what my kids are reading right now

As you may know, National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo or just NaNo) just kicked off its 17th year on November 1. Participants commit to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. Most of these novels aren’t any good, but several have gone on to be published, such as Cinder, The Night Circus, and Fangirl.

(I participated last year and wrote a little about my NaNoWriMo the experience here. For the record, my novel is terrible.)

NaNoReadMo stands for National Novel Reading Month. We need great novel writers, of course, but we also need great novel readers. And while not all of us dream of writing novels, many of us adore reading them.

Austin Kleon created a site for NaNoReadMo, where participants can pledge to share one novel they love every day. You can do this on facebook, twitter, instagram, or in the comments here at MMD.

Starting today, and every day of November, share a novel you like with the #NaNoReadMo tag.

I’ll be sharing mine mostly on my instagram account (@annebogel), and I’ll tag every picture of my great novel recommendations with the tags #NaNoReadMo and #MMDreading. If you do the same, I’ll share a round-up (or two) of my favorite photos and recommendations here on the blog.

Want to participate? Tell us in comments, and share your preferred social media handle so we can follow you. 

Happy reading!


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  1. Rosemary Meiners says:

    This sounds great! I’d love to participate! I’m just a Facebook girl; I don’t think I’ve used my twitter acct in about 6 months!

  2. Dinah says:

    Novels are my nemesis. I’ve concluded that it must be very hard to write a good novel, because I’ve read so many bad ones. I’ll look forward to a month of novel recommendations to consider reading. I’m still searching for a work of fiction to fall in love with. Thanks!

  3. I have fallen out of the habit of writing (BIG TIME) so I am joining in November’s NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month) for a jump-start. I always feel less pressure when I “have to” post every day. I can’t promise that every day’s post will feature a novel, but books are definitely the center of my blog: booksandcarbs.com

    I am so looking forward to your instagram book pics!

  4. Kimber-Leigh says:

    Such a fun idea! I’m hoping one year soon to commit to NaNoWriMo…but this year I can definitely contribute to NaNoReadMo! (Just started reading Reay’s The Bronte Plot last night…and hated having to stop just to sleep!) I’m @kimberleighd on Instagram–private account but I don’t mind requests!

  5. Alyssa says:

    While the novel may not be “good” I can see how the experience is. My 18 year old daughter is doing NaNo this year and it seems to have given her a needed burst of focus and creativity in the past few days . As a (just out of home school high school) ballet dancer with an injury and her friends moved away for college and she’s looking for a job, she has struggled with discipline and focus this fall. NaNo is helping her connect with a friend, order her day and give her a creative outlet.

  6. Hannah says:

    Just out of sheer curiosity, Anne, when you did NaNo did you plot out your novel before writing, or no? I did NaNo a couple of years ago and my novel was a raging mess, too. But I don’t do outlines beforehand.

  7. Andrea Ward says:

    This is just what I needed! I have in at least some small way participated in NaNoWriMo for about 4 years now. I even won last year. I had an idea and I’m even a bit excited about it. However, I don’t see it fitting in my schedule. I’m already a day behind and feeling the crunch. I hated the idea of just giving up, but the idea of continuing is stressing me out as well. This is just what I needed. I’m not just quitting NaNoWriMo. I’m starting NaNoReadMo! I think I can start this and finish this. Thank you so much for sharing this!!

    I am citrussunshine on Instagram and @citrus_sunshine on Twitter.

  8. Andrea says:

    Oh, I love the idea of sharing daily book recommendations this month!

    I have to tell you, I followed the link to read about your experience with NaNoWriMo, and it made me smile. It’s nice to know there’s someone out there like me who has such a hard time committing to a story arc and sticking with it. (There are just SO many other ways my stories could go! How do I choose?!)

    It’s only in the last year or so, though, that I’ve been making some breakthrough discoveries with regard to my personality (INFP!), and until I read your post I’d never thought about the fact that my struggle to actually finish a draft might have as much to do with my dreamy inner P as it does my inner critic (although both, I now recognize, tend to come out in full force when I’m writing). Incidentally, I’m doing NaNo–the writing one–this year. We’ll see how it goes!

    Since I’m finally getting around to posting a comment, I should also tell you that I stumbled across your blog for the first time a couple of months ago (I think I was googling “time management for INFPs” or something similar), and I could not have been more delighted with my find. I can’t even begin to tell you how much your blog posts resonate with me. Thank you!

  9. Anne says:

    I still kind of want to WriMo but haven’t started. I’ll try ReadMo, but I think I put a lot of my books in storage for selling the house. Shoot! @ennainspired

  10. Dana says:

    I did NANOWRIMO 3 years ago and my novel ( genre-Magical Realism) is in its final edit. The whole plot was basically there. I have spent multiple drafts just fleshing it out and developing characters. My writing group and my readers have had good things to say so I am hopeful. It was the best thing I have ever done to get my writing off the ground.

    I have not done it since because the drafts from the first year plus another project I started in the spring ( Middle- grade Fantasy) are keeping me busy.

    I love the idea of READMO, though. I am not on instagram or Facebook and I rarely look at my Twitter account…I will share on the blog for now.

    #NaNoReadMo Peace Like a River by Leif Enger.

  11. Robin Glossner says:

    Just started doing this 2 days ago. I’m on Instagram @rglossner. Love your blog and share some of your content on my Library’s FB page!

  12. Lorri Castro says:

    I’m still trying to develop my reading habit, but this month I actually finished a novel! The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett. I couldn’t put it down and finished it in two weeks. (I’m a slow reader now but I’ll get faster!)

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