Links I love and what’s on my nightstand.

My favorite finds from around the web:

9 words about reading that every book nerd needs to know, because “bibliophile” just isn’t enough. 9 words about books and reading that all true book nerds need in their lives.

Why are we so distracted all the time? “Remember, too, that you don’t need to “feel motivated” in order to do important work. Instead, let yourself feel like you’d rather be doing something else, and at the same time, do the work: Open the laptop, make the phone call, type another sentence.”

Mindy Kaling’s guide to killer confidence. In short: work hard and know your stuff. A great read.

A book list for the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, from the School Library Journal. “Published to coincide with the 10-year mark of the event, several new titles revisit this moment in history with clarity, compassion, and an appreciation for the resiliency demonstrated by those impacted. Insightful and emotionally affecting, these books humanize a catastrophic and complex occurrence by informing readers about specifics, offering examples of sorrow and strength, and providing a resounding—and universally relevant—message of hope.”

What I’m reading this week: 

The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress by Ariel Lawhon. I’ve been meaning to read since this it came out last year, but bumped it to the top of the stack because Ariel and I will be at Triangle Reads together next month. It’s a real pageturner—perfect for Kate Morton fans.

Someone Else’s Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson. I’m listening to this on Audible right now. Another one bumped to the top of the list, because Jackson will be at Triangle Reads.

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande. One of the last remaining books on my summer reading list.

On the blog: 

Trying something new today …

One year ago: Walking in circles.

Two years ago: What neon lycra and chapped nipples taught me about denying it gets hard sometimes.

Three years ago: The conversation that changed my life.

Four years ago: My #1 (dead simple, can’t believe I never thought of it before) lesson from Pinterest.

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Jane says:

    I’m surprised you called Mindy Kaling’s advice on confidence a “great read”. The article goes against everything Brene Brown writes about in her books, which you said you have read and enjoyed.


    • Anne says:

      Huh. This is a book excerpt, so we miss the flow, but I’m assuming that Mindy Kaling is talking about professional confidence, which comes with hard work. I don’t believe she means you need to earn the right to be treated decently as a human being, but that viewpoint would definitely put her and Brené Brown at odds (and that wouldn’t be something I’d share!)

  2. Guest says:

    Funny story…I read through the previous posts. When I got to the conversation that changed me, I immediately thought of a specific conversation. Reading through the comments I realized I left a comment about that specific conversation back in 2012 – guess wisdom really does hold its own over the years. 🙂

  3. Asha says:

    Thanks for sharing that article about distraction- I found it incredibly insightful. I have a feeling it will be one of the ones that I return to again and again.

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