It’s good to be back(ish). As many of you know, my dad died last week, and my brilliant team has been keeping things humming along around here so I could spend time with my family.

As I slowly resume my work in the Modern Mrs Darcy and What Should I Read Next communities, I’ve been thinking a lot about how reading isn’t a cure-all, but it is a comfort. That truth has been on my mind through these hard days, both as I choose my personal reading and as I re-enter this space.

I’m grateful for my team, and for the many readers who’ve sent their love, support, and practical help. Thanks for keeping me afloat.

I have hard things happening in my life now, and I know many of you do, too. I’m leaning into the comfort of reading together in the season to come.

I’d Rather Be Reading turns two!

Today marks the second anniversary of my book I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life!

Get your copy wherever new books or sold, or order signed—and, if you’d like, personalized—copies from my local indie Carmichael’s Bookstore. (Specify “signed copy” in order comments, along with any personalization instructions.)

Thanks for being the kind of people who love to not only read, but read about the reading life. I’m grateful.

It’s almost time to go Back to Book School!

Our Book School series of classes in the Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club begins Thursday, September 10.

In the MMD Book Club, we’re learning to read better, together. When you join you get instant access to all our Book Club archives, including the brand-new Fall Book Preview digital magazine and a host of classes and author events, plus access to our members-only Book School series.

We’d love for you to join us. Click here for more info.

My favorite finds from around the web:

  • For me lately, self care = skin care. (I didn’t see this coming, either.) I finally took the splurge and tried this fancy South Korean cleanser and I totally get why people adore it (and also why they say one tube lasts the better part of the year).
  • In preparation for tea season, we just restocked a family favorite tea. It’s not sweet, but it smells like dessert—a lovely combination for an evening cuppa.
  • What to Do About William Faulkner. “It is because of, not in spite of, Faulkner’s shortcomings that we must continue to engage with his work: These failures are product and emblem of the legacies of racial injustice that shape us all.”

Don’t miss these posts:

  • Fall Book Preview 2019. This year’s Fall Book Preview and companion digital magazine is only available for our member communities but we did share an abridged book list from last year’s preview on the blog last year.

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Oh Anne, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. What a hard thing to be going through, and I’m sorry this happened. We totally understand the need to step back, and we’ll be here waiting for you whenever and however you’re ready to step back in. Take the time you need during this hard season!

    Love and prayers to you and your family <3

  2. Angie brooke says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. It’ll be a year this month that my dad passed away. Still feels like yesterday that I lost my best friend. He was only 56. So I’m sending you a big, supportive hug.

  3. Annette Silveira says:

    I’m also so sad for you at the loss of your dad. It’s gut-wrenching at the best of times and these are absolutely not the best of times.

  4. Darcy Speed says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope you find comfort in your family, friends, and of course, books. Take care of yourself.

  5. Marlaine Lerz says:

    Blessings and peace to you and your family during this difficult time, in life! Take your time, pamper yourself. God Bless❤️

  6. Elise Goldblat says:

    I am so sorry for your loss and send my heartfelt sympathy to you. Life ends … love never does. May your dad’s love be a source of peace, healing, comfort and strength for you in the times ahead.

  7. You’ve been on my mind, Anne. I feel like I ‘know’ you after reading your blog/listening to your podcast for so many years and I am sure many/most of your followers feel similarly. I was so sad to hear of the passing of your father. As if 2020 hasn’t been hard enough as is. I’ll continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts.

  8. Patti Walsh says:

    Dear Anne,

    So deeply sorry for you. Grief is a journey-be gentle with yourself and take your time. No two paths of grief are the same. Wishing you comfort and peace always and memories to carry in your heart.

  9. Denise Link says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. You so generously share so much of your life with us; I hope our virtual arms provide some comfort for you at this difficult time.

  10. Jane says:

    My thoughts & prayers are with you through this difficult time. Please know that you have many friends here that truly care about you. Hugs to share

  11. Sarah Lancaster says:

    Oh, Anne, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. My dad passed away suddenly just three weeks ago, and it hurts like nothing I could imagine. I’m praying for your good memories to comfort you in the hardest time, and plenty of hugs from the people you love. ❤️

    • Aimee says:

      Sarah and Anne, I wish for both of you a peace that transcends all understanding. May your love and fond memories comfort you and the tears soon turn to smiles.

  12. Linda says:

    Loss of loved ones is tough. Please find comfort in realizing that your dad did a terrific job of raising a child who helps so very many others in such a variety of ways.
    That said…my 8 and 9 year-old grandbabes have a new interest in Native Americans/Native American cultures. Would you or any of your readers be willing to share a night-time fiction book to be read to them?

  13. Stefanie says:

    Anne – it is not too soon for pumpkin spice. I am here for it and those who aren’t just join us later. They are welcome when they are ready.
    So much love to you and your family. Great to “see” you at Fall Book Preview. Thanks for a great magazine – I waited to read it until I had it printed from UPS, tea in hand, cozy up in my arm chair. Although I attended the preview event, I still enjoyed reading the magazine so much.
    Happy Friyay!

  14. Eileen says:

    I am so sorry about your dad, Anne! Take time for yourself and your family! Grief comes in waves and has no time table! Gi vet yourself grace! We appreciate everything you do!

  15. Carrie says:

    My heart breaks for your loss. Grief is so personal, but I believe in a long grieving time. I’m glad you took time away and also very glad to have you back. Your memories of your Dad will be a comfort, as will your reading

  16. HeatherL says:

    As I have been working my way through a collection of short stories by Faulkner, I thank you for the interesting article on him.

  17. Marinel Woolrich says:

    Anne… lifting up prayers for you and your family …as you gather
    together may your memories of your Dad bring peace.
    blessings and love, Marinel

  18. Debbie Alderson says:

    Anne, my deepest sympathies to you and your family on the loss of your dad. You’re all in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Leslie Olson says:

    A book hug of sorts – it’s ok that you’re not ok by Megan Devine – my husband died 12 weeks ago and this book is saving me ….

  20. Marilyn says:

    I am sorry about your dad passing. Anne take comfort in your memories of happy times spent with your dad.
    May your Dad rest In peace

  21. Marion says:

    Wishing you peace and comfort as you think of all the good memories and happy times you spent with your Dad. rest iN Peace for your Dad.

  22. Jan Box says:

    So sorry for your loss. I know how you feel right now. Lost my dad last June. It hurts. Be gentle with yourself. Let yourself grieve when it comes. 🙏🏻❤️

  23. Cheryl Powers says:

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your dad, prayers and hugs for you and your family. Really appreciate even more the time and effort you spend with us!

  24. Susan says:

    So sorry for your loss, Anne. I completely understand your comment about reading bringing comfort. Both of my elderly parents have died in the past year, and I have never read so much in my life! Easy, light books. Nothing heart-wrenching. Just beautiful books to lose myself in for a bit. I am slowly getting back into heavier reading, but allowing myself lots grace along the way. Good books can be very healing!

  25. Marie McDaniel says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your dad passing. I lost my dad last week too. I’m so thankful to have my brother, because it’s hard, but in the middle of the pandemic is even harder. Good books help. My dad was in the middle of reading Ron Chernow’s Hamilton.

  26. Melanie says:

    So Sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. I lost my Mom at the end of March and it is true, reading can be a comfort. For me though, my attention span was obliterated by grief at first. So if you feel back-ish instead of back for awhile, don’t fight it. Take care. xx

  27. Kate says:

    Hi, Anne,

    I am terribly sorry for your loss. As someone who has grieved a loved one and a parent, I know that those words can be meaningless.

    In your time of grief, I highly recommend reading “On Grief and Grieving” by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. It was like a hug from my mum after she died.

    Thinking of you,


  28. Glazed Lemon Loaf is my favorite tea and I buy it whenever I see it at Target.
    My dad is 88 and has emphysema. Our time together is limited and I’m trying to cherish every moment. I pray the memories of joyous times with your dad take you through these next several days, weeks, and months.

  29. Pat Eager says:

    Anne, I am so sorry for you and your family. It is so difficult to have a parent pass away. Hoping you find great comfort in your friends and family.

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