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We’re an open-the-presents-Christmas-morning family, but a few weeks ago my husband told me he’d be working Christmas morning.  (I cried.)  And then we told the kids.  (They cried.)

I’ve had a few weeks to overcome the initial what will we do?? paralysis, and we’ve finally settled on a plan that seems to make sense.  It’s a break from tradition, but I think it’ll work.

And you know what?  I’m kinda looking forward to the new plan.

Any other year, we would never make a plan that includes letting the kids stay up way past their bedtimes.  And we would never dream of waking them in the wee hours of Christmas morning to open their stockings!  But that’s what we’re planning to do, and I’m sorta excited to have the excuse because I think they will love it and I’m hoping I will too and I’m crossing my fingers that no one melts into a puddle of exhaustion by dinnertime Christmas Day.

Some of the best memories are made when things don’t follow the script, and I hope that we make some great ones this Christmas.

Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas, whatever your holiday script may hold–and however far you may go off it this weekend.

photo credit: alancleaver

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  1. Thanks for being honest. 🙂 I hope you guys have a wonderful time with your new plan – Merry Christmas!! It’s Friday, so I’m thankful that I stumbled upon your blog this year and found a kindred (book) spirit! 😉 Blessings!

  2. Christine says:

    We too, are not following the “script” this year. I’m also looking forward to the change. We’ll see how it goes, and make the best of the “different” kind of Christmas.

    Have a verry Merry Christmas, Anne!

  3. sarah beals says:

    I am sure it will go well!! And if the kids all have melt-downs because of exhaustion mid Christmas day, you can just start another new tradition: Double Shot Espressos for all! 🙂 Merry Christmas, Anne. Hope your day is lovely.

  4. Katie says:

    Ack, I am a routine-and-tradition kind of girl, and I’ve felt so lost the past few years, away from home and my family’s traditions and stumbling through holidays because my husband’s family just doesn’t have any traditions.

    But I have had to work on Christmas Day too, and it is no fun! I hope your new plan goes well and that you and your family have a wonderful time together. Sometimes the stuff that’s not just-so turns out to be just perfect after all, right?

    Merry Christmas, Anne!

  5. Maria D. says:

    One of my most memorable Christmases as a kid happened when Christmas fell on a Sunday and we had to get up super early so my parents could direct church music on time. Opening presents when it was still dark out was really special! I bet your kids will have a lot of fun with it.

    I totally sympathize with you because my husband just got strongarmed into working 8-4 on Christmas. *boo hoo* So we may be doing the super early thing, too.

  6. Lucky says:

    This is the first year since we’ve had kids that my husband hasn’t had to work Christmas Eve — which will be really weird! So, we’re kind of off script too!

    Merry Christmas Anne! I hope it’s a good one no matter which script you follow.

  7. My whole Christmas is going to be different this year since it’s Joshua’s and my first Christmas married. He’s making me wait till Christmas morning to open ANY presents (my family usually does on Christmas Eve!), and I won’t be with my folks till they get here late on the 26th. And my brother won’t be here at all (he works 🙁 ). But I know it’s going to be a wonderful Christmas, even with all the changes.

    So I hear ya, friend. Have a wonderful, merry, Christ-filled Christmas!! Blessings!

  8. Plop says:

    Well, my dad is a pastor so for him, december is like a Christmas marathon with its apotheose on christmas eve and on december 25rh with 2 to 3 celebrations ^^’
    We often celebrate at another moment, it actually works 😉

    I wish you merry christmas 😉

  9. Emily says:

    Our Christmas was much more boring than that, but I’m a morning person and I don’t like to get up in the middle of the night.

    That being said, I sure would like to get things a little more interesting, like your new plan….

  10. Since I’ve been a nurse for almost 20 years, there have been MANY years where we’ve done Christmas off the script. I’m also very adamant in enforcing the ‘one party a day’ rule. When I was a child, we rushed around from place to place, all on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve. I don’t want to subject my children to all that stress, plus, I want to put a focus on FAMILY, not rushing around to open gifts.

    Since my husband and I both have large families, our celebrations spread out over a week or more.

    Hope you and your family had a marvelous Christmas together!

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