Spring Cleaning: deep clean in 8 simple steps

how to deep clean in 8 simple steps

how to deep clean in 8 simple steps

It has taken me years to figure out how to take care of a home, and I am still learning!  In case any of you are in the same boat I was (that is, clueless!), I am providing you with this little cheat sheet.

Deep cleaning means a complete and thorough cleaning. Deep cleaning only needs to be done occasionally. Spring is an excellent time to tackle a deep clean.

Once your house has been deep-cleaned, it is pretty simple to maintain a clean home with routine (not deep) cleaning.

Here’s how to tackle your own deep clean:

1. Pick up the clutter. It will just be in the way.

2. Pull the furniture out into the middle of the room, but keep these things in mind:

•  Don’t scratch the floors! My mom got me some Furniture Sliderswhich allowed me to move an extremely heavy piano and bookcase (almost) by myself and without scratching my hardwood floors. (I did need help getting the sliders under the heaviest furniture, but I could do the sofa by myself, no problems.)

•  Leave that china cabinet where it is. I don’t follow the deep cleaning rules for my china cabinet.  The benefits are not worth the cost of time and effort to me, nor are they worth the risk of potential breakage.  I recommend breaking the rules for pieces like this. 

3. Clean all the woodwork and window frames, working from higher to lower.  If they’re not very dirty, you can use a plain damp cloth.  If they are a little dirty, you can u use a little all-purpose cleaner along with the damp cloth.  Some of my door frames are super-grimy from a potent combination of little grubby hands and housekeeping neglect.  For these I recommend using a little Mr. Clean.  (I love natural cleaners, but the Mr. Clean delivers better results on removing stubborn dirt.

4. Clean the curtains. Wash them, or vacuum with upholstery attachment; take to the cleaners.  But do clean them.

5. Vacuum and/or dust all the actual furniture. This is the time to vacuum under the sofa cushions and to use those pet hair removers on your upholstery if need be.

6. Clean all the floors around the outside of the room.

7. Clear your horizontal surfaces, clean them, and put the things back. This includes books!

8. Return furniture to its rightful place. Clean the middle of the room. Vacuum, sweep, mop, whatever it takes.

Ta-da!  Your room is clean!

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