.Currently re-reading Shauna Niequest’s “I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet”

  36. Sue Kulp says:

    I walk every day when weather permits. I need the sun on my face and to breathe in the fresh air. I feel so alive afterwards.

  37. Sydney McClure says:

    A few things have been saving my life –
    1) Snuggles with my dogs
    2) 30 Days of Yoga with Adriene
    3) Getting back into cooking
    4) The Veronica Speedwell series (I love losing myself in books like these during the winter months)

  38. Linda Williamson says:

    Books! In winter, I look for books that create interconnectedness, community and an element of joy. I just finished “Still Life” by Sarah Winman, an incredible gathering together of disparate people to create a found family and a sense of belonging. “The Sentence” by Louise Erdrich, when I read it last year, gave me the same feeling. Ditto for “How to Find Love in a Bookshop” by Veronica Henry, although in a lighter vein. Add to the list “Winter Solstice” by Rosamund Pilcher and “A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet” by Becky Chambers, and I feel buoyed through the winter months by lives of kindness, integrity, and love.

    January is also the month I construct my Happiness Project (see Gretchen Rubin) to begin in February. Each year it takes a slightly different format, but importantly, it provides me infrastructure, which calms me and directs me to intentionally move “onward and upward” throughout the year.

  39. Kristy Burke says:

    This question is so apropos right now as I wait for my 2nd iron infusion to kick in to combat the anemia I am experiencing while I await surgery. 10 things saving my life: 1. a very supportive helpmate (my husband), 2. my faith/bible study 3. my dog 4. BOOKS/BOOKCLUB 5. sleep 6. healthy eating 7. sunshine 8. walks in the fresh air 7. learning to crochet 8. my Naturopath (vitamin supplements!) 9. puzzles 10. Roku streaming

  40. Jocelyn says:

    Audiobooks, books and puzzles. I had a terrible fall mid December, resulting in a fractured tibial plateau, requiring surgery. I am not permitted to weight bear until mid March. Books, audiobooks, puzzles, tea and the good fortune of neighbours, friends and family are saving me right now.

  41. Melanie says:

    The meal delivery kit is saving my life right now. I still have to cook but I don’t have to think. I pick out meals and a box shows up at my door once a week. It’s actually less than I would spend if I planned and shopped for myself and there are no leftovers to go to waste. After a rough few months, I need someone to do the thinking for me.

  42. Bill says:

    What’s saving me now is Twitch. I just signed up last fall for one particular event, and then didn’t bother with it again until the start of this month when I decided to look around. I’ve found a couple of music streams that I like very much and have been spending many hours listening/watching/donating for the last few weeks. It has definitely cut into my reading time but I’m really enjoying it.

  43. Katie McKenzie says:

    A couple of new chemos are literally saving my life right now. I recently found out I relapsed (stupid cancer) so will be starting a new treatment plan soon. It has taken me a bit to get my head around this turn of events but am doing so by walking my dog, exercising with friends, finding joy every day, making plans, finally setting up the reflection/medication space in my home that I have been thinking about but not acting on for months and of course, listening to WSIRN and reading all sorts of books. Well, listening to all sorts of books, ever since I had a stem cell transplant I have difficulty focusing on print books for long periods of time. God Bless Audio Books!

    • Pam Goen says:

      Katie are you familiar with the Isolation Journals with Suleika Jaouad? Might find comfort, encouragement and joy through her weekly emails. Hoping for complete healing for you!

  44. Shelise says:

    Audiobooks during mundane house chores or drives! Inspiring podcasts that teach me new things. Get Your Goal workshop taught by life coach Jody Moore! Oh my gosh she is brilliant and has helped me work on my thoughts. Love her! Looking forward to a trip in February where most of our family will be also. Prayer – meditating afterwards in order to receive answers. Good healthy home cooked food. Reading from paper books again!

  45. Courtney says:

    Honestly, my almost 17 year old daughter is saving my life right now. She’s just the absolute best. I just enjoy spending time with her and watching her blossom into such a beautiful human. She’s recently become interested in film and movies, so my husband and I are revisiting our favorite old movies with her. She’s our only and I’m just soaking up every minute until she leave the nest in another year or so.

  46. Michelle Wilson says:

    There are 3 things saving my life:
    1. Fingerless gloves made out of lightweight, soft Alpaca yarn. They offer an almost perfect warmth except on the coldest days. Plus I can actually work in them. Keeping my hands warm really lessens the arthritic pain in my hands.
    2. Audio books-how did I ever not read without audio books!
    3. Black/green tea with a touch of mint. I was gifted this tea and it is perfect hot and cold.

  47. Ann says:

    Morning coffee and word puzzles, face-timing with grandkids, Wednesday night out-to-dinner group, daily walking group.weekly zoom with college friends

  48. Ellen Stewart-Klein says:

    So living in Austin, winter usually is a nice time. Sure there are days that are chilly but some of the best weather is in December, January and February. Days are sunny. Highs in the 50’s feel pretty good and even in the dog days of summer I used to say “you don’t have to shovel heat.” And then the freeze of 2021 hit and many were without power or water or both and way too many people died. And now every time it dips below 32, I brace for a panic attack. It doesn’t help that the freeze kicked off the singularly worst year of my life. So I try to take what that horrible experience and year taught me and use it: Gratitude, Meditation, Community and Anticipation. These things all bring me joy and this year I’m working hard to incorporate them. I’m grateful for my home with its new pipes. I’m trying those NY times exercises for increasing happiness. I’m making plans for lunches with friends and a spa day and a summer vacation. I’m trying to meditate on weekdays. Progress not perfection.

  49. *Winters are long here in Minnesota, and this one is setting snow and cold records, BUT most days we have sun. Sitting in the snug with a good book, a shawl wrapped around my shoulders, a cup of hot cider flavored with a slice of dried orange and the sun pouring through the windows is life-saving, life-enhancing.
    * Every Thursday I facilitate a writing group at my church, and I love the process of deciding the writing prompt and finding quotes to support the prompt and then being with this group of open and warm people. Such a gift.
    * A weekly roaming day. My husband and I pick a destination not too far from our home and get in the car. As often as we can we drive back roads and find a local place for lunch and also visit the local library. We return home refreshed.

  50. Kimberly Read says:

    Vitamins! Part of my new year’s resolution this year is to actually start taking all of the vitamins that my general physician recommends to EVERYONE on EVERY annual check-up.

    It feels like there are so many, so I resisted doing this for years. Now that I’m getting older, it seems wiser to get on board.

    Some of these include Omega-3, SAMe, Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc combo, Mega D3-Mk7, NAC, Cassava, CoQ10 and Tumeric. She recommended brands NOW or Garden of Life.

    Honestly, I don’t know what these do, but I feel fantastic. Also, I started taking Ashwagandha at night, and it has improved my sleep. My physician also recommended drinking greens 2-3 times a day mixed in water. She prefers the brand Garden of Life Juiced Greens Powder (on Amazon), which I’ve been using, and that has helped my energy level!

    (NOTE: I am not a sales rep for any of this – these are just everyday accessible vitamins from wherever you can get them.)

  51. Georgene says:

    I am planning a 7 day hike of 12 mile days on the Great Allegheny Passage. That means starting a new exercise program, buying trail guides, meeting with my fellow hiker and dear friend, thinking of good scenery and good days. Tut may not happen, but the dream is spurning new hope.

  52. Debby says:

    Making a fun quilt just for me! I usually have a list a mile long of who needs a quilt and when. I don’t mind that, in fact it’s enjoyable to gift quilts to people. But life here has been pretty dreary/miserable/annoying/exhausting/sad/heartbreaking/frustrating since my 93 y.o. FIL fell on 12/26. So I decided I needed something to cheer me up and keep me going….what better than a quilt with coffee cups, donuts and cinnamon rolls? My husband thinks I’ve lost my normally “quilt with a variety of gray, black and tan fabrics” mind. Ok…who wouldn’t want to make a quilt block of a chocolate donut with cherry frosting??? Just typing it makes me laugh, take a breath, and know we can keep soldiering on as we advocate for the best quality of life for my FIL. Oh…a little silly reading at bedtime helps also. Can’t wait until I can read snuggled under my donut quilt.

  53. Cindy Jo says:

    1. Anything good: from friends to vitamins.
    2. Anything comforting: from books and blankets to dog cuddles.
    3. Modern Mrs. Darcy – get well soon Anne! Sending you all the well wishes, prayers, and good healing thoughts.
    4. Reading ya’ll’s lovely lists of things getting you through! Book people really ARE the best people! Thanks for making today brighter. Sharing joy is such good medicine.

  54. Lori M. says:

    This is one of my favorite posts and my first time chiming in. I’m recently retired so I finally have time to read posts while they are current rather than weeks after. Things that are saving my life this winter are morning walks with my dog, Tucker; 30 Days of Yoga with Eliz on Amazon Prime; making my way through Modern Mrs. Darcy podcasts from episode one and working forward; journaling; lip balm; and rice bag heating pads for warmth and aches and pains.

  55. Katherine says:

    Book people really are the best people!

    1) My favorite reading blog, MMD of course, and my favorite booktuber, Maranda Mills, for their recipe recommendations. (You know you’re a bibliophile when you get your recipes from book blogs.) I’ve enjoyed cauliflower soup, Brussel sprout salads, and more. My favorite though is Miranda’s “cheat” marmalade recipe made from Robertson’s MaMade thin cut Seville oranges in a can. The product review section in Amazon is the best I’ve come across because everyone is sharing how they doctor the recipe on the back of can. It’s been fun planning out how I’m going to use my can. I think I’m going to make a different variation of marmalade in each jar, including one with grapefruit rinds and another with sparkling wine.

    2) I recently received my David Austin rose catalog in the mail. I miss being in the garden this time of year, so I enjoy pouring over it and other catalogs to decide what I’m going to plant this year.

    3) I just discovered one of my favorite living artists, Elizabeth Floyd, has an Instagram account and art classes. She paints exquisite oils filled with books and flowers that are a breath of fresh air during the winter and I keep going to a nearby gallery to see them. Now that I found out about her Instagram account, it’s like having a gallery in my pocket. I can’t get enough of blue monochrome watercolor paintings, oils, and drawings. I also can’t wait to take her Skillshare class so I can learn to draw the David Austin roses in my garden. 🙂

    4) Winter walks along wetlands and the river near my home.

  56. Nicole says:

    A few things come to mind for me right away:
    -Snuggling under my Jane Austen blanket. My family fights over who gets to use it each night. “Give me Jane, no, I want Jane, I had Jane first!” It cracks me up to hear 11 and 13 year old boys (and my husband!) saying this stuff.
    Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1006361505/pride-and-prejudice-sherpa-fleece-book?gpla=1&gao=1&
    -Waking up early. I struggle with fatigue this time of year (maybe not enough sunlight?) But this winter I started forcing myself to wake up 45 minutes before I need to. It is having unexpected ripple affects: I actually feel more energized, I forgive myself for taking the occasional late afternoon snooze, and I go to bed early to account for the early wakeup time. Plus I’m really enjoying starting my day with quiet and a cup of coffee.
    -Watching old episodes of Top Chef. It’s hard to find tv/movies that my entire family all enjoys watching equally but we’re currently binging Top Chef Season 19, filmed in Houston, on Peacock and loving it. We’re going to try to find other seasons to stream once we finish. It’s even making my kids be more adventurous eaters!

  57. Christine G. says:

    1. Sunshine! I am a California girl, and sunshine is my energy boost!
    2. Reading, of course 🙂 Every day I spend some time reading, whether it is a physical, ebook, and/or audiobook. If I miss a day of reading, I feel a bit lost.
    3. Watching the Australian Open. I love tennis!
    4. My fur babies: 2 kitties who give me lots of snuggles.
    5. Staying connected with family: I have two different text groups for two different sides of the family, and I love being able to connect with my family, even if it’s just random stuff, like “I saw a pretty bird today.”

    • Pam Goen says:

      The Australian Open is a perfect beat the winter blues time for me! Love that on the other side of the world it’s hot, sunny and cheery. Really happy that Aryna Sabalenka got her first grand slam title!

  58. Janet says:

    Sunshine is saving my life (Californians need rain, but we need the sun too..).

    My cat, Kevin. 14 pounds of fluffy love.

    My sisters (2 blood, 2 by marriage, but we have been friends literally since birth). Our text group chat is the best.

    All the books.

    • Jill S Fitzpatrick says:

      Your two friends-since-birth friends became your sisters-in-law?! Sounds like something out of a novel–or a Hallmark movie! How lovely for all of you.

      • Janet says:

        Haha yes Jill, sometimes life is weird that way. The 2 oldest sisters were born 3 weeks apart in 1964. We have had a bond since then, and then their divorced mom married my widowed father in 2008.

        It would make a good Hallmark movie!

  59. Beth says:

    After moving to a new city this fall, finding a bookish community has been a life-saver. The friendly faces at my library, a new to me Indie bookshop and connecting with wonderful co-workers over our shared loved of Tana French and Louise Penny have really eased the stress of such a big life transition.

  60. Sue B says:

    What is saving me:
    – Doing Quordle, Squareword, and Wordle every morning.
    – Exercise – either water aerobics at the Aquatic center, walking with a friend, or taking a virtual class with corner-fitness.com.
    – Spending time with my local grandchildren (ages 1, 3, and 7). Watching them grow and change is a miracle that I try not to take for granted. ( We will see the other 3 next month!)
    -Trivia every Tuesday at our local watering hole.
    – Several podcasts: Pop Culture Happy Hour, Pantsuit Politics, and Fresh air, among others.
    – People magazine – I read it cover to cover!
    -Books books books – audio and print.

  61. Michelle says:

    What’s saving my life right now: Yoga with Adriene! Her January challenge is completely wonderful. (And can be started at any time!-all the videos are free on YouTube!)

  62. Suzanne says:

    What is saving my life right now?
    *Friends – new and old
    *Planning for a trip to Ireland
    *Reading and MMD Book Club and WSIRN Podcast
    *Coffee always
    *Our pets (3 cats and a beautiful smooth collie)
    *My nephew’s good health after a scary accident
    *A job I love and feel lucky to have

  63. Melissa F. says:

    Love this post and all the wonderful ideas contained within. My very best friend since we were 10 years old died on 12/31 (aggressive brain cancer), so it was a tough holiday season and beginning of the year. What’s keeping me going:
    – CuddleDuds. I could live in these.
    – Puzzles. My husband and I have been saying forever that we should start doing puzzles together — and so we have. It’s relaxing with a sense of accomplishment.
    – Curbside pickup for groceries because the idea of spending more than an hour in a store is just…no.
    – Substack. Love discovering new writers. I subscribe to way too many newsletters but I enjoy them.
    – Lunches with my work colleagues.
    – Books. Even though reading is currently hard to focus on a book, knowing that they’re there and will be there is a comfort.
    – Iced chai tea lattes. After giving up coffee three years ago, I discovered that I can drink these. With a coffee shop down the hall from my office, it’s become an afternoon treat.

  64. Janene says:

    I know this is a little weird but I began using Bath and Body wallflowers in my small bathroom downstairs. I love scents with a hint of cinnamon and instead of a funky bathroom smell, I love how pleasant it smells every time I walk in!

    I also had a weekend with college friends that lifted my spirits so much. We laughed and shared stories and got caught up on each others lives. Most of us have been friends for 45 years so we have lots of history, good memories and solid friendships. It takes a long time to make an old friend!

  65. Pam Goen says:

    Thanks everyone for all of these comments! This is my second winter to read these posts and it is official that it is now a winter tradition.
    High on my list at the moment is Fredrik Backman. Re reading Britt-Marie Was Here after reading My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry (thanks, Katie for recommending this beautiful novel). next it’s a reread of Bear Town.

  66. Michele says:

    What saves me now-
    I start my day with a Bible reading from Our Daily Bread.
    In the evening I get into bed at 8:30 and read for and hour. I definitely need more sleep in the winter.

  67. Donna says:

    What is saving my life is gathering with friends for a simple meal (soup or sloppy joes!). Sitting by the fire with a blanket, a cup of tea (either Tazo Glazed Lemon Loaf or Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset) and a good book. Bundling up and going for walks with the dog and my husband. Soaking in Lavendar Epsom salts and relaxing. Having my quiet prayer time with lights lowered, candles, and aromatherapy oils.
    A fresh bouquet of flowers that is colorful!

  68. Eileen says:

    –Ukulele lessons! I decided to learn a new skill in my retirement and hours go by while I practice. I love it!
    –Walk every morning at 6:15 with a couple of neighbors–we see some beautiful sunrises!
    –Watching the cardinals, bluebirds, finches, titmice, sparrows, juncoes, bluejays, starlings, and occasional rare visitor at my bird feeders. Every once in a while a red tailed hawk will make an appearance looking for his lunch.
    –Hiking in state parks and nature reserves
    –Knitting-This is the time of year I make unusual projects or items for myself
    –Volunteering at the local organic farm

  69. Katy says:

    I am currently knitting a sweater for my niece with the most scrumptious spring pink wool. The pattern is easy but requires that I ay attention to it and count. Just touching the ball of yarn grounds me.

  70. Janet Reilly says:

    My go to life savers: Prayer, Mass, Family, Friends, my dogs, learning to quilt, teaching my daughter to sew, walking, gardening, reading, volunteering with 2 non profits, morning tea, a fire in the fireplace, bird song and the beauty of the natural world.

  71. Tami says:

    I am loving the winter that has finally arrived in North Texas! Filling the bird feeders every morning and entering my bird count on the eBird app. Reading of course and I’m going to start a puzzle today.

  72. Sophia Holcomb says:

    Hi! I am Sophia and I am 14 years old and I just love this community in MMD and WSIRN. You all are very wonderful and I love reading these comments cause we are all so similar and I think that is what makes this area so amazing. Peaceful readers who are excited about life. Anyway, the things saving my life are:
    . School (believe it or not, my New Testament class is getting me through and otherwise tough year of 8th grade. My teacher is just the happiest and wisest bible teacher. And our Chapel)
    . The shows The Crown and The Chosen (I highly recommend both.)
    . My bedroom (My peaceful place)
    . My mom

  73. Mariah Hanley says:

    Walking. Walking after work is saving my life. Getting outside, listening to music or my audiobook, processing my day, processing the grief of losing my dad last year. On the worst grief days it keeps me functioning because I can walk and walk and walk and walk and if I cry, well, then, I cry.

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