a lifestyle blog for book lovers

What’s in store for your weekend? I’m spending time visiting with family and getting ready for the rest of my kids to start school next week. The weather has cooled off a little here, so I’m also hoping to spend a lot of time reading on the porch swing.

My favorite finds from around the web:

  • Is Coronavirus the End of U.S. Passport Privilege? “But here’s the thing: The American passport was number 1 in 2015. In 2016 it was number 3; held steady in 2017; dropped to number 5 in 2018; and to number 6 in 2019. Trend alert. It’s 7 now—what’s next?”
  • How I Turned a Solo Activity Into a Social Activity. “Sometimes a tiny, non-reading devil on my shoulder whispers “get a life” in my ear, and I can’t help but wonder if the time I spend reading would be better spent exploring the city and making new friends. That is, until I pause and reflect on all the people I’ve met and friendships I’ve made because of books.”
  • The flexible work fallacy. “Flexibility can make it hard to draw boundaries around paid employment, and difficult to disaggregate work from the rest of the day.” (I enjoyed talking about my own work from home routines with Laura Vanderkam for her new ebook The New Corner Office.)

Don’t miss these posts:

  • 7 Ways To Discover Your Audiobook Style. Your reading taste on paper does not directly translate to audiobooks. Taking the time to find your perfect audiobook experience is well worth the effort. 

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Karen Lange says:

    I just signed up for the 3 free book trial on Audiobooks and it didn’t work. All I got was one free book so I sent them an email. Wondering if anyone else is having the dilemma?

  2. Susan says:

    Who wears sweatpants anymore? I’m confused. I thought it was all leggings and pajama pants. Oh, maybe this was from a male perspective, and I guess THEY still wear sweatpants….The article was enlightening, but also not—crazy and confusing industry, as they admitted. Maybe someone should write a good fiction book about it all. Is there one??

  3. Guest says:

    This isn’t intended to make light of the massive changes (and heartbreak) in the fashion industry but I think it could actually be a very good thing if the fashion industry massive restructured. I like to look and dress nice, don’t get me wrong, but the amount of environmental waste in the fashion industry is astounding as is the focus on a shape (tall and very, very thin) that the vast majority of women simply will never have. Then the financial side of people spending so much money on trendy clothes. I realize this is sounding like I’m a tree hugger hippie – I sweat I’m not. I’m a corporate America lifer (and love my job, most of the time) who’s trying to get the mortgage paid off, parent kind and smart human beings, and has found tremendous freedom in a capsule wardrobe. We just don’t need all the trappings and if the pandemic helps us all realize that, it seems like an unexpected blessing.

  4. Rita Morgan says:

    I have read all three of Elizabeth Azevedo’s books. My first was the fire on high which I recommended to everybody I saw when I finished it. She is an amazing writer who tells stories that need to be heard. I am an older white woman who was as drawn into her stories as anyone. Even though her characters are specific her topics are universal and her writing lyrical. These books should be read because they are amazing, @ElizabethAzevedo

  5. Mary says:

    Anne, was your discussion with Laura Vanderkam a podcast episode? I’m trying to find it and can’t. If so, would you mind sharing the link? Thank you! :o)

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