The Prairie Trilogy: O Pioneers!; The Song of the Lark; My AntoniĆ”

The Prairie Trilogy: O Pioneers!; The Song of the Lark; My AntoniĆ”


From the publisher: "The Prairie Trilogy is Pulitzer prize-winning author Willa Cather's highly acclaimed series of novels that deal with the ordinary everyday lives of Americans in plainspoken language. O Pioneers! is a powerful early Cather novel that tells the compelling tale of a young girl with the tough task of taking care of her frontier family after their father's death. The Song of the Lark is the self-portrait of an artist in the making. It revolves around the fascinating story of a young girl who heads to the big city in search of the American dream. My AntoniĆ” is one of Cather's earliest novels. It tells the moving story of immigrant pioneers whose persistence and strength helped to build America. Just as accessible and enjoyable for today's modern readers, the novels are some of the great works of American literature and continue to be widely read and studied throughout the world."

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About the Book

Publisher’s description:
Complete in one volume!
The Prairie Trilogy is a thematically linked series of three novels by Willa Cather.
O Pioneers!
Alexandra Bergson inherits the family farm when her father passes away. She decides to make a go of it when so many other immigrant families are giving up at the turn of the twentieth century.
The Song of the Lark
Thea Kronborg is a piano teacher with a voice that came from the heavens. She seeks to use her gift, and in so doing, must decide which sacrifices she must make to live to her fullest potential.
My Antonia
After his parents die, Jim Burden moves to Black Hawk, Nebraska to live with his grandparents. There he meets and falls for Ɓntonia, and through his viewpoint, we explore Ɓntonia’s past.

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