I don’t know if this will strike you as good news or bad, but we are now past the halfway point of 2021. My own world looks markedly different today than it did on January 1—in countless ways, including in my reading life.

Perhaps your needs and desires have likewise changed, as mine have, since you thought through your 2021 reading life intentions back in December. Perhaps you don’t even remember what you wanted from your reading life six and a half months ago.

I know what I wanted then: when I set my intentions for my reading life back in December, I wanted to read for connection, surprises, and delight. And while those things are still true, I’ve found that, more and more, I want to prioritize reading for replenishment and energy as well.

I’m in a different place than I was seven months ago—the whole world is in a different place—and it’s no surprise my reading intentions have subtly shifted.

I know I’m not alone. That’s why today, on the 200th day of the year, I’d like to invite you to take a breath and remember, recenter, or reimagine what you hope to get from your reading time this year. We’re a long way from year’s end, but it’s not too soon to check in and ask yourself what’s working—and what’s not—in your reading life.

What our 2021 Reading Life Challenge is all about

This year’s reading challenge is a choose-your-own adventure, because above all, reading is personal. Your reading life doesn’t look exactly like anyone else’s. That’s why your challenge is not to just check off a list of twelve reading prompts, but to create the reading life you want and need.

Click here for the details on our 2021 Reading Life Challenge, where we explain it all and walk you through our process.

The value of a mid-year check-in

Many readers are finding it helpful to revisit their Reading Life Challenge worksheet from time to time, or filling out a fresh one every few months. Our worksheet provides a focused, structured way to reassess your reading life, and think through what you want and need right now.

For many of you, nearly seven months have elapsed since you first envisioned your 2021 reading life and made a plan to make it happen. Now’s a great time to stop and ask yourself: Is that still what you want?

If yes: are you on track to get where you want to go? If not: what do you want now? (There’s no harm in changing course—what we want is to help you do it on purpose.)

Make a plan to follow through

Part of our Reading Life Challenge is to choose several mini-projects that suit your wants and needs right now. Don’t forget about those projects! (Today a friend and I are going to go make donations to a handful of little free libraries in my area, so I’ll get to cross one off my list by the end of the day, woohoo!)

It’s not too late to jump in!

If you set your intentions back in December, revisit our Reading Life Challenge worksheets to review what you wanted then, and think through how it’s going now. (Hint: search your email for “reading life challenge” to access that kit again.)

If you’re joining us for the first time: get your Reading Life Challenge kit now by signing up below. We’ll send it immediately. After that you’ll get regular reading news and inspiration to help you meet your reading goals.

We’d love to hear: what do you want from your reading life right now? Have your reading wants and needs shifted since the end of last year? What are your guiding intentions for the rest of 2021? Tell us in the comments section!


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  1. Marie Braz says:

    Best year ever so far for reading, making up for last year. I am a teacher home for the summer in a country that’s just opening up so international travel is a no go again this year. Reading a book every other day.

    • Ioana says:

      You go, Marie! I, too, am a teacher, and although I physically can’t read a book a day, I’m cramming in as many as possible in these free weeks. Enjoy your books!

  2. Ioana says:

    Every year, when summer rolls around, more specifically when school lets out for the summer break, I want to devour all the books I didn’t get to during the school months. And there are plenty. Although people make it a priority to read for quality, not quantity, I have come to terms with my desire & decision to read for quantity. More, more, more books until school starts. I can prioritize what’s “good” and “worth while” in September.

  3. Kelly Gesker says:

    I hit my reading challenges hard the first half of the year but now find myself pulling back to enjoy “lighter fare”(I read 3 books in a row with dead or dying moms). The goal I set that I feel I am getting the most out of is to read what I buy this year. Instead of buying random stuff because it is cheap and looks okay, I find myself paying full price(gasp!) and reading exactly what I want. Halfway through the year and I have bought 1/4 of what I did last year and feel so excited by my TBR rather than overwhelmed.

    • Kiersten says:

      Yes, this is an excellent point – I too get lured in by the $1.99, $2.99, etc. “deals of the day,” so made a pact with myself recently that unless it’s already on my TBR, I’m not buying it! I’ve also made a point to support independent bookstores more, so while e-books are so convenient, I try to alternate buying with physical books in-store. Admittedly, those that have prettier spines that will look good on my bookcase when finished. 🙂 55% into the year, I am 66% through my 65 book reading goal, and have had an excellent reading year – highlighted by The Final Revival of Opal & Nev, Malibu Rising, Writers & Lovers, Secret Lives of Church Ladies..
      I’ve also adopted Anne’s “Priority TBR” list hint to stay focused on what I’m reading next, balance “heavy” with light reads, and less apt to get sidetracked by zeitgeist-y/shiny object reads, but being gentle with myself about it. Great tip!

      • Alicia says:

        Oh Kiersten,
        I have been looking for the strength to give up looks for the daily ebook deals. I am going to implement your suggestion only buying ones already on my TBR. I have bought so many because it was a good deal and can’t possibly make it through them all. Thank you for helping to guide me back to focusing on my TBR.
        Happy Reading!

  4. Joan Carothers says:

    2021 has been nearly as confusing as 2020! I am definitely doing better in my reading life than last year but have found it hard to stay motivated. My husband and I had covid and, during and since, have found it hard to read. It really messed with my emotions. Other than that we weren’t very sick. I am resetting today! I had fallen into the trap of reading what others thought were must reads and am going to just read whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. I am a total mood reader by nature and am going to re-embrace that. Thanks for this post! It’s the motivation I needed to be ok with my reading life.

  5. Corinne says:

    I am a little behind on my reading goal this year but summer means more family time, busy season at work, and more activities so I am okay with it. I hope to get caught up on the schedule I have given myself in the next 6 weeks and finish all the books on my list by the end of the year. I have adapted the list a little as friends have given me books as gifts that I wanted to read so I am flexible with my goals.

  6. Amy says:

    The past couple of years I’ve been doing multiple reading challenges each year – book bingo, the MMD challenge and others. As a result I was laser focused on reading books that fit the categories and I read a lot of great books as a result. This year I’ve only committed to the book bingo challenge and I’m mostly reading whatever strikes my fancy (and is available thru my library). ’m trying to clear books off my 200+ TBR (some have been on there since before 2019) but I’m also ok just saying “this doesn’t interest me anymore.” In my tracking, I have noticed I’m reading more fiction this year vs. the last 2 years. Overall, pretty happy with where I’m at.

    • Dana says:

      I share your sentiment on being okay to say “I’m not interested anymore” with some of the items on my TBR. A couple times a year I go through my list and delete items that just don’t spark my interest anymore and it almost gives me he same satisfaction as finishing the book!

  7. Ally says:

    The mid-year check-in is such a wonderful idea. I spent some time recently reviewing my goals for the year. So much has changed since December 2020, I was surprised to see that I was still on-track and that my intentions hadn’t changed too much in the intervening time. There’s one big goal left I’m working my way through (I called it a Book That Intimidates Me and I picked Anna Karenina) and I’m surprised at how much I’m enjoying it!

      • Ally says:

        I’m enjoying it far more than I thought I would. I’m giving myself permission to go slowly and really enjoy it while reading other books on the side, which I think has helped. The last week or so, I’ve been reaching more and more for it over other options.

  8. Most of us in Europe are still under coronavirus-related restrictions, and it’s taking its toll in many ways – my reading is as erratic as my moods and anxiety level. I finished a totally unplanned re-reading of all Charlotte Bronte’s novels, then picked out several contemporary rom-coms, a genre I rarely touch. This past week, I raced through something lighthearted by Trisha Ashley, then decided I’d missed a lot of details, and flipped right back to page one to read it again, more slowly. I guess 2021 is my no-self-judgement year regarding reading 🙂

  9. Susan says:

    I had four categories on my personal reading challenge for the year, each with three specific goals. I recently deleted an entire category, moving it to next year, as I found I have not been drawn to reading anything in it. This was very freeing, psychologically, plus it made room for random reads that cross my path, so not everything I read has to be from a predetermined checklist.

  10. Colleen says:

    I’m on track as far as how many books I wanted to have read by this point, but I’ve been all over the place in terms of topics/genres, and sometimes it almost feels like I’ve been reading everything *except* the books I’m supposed to be reading for the various challenges I’ve signed up for.

  11. Jamie says:

    I finished the challenge last month. Here is what I read for my chosen categories:
    Hi, I have completed the all the categories I chose:
    Three books by the same author: Elin Hilderbrand a) What Happens in Paradise b) Troubles in Paradise c) The Blue Bistro
    A book in translation: The Plague–Albert Camus
    A book of poetry, a play or an essay collection: Disability Visibility–Alice Wong (ed.)
    A book more than 500 pages: Queen of Air and Darkness–Cassandra Clare
    A banned book: Sophie’s Choice–William Styron
    A memoir, biography or book of creative nonfiction: Assata: An Autobiography–Assata Shakur
    Book about books or reading: Twelve Angry Librarians–Miranda James
    A Newbery Award winner or honor book: Caddie Woodlawn–Carol Ryrie Brink
    A book of any genre that addresses current events: Me and White Supremacy–Layla F. Saad
    Pulitzer or National Book Award winner: Olive Kitteridge–Elizabeth Strout
    A book published this year (2021): Triple Chocolate Cheesecake Murder–Joanne Fluke
    Book by a favorite author: Hello, Summer–Mary Kay Andrews

    • Ally says:

      I haven’t read Caddie Woodlawn since I was a tween, but now I’m going to have to hunt around my parents’ bookshelves to see if they still have my copy!

  12. Allison says:

    I am realizing, more and more, my true goal is simply: READ. I have tried to get excited by Reading Challenges and whatnot, but lately they have fallen to the side pretty quickly.

    However, I recall some of the Challenges have activities to go along with reading books, so I want to revisit those. I definitely think doing some of those (like donating books etc) could be quite lovely!

    • Makeda says:

      Allison, you summed up my thoughts exactly! I really love the idea of reading challenges because it keeps us on track and accountable for our reading goals but they’ve never worked for me. I would like to get into one eventually. I really like Book Riot’s reading challenge, it’s not as overwhelming as others. I think it’s just a matter of personal preference and everyone’s reading life is different. Last year was insane and so difficult for many of us but it forced me to pick up reading again. I had the time so why not? Best decision ever! I felt like a kid again, discovering so many good books. I am still on track with my reading goal of 30 books this year, I’ve currently read 24. I just make sure that I don’t go a month without reading something. Graphic Novels help me when I’m in a reading slump.

  13. Pam says:

    My goal this year was to read books outside of my normal genre. Even if I stop now, I feel like I have accomplished what I wanted. I read one fantasy novel (I’ve accepted it’s not a genre I enjoy), two classics and six non fiction. Though I wasn’t willing to finish one long biography, I have discovered that I like non fiction. I especially enjoyed Inheritance by Dani Shapiro. It gave me so much to think about.

    • Kristin says:

      Inheritance is such a good book! Our book club will be reading it this winter. I am really looking forward to find out their opinions of a book I really found fascinating.

  14. Stephanie says:

    Whereas some people read more in the summer, I find myself reading less this summer for one specific reason: I’m back in the office. After 15 months at home where I could quickly finish my work and then read for a little while, I’m now unable to do that. I’m still very happy with the progress I’ve made so far. I’ve read more books already than last year alone. So anything from now own is just icing on the cake!

  15. Olivia says:

    Best year for me ever! I set a goal of 60 books. I’ve finished 38 & am 6 books ahead of schedule. I’m shifting to school-related reading as we homeschool, but I’ve knocked out several long-standing TBRs. I’m grateful my local library expanded their offerings via Overdrive—that alone has made it easier. I’m notorious for overdue books & now I don’t forget to return them!

  16. Adrienne says:

    I usually read about 60 books a year, and knowing I would be very busy with work this year, I set a goal of 52 books for 2021, one a week. But so far, I’ve read 43 books in 2021, so I’m well ahead of that pace.
    I’ve always been an escapist reader, and I’m drawn to historical fiction and novels with time travel/time slip elements, and I’ve enjoyed some wonderful books in both of these genres this year. I’ve also focused on reading new novels from authors I like, and exploring their backlists as well. And I was invited to join a Book Club, which is totally new for me, and we’ve had great discussions on The Four Winds, The Dutch House, The Push, and The Midnight Library. This month, we’re reading Farenheit 451, which I would NEVER have picked up on my own, but I’m enjoying it. All in all, I’m having a wonderful reading year!

  17. Katie says:

    My reading goal for this year is 100. I’ve never done it before and I’d like to reach that at least once! I’m currently 5 books behind – according to goodreads. But I’m pretty sure I can make that up between now and the end of the year. I got behind when we decided to sell our house and move this summer. So I’m still doing great! I’ve read some good books this year 🙂

    • Katie says:

      In recent years I’ve realized reading challenges are not my jam. I always think it will be fun to complete a list and then it just falls by the wayside pretty quickly. I found I was always reading what I wanted anyway, and then would find a category that book could fit. Rather than picking the other way around.

      I do really enjoy setting quantity goals because I get a lot of enjoyment from tracking on goodreads. I will also set goals for myself to tackle a big book. Last year I was going to read Les Mis, a chapter a day. I fell behind pretty quickly in that. I got Covid right at the very beginning and that was also right after entering a severe book slump. Add pregnancy exhaustion and I just really fell off. I’m not enjoying the book much really, it’s a slog. But I would like to finish one day. I know the overall story, so I’m not too worried about getting lost. At this point it would be just about finishing for me.

      I’m bad at rereading because there’s so much on my TBR. BUT I would like to reread Louise Penny, Harry Potter, and Jane Austen. All forever favorites.

    • Kristin says:

      Good luck with your challenge! Sounds like even with your busy time selling your house and moving you are well within range to complete your challenge!

  18. Christine says:

    I made a goal of 52 books for this year, and so far I have read 38, so I’m definitely on track for meeting and probably exceeding my goal. I’m a mood reader, so I don’t do any formal reading challenges because I won’t stick to them if I’m not feeling a certain book or genre at that moment. I do have my own little challenges. For example, I like to read books set in a different country, so I will spin my globe and read a book or two about or set in that place. Right now I am reading books about Israel and Palestine, so, you know, just a little light reading 🙂
    When it’s my own challenge, I don’t feel the same pressure. I tend to mix up light and heavy books too. Also, I am finally okay with DNF-ing a book. There are so many books I want to read that I can’t waste time with something I am not getting anything out of. That has been so freeing!! I have to thank Anne for that! Overall, 2021 is looking better than 2020 in many ways, so I hope that continues!

  19. Suzy says:

    I’m at 78/100 already, so I’m satisfied with that, and I find that I’ve been driven by mood, library holds coming available, and 1.99 Kindle books! One goal I had was to read more of my TBR shelf; in particular I wanted to read one each of series books or same author, so that, if I didn’t like them, I could rid my shelf of many books all at once! For instance I have several Deanna Raybourn, CJ Box, and Louise Penny that I picked up cheaply at book sales. (I have read the first Louise Penny, but was underwhelmed by it, so I should re-home the other 4 I have, but I can’t quite, without giving them another try…). So far I have read NONE of these! But I have culled my shelves by about 40 books to make room for others….felt both good and agonizing. In themes, I have definitely been reading Austen retellings and variations and having a swell time!

  20. This is my first time seeing your re-designed blog! It looks great!

    I am having a really great reading year. I’ve read 80 books which is SO MANY for me. I read over 100 books the last 2 years after reading about 80ish/year before that. Interestingly, my best reading years have happened since having kids. When I was pregnant, so many people told me how little I would reach once I had kids. So it’s been interesting to see that I actually read more than ever! It helps that both of our kids are in bed by 7-7:30, so that gives me an hour to spend with my husband before going up to bed at 8:30 to read for about an hour. And I fit it in during other parts of the day/week. Numbers aside, I’ve really loved a lot of what I’ve read, too, and can’t wait to get my hands on more books from the SRG. I’ve read 4 so far and really liked 3 (was not a fan of The Last Exile!).

  21. Michelle says:

    Two things come to mind: (1) One of my reading life needs has been fulfilled! At the beginning of the challenge, I wrote that I wanted to find people to share and discuss what I’m reading. The MMD site and forums are one thing, but I was looking for IRL reading buddies. I’m currently in the USA, going back to Germany in a couple of weeks after having extended my stay to three months from 6 weeks, partly due to the restrictions On Saturday, I was visiting some distant cousins who I don’t know all that well. Sitting poolside, my cousin’s wife L confessed in low tones that she often reads 4-5 books at a time. I guess she doesn’t know anyone else who does that – well, now she does! We yacked on and on and texted each other book recommendations galore. So fun. (2) I’ve been doing a lot more listening than reading, because I’ve been driving more than usual. I’ve taken a couple of short road trips and also am staying about 30 minutes from town, a good “commute” length for audio book listening. I still struggle with finding the right books audio – they need to be engaging, but not so engaging that I need to buy the paper book so I can underline and take notes. That has happened twice this summer – with Bird by Bird and, now, the biography of Eugene Peterson. It gets expensive! The Dutch House has been the winner in the category of “Great Audio Book that Doesn’t Break the Budget.”

  22. Nicola says:

    I’m pleased after I challenged myself to get out of my norm-Agatha Christie type Mysteries. I’ve picked Your Suggestions MMD, popular lit, fantasy, magic! Don’t you love Alice Hoffman. How about The Vine Witch by Luanne Smith & Robin Sloans’ Mr. Penumbra’s 24hour Bookstore! So much variety on my lists this year. I go where the spirit moves me!

  23. Roxanne says:

    I’m definitely going to take some time to re-evaluate my reading/life/challenge and see whether anything needs to change. I’ll probably delve into adding a few more prompts to what I want to read just to broaden my choices a little bit. But I’m very happy with how my reading year has panned out so far!

  24. Debby Daniels says:

    I just retired from a local large university. For years, the bulk of my reading was technical journals and student papers/projects. Since June 1, I’ve gone to the library once a week and checked out 3-4 novels. No non-fiction for this girl. I’ve read some of your recommendations from the paired book readings and loved them. I’ve also read some crap. I’ve employed your rule…..if I’m not loving it, the book gets returned unfinished. My spouse, who never read a book about the Civil War that he didn’t rave about (sigh), is horrified that I am not reading books with more substance (more sighing). I’ve been retired less than two months. I think it is perfectly fine to read simply for pleasure on the deck with Diet Coke in hand and the dog constantly bringing me slobbery tennis balls to throw in the yard (seriously, who could read something dense when you have to stop every 90 seconds to throw a tennis ball?). At some point the novelty will wear off and I will balance some serious reading with more frivolous books. But for right now, thank you for continuing to offer me a variety of easy summer reading.

    • Ann Perrigo says:

      Hooray for you, Debbie! Enjoy your retirement your way—read what you feel like reading and give that dog plenty of hugs!

  25. Michelle says:

    I began this year wanting to read the classics that I hadn’t read in high school or college (or had read but didn’t quite remember!) and am pleased with my progress. So far, I’ve finished East of Eden, Rebecca, Anna Karenina, and Les Miserables and really, really enjoyed all of them. In between these, I’ve picked out titles that called to me from the MMD Summer Reading Guide or other lists, and have read 48 books thus far this year. That is lower than I might expect but when you count the tomes Anna Karenina and Les Mis, I’m OK with it :). This year I had a huge epiphany with reading: if Reese Witherspoon recommends it or it’s her book club book pick, I will hate it. Saves me time in the library or bookstore! I’ve also been much better about picking up a book, reading a few pages, and deciding “Nope, not for me” or “Nope, not right now”. That’s been exhilarating as well and I wish I had allowed myself that grace years ago!

    • Diane says:

      Michele, your post made me feel so much better. I thought something was wrong with me because I didn’t like any of Reese’s book club picks. I don’t mean to disparage it as it’s wonderful that she encourages people to read. I just thought I had terrible taste

      • Michelle says:

        Well, maybe we both have terrible taste but at least we have it together!! LOL. And I have a coworker who feels the same about Reese books as well. I agree, it’s good that she’s getting people to read but her choices do not appeal AT ALL to me. Each to their own, I guess!

        • Ann says:

          Ditto on Reese. Crawdad’s, Such A Fun Age, From Scratch, Little Fires Everywhere & Outlawed were okay. Oh & Daisy Jones & The Six; was that a Reese pick? Phew, more that were acceptable reads than I thought.

          But more times than not her book choices end up on my DNF shelf.

          The Sanatorium & The Last Thing He Told me were duds. And so many raves about Last Thing. I just did not get the appeal and regret the time wasted trying to find out what all the hype was about.

          I just finished What Comes After. That was an interesting read that grabbed me from the start.

          I’ve learned to take the Reese fan reviews with a grain of salt.

  26. Sarah Wolfe says:

    It’s shaping up to be my most prolific reading year ever (I’ve finished 102 books so far). I’m reading widely in fiction and nonfiction, choosing some challenges and some comfort. I feel like I have a little more brain space this year than last.

  27. Sharon B says:

    I’ve totally gone off track with my reading goals. I’ve not read very much this year either but sure have a long list. I’ve had trouble pulling out of this past year for some reason. I have been reading it’s just that I used to be a voracious reader and that’s flown out the window. Im also a mood reader these days. In life I have always lived by lists but for some reason all of it has gone awry. Maybe it has something to do with hitting 65 this year and making adjustments. Who knows! Now I keep a list for a week/month at a time and pick and choose. Hoping the rest of the year gets better. What I have read have all been good reads at least.

  28. patricia says:

    My reading life took a u turn in an unexpected direction.
    In January I started writing morning pages (after reading Julia Cameron’s book “It’s never too late to begin again”). Stuff bubbled up in my pages, namely that I wanted to have written a book. However, to get to that point, I had to actually write a book. So I did. It’s back out for the second round of beta reading.
    At this same time, my daughter-in-law also wrote a book about dealing with the quarantine and ADD kids, one with special needs. I’m currently beta reading her book again after another round of editing.
    We’re on this journey together. This is not something I would have foreseen, but I’m holding on for the ride. I don’t expect much from my book, but it’s been a marvelous learning experience.
    I still read. I need the break from writing and editing and reading holds more appeal than ever.

  29. Heather says:

    I have one book left in my MMD reading challenge for the year, and I may not finish it. I’ve tried reading it twice & just haven’t been able to get further than 25% in. So for now, I’m moving on to the pile of books next to my bed that was collecting until I finished the MMDD challenge. I have a goal of 10 more books this year. Hoping I can get through that pile – which should get me to my goal for the year.

  30. Ann says:

    I finally added The Last Thing He Told Me to my DNF shelf (virtually) and returned it physically to my local library.

    What a load off. Why I was torturing myself with such a stupid (please excuse the harsh term), is beyond me. I was stuck on that bad book for way too long!

    I’ve picked up a fresh pile of books: What Comes After, Palace of the Drowned, Jack and The Other Black Girl.

    A nice variety if I must say so myself. Hoping these will help me out of my slump. Don’t you just hate it when that happens?! Nothing was sticking. I had a string of new releases and nothing was doing it for me.

    I have read 29 of my goal of 50. So other than that stinker, I have done well!

    I’ve yet to find that perfect “Summer read,” but there is hope yet.

    Also I am a BFF on BOTM, so after having skipped a couple of months, I am hoping my birthday month of August will be My Month 🙂I had my eye on The Personal Librarian, but need another book in order to make that an add on.


    Same. I don’t even know how to explain why her books at not for me as a general rule. They just wear me out. LOL

  32. Sarah says:

    My challenge was focused on getting recommendations from a list of friends and family who I know are readers and whom I wanted to connect with. I started the year strong, with a great recommendation from a close friend (A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness). However, things took a left turn in February, when I interviewed for and accepted a new job. We spent the next 3 months preparing for and then moving across country. The upheaval around that shorted out the reading goals, but facilitated the goal of being closer with family and friends.

    The move is already paying dividends in seeing people I love more often AND a best friend from middle school came to visit, so I was able to ask her for the book recommendation in person.

    I also purchase a physical book for the first time in years, and I liked it so much I bought the next in the series, too (Stealing from Wizards, if anyone is interested). One of my goals was to read a book I just stumbled across in a book store or library. I actually came across this one in a (different) blog I read, but it had the same seredipitous feeling I was hoping to recapture, so I’m counting it.

  33. Suzanne C says:

    One thing this year has crystalized for me is that I am terrible at sticking to reading challenges because I feel restricted by them, even when I make my own. Which I count as a win, because that is knowledge I need!
    I do, however, like my number goal, as long as I am realistic when I set it: a high enough number to give me something to gently stretch for without raising my anxiety level every time I look at it.

  34. Kara says:

    I’ve made pretty good progress toward my goals so far, which is good because I tend to read less during the summer months. Overall, I think I’m still getting what I want out of my reading life, but I can tell a few tweaks are in order!

  35. Nancy Ewing says:

    Last year I read 125 books. So far this year, I’ve read 37. For both years my goal is 100. Last year I ready lots of rom-com and other short, easy, escapist books. It was what I needed. This year I’m busier and I’m reading some more challenging books. I have never done a reading challenge, but this year’s looks interesting, so I’m going to have a look now.

  36. Yvette says:

    So far it has been a good reading year for me. I have read over my number reading goal and have read a good mix of books.

  37. Beverly J Wrigglesworth says:

    I have read 360 books to date. That includes children’s picture books, children’s chapter books–fiction and nonfiction, adult novels and adult non-fiction. All of those books also include physical books, audiobooks on CD, e-books, and e-audio. I belong to two different adult book clubs. I also belong to a Goodreads Group called Children’s Books, which has several “clubs” in which we read children’s books by topic, by author, or by award. I am pretty much where I want to be with 55% of the year gone now.

  38. Paula says:

    I am a naturally fast reader, though been up and down with my reading. I am sitting at 203 read for 2021 so far 🙂
    Just over halfway to my goal of 400.

  39. Tanya Paquet @ societelitteraire says:

    The reading challenge really helped me get in a lot more reading. I’m having my best reading year and it’s thanks to the intention I’ve put forth.

    I came up with a list of 40 books I wanted to tackle this year (a lot of them coming from the unread books in my personal library) and I’m proud to say, I’ve read 14 of the 40 books. It might seem low but I guess I am procrastinating a few that are intimidating. Oh well. I’ve also been distracted by new releases and graphic novels, so in total, I’m up to 54 books read in 2021 ( a personal record).

    One thing I’ve really allowed myself to do is to stop books that don’t serve their purpose of interesting me. Some are DNF’s while others are « not right now ». We’ll see which ones I pick up again in the future.

  40. Jerri says:

    I feel really good about my reading so far this year. I did set a number of 75 as my goal this year and I am already 63% of the way there. Another goal was to read more nonfiction. I have increased that number and also I wanted to read more books that are mine. I’ve done really well there. Completing books I already own. Thanks for the check in suggestion!

  41. Alex says:

    It is always good reflecting on your intentions isn’t it? I put my intentions in this blog post here http://luvviesmusings.blogspot.com/2021/01/mmdchallenge.html. My goal was to read 50 books this year. I’m going to have to get a wriggle on if I am to reach that goal. I have only read 16 so far. But I think I am sticking to my intentions which were to learn, have new experiences and keep developing empathy. I did enrol in a bibliotherapy course but haven’t actual begun it let alone completed it. I have written reviews where I can. I have also started to give away books that I am finished with. I think my goals still hold true to what I want or need from my reading life. I just wish I could find more time. I suspect I am eminently distractable. But I am definitely reading stuff outside my comfort zone and learning heaps in what I read.

  42. Andi Guinn says:

    My reading goal was 65 books – and I’m on 64!

    I’ve almost completed my local library’s summer bingo reading program – which has pushed me to expand my ‘normal’ genres. I’ve been diving into some audio books this year too.

    I’ve read my way through 1/2 of the Inspector Gamache series and almost 1/2 of Her Royal Spyness series. My goal is to finish both this year.

    2021 has been a year of new releases for me too! This has been great in the sense that I can be part of the ‘new’ bookish conversations that flood the book community. Loving it!

    I have 6 GoodReads wins that I need to get to – and a stack of back listed titles as well. Never ending reading goals!

  43. Angie Allen says:

    So, I opened a Little Free Library in April of 2020 (great timeing,eh?). Shady Grove LFL# 76434 Clinton, Utah. Anyway, a few months in, I got a lot of donations and I grabbed out the ones I wanted to read and put them on my bed side table. It was a lovely tower of TBR. I am almost thru it. My Goodreads goal for 2021 is 52 books. I am at 87% and 17 books ahead of schedule. This includes books of poetry, which is new for me. And, at least 1/3 of them are non-fiction; also not a big category for me. Authors I have heard of but never read (Ken Follett, anyone?). So, I am feeling pretty good about my reading life so far!

  44. Jaclyn says:

    If I can be dramatic, you have literally changed my life! I have always been a physical book snob but added audiobooks as part of my challenge this year. I am currently reading book #99, all thanks to audiobooks. My life is crazy busy, including breastfeeding twins (born last year). The book “Read to Succeed” by Stan Skrabut mentions you so that’s how I found you (a couple years ago). Reading is my “me time” and my mental health is so much better. Thanks for all you do!

  45. I love your challenges and everything thing you do here on Modern Mrs. Darcy. However, I’m sooo bwhion this challenge because I’m trying to catch up on another challenge. It JUST dawned on me that because of the way your challenge is this year, I can take the other challenge and make it this one🤦🏾‍♀️, if that makes sense. I feel way less overwhelmed now. Gotta go make some adjustments . Happy reading! 😉

  46. Carrie says:

    I am a librarian who is always looking for next year’s reading challenge in November. I found yours today, and I LOVE IT. This is exactly what I need for 2022. I’m only sorry I didn’t find it last year, but no time like the present, right?

  47. muks says:

    I believe that reading books shouldn’t just be based on numbers. The more we focus on understanding the idea behind it, or the more we focus on how entertaining the story is, the more successful and reliable our reading habits will be.

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