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What does your favorite novel say about you?

I’m posting at She Reads today about why talking about your favorite novel is such a personal thing.

From the post:

I sat down to coffee with a newish friend recently. Before I could take my first sip, she urged, “Tell me your favorite novel. Or a book that’s changed your life. I want to read more, and I need some ideas.”

I love talking books with friends, but as I opened my mouth to answer, I realized that she’d just asked me an extremely personal question.

Aside from the sheer impossibility of choosing just one favorite book, her question was daunting for another reason: I felt like I’d been asked to lay my soul on the table.

A. J. Fikry, a wise man despite his fictional status, says, “You know everything you need to know about a person from the answer to the question, What is your favorite book?” I wasn’t sure if I was ready for her to know everything she needed to know about me….

Read the rest at She Reads. Readerly types, click around a bit while you’re there—it’s a great site to find book recommendations, author interviews, and book discussions.

P.S. The Kindle deals have been smokin’ this week. Check out today’s deals right here.


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  1. Great article! I’ve always felt a little nervous whenever I give my favorite novel. I’ve even found myself changing my answer to suit the person, how well I knew them, what I knew about them, the context,etc. I always recommend books that I like, but there is something about the “favorite” that can be a bit too….revealing.

  2. Katrina says:

    I always find this question so hard to answer, and it must be my concern of how these books reflect on me. I have no such issues recommending kid books.

    My brother-in-law’s girlfriend’s mom once recommended Outlander to me when we had just met. She called it her favourite book. I was surprised, because that is not a recommendation I go tossing out to casual acquaintances, though it’s often one I share with good friends. I discovered Outlander during a year of university in Scotland (I live in Canada). At 18, I binge-read the first four books of the series there, usually sitting in the cathedral ruins of my university town for dramatic effect.

    I don’t know if I really have favourite books, but there are certainly books that have stayed with me. I will often say The Blind Assassin, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, A Star Called Henry. My chick lit favourite is The Time Traveler’s Wife. It pains me when someone only saw the movie on that one. In the book, Henry and Clare haunted me so much more. Pride and Prejudice is where my daughter, Eliza, got her name. If I’m just recommending a book for someone looking for one, I usually stick to Kate Morton’s books, The Thirteenth Tale, and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. If I’m recommending to a geeky friend, I’ll throw in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Ender’s Game. For someone trying to squeeze reading time back into their lives, I recommend Stuart McLean’s Time Now for the Vinyl Cafe Story Exchange. They’re the perfect little stories to touch your life when you’ve only got a few moments and need something small and satisfying.

  3. Guest says:

    Mine hasn’t changed in 30 years. It’s Anne of Green Gables. Really, the entire series. After all these years, they are as beautifully written and magical as the first time I read them. I was just thinking the other day that I need to re-read the series again (I used to re-read every year).

  4. Sandy says:

    It is very personal, I agree..especially when someone advised you to read their favorite book and you realized that you have a different opinion… I love to hear about it though, each person is touched by a book in different ways . It might refers to their own experiences, dreams ,hope or just an escape from everyday life:) I am thankful when people share it with me.

    • liz n. says:

      It never bothers me when someone does not like a book that I love, but I do admit to having a judgmental moment when someone says they love a book I hated!

  5. liz n. says:

    Hmm…if someone’s asking for a book recommendation, I offer books that I think that person will like, so I might not suggest my favorites. If someone’s simply asking what my favorite books are, the INTJ in me usually responds with, “Why?” (Feel free to roll your eyes at that one!)

  6. Kimberly Locke says:

    I think my favorite has to be Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. It was the book that turned me into a reader. I’ve reread it a few times as an adult, and it brings back a flood of seventh grade memories.

    Also, have you watched this video of Anthony Doerr talking about the inspiration for his book? I enjoyed it, especially hearing how to pronounce “Marie Laure.”

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