The MMD printable reading journal.

Update: this printable is no longer available. I designed a reading journal with my favorite tracking. It’s called My Reading Life: A Book Journal, out September 21, 2021.

As a rule, I’d rather be reading than recording what I’m reading.

But I do it anyway, because I love having a record of what I’ve read, and what I want to read.

While Goodreads is nice, I have a soft spot in my heart for paper. I like to touch, browse, and jot notes in the margins. Besides, there’s nothing worse than intending to read, grabbing your phone or your laptop to plug in the book you’re about to start, and falling down the social media rabbit hole. 20 minutes later you forgot why you got online in the first place and you forgot all about your book. (That can’t be just me.)

The MMD printable reading journal | Modern Mrs. Darcy

There are great reading journals on the market (this is my favorite), but ready-made journals lack flexibility. Blank books are nice, but some of you (and that includes me) need a template to get started.

That’s why I’m delighted to introduce the printable MMD reading journal.

reading journal 3

Here’s what you’ll find in the reading journal:

• a blank “books I want to read” list
• a blank “books I abandoned” list
• 30 full two-page book entry spreads, to record thoughts, quotes, and opinions at length
• 12 3-per-page book entry pages, for when you want to remember you read a book but don’t want to journal about it
• 8 pages of reading inspiration
• 16 pages for note-taking
• lots of bookish quotes for your enjoyment

The MMD printable reading journal | Modern Mrs. Darcy

This journal is designed to be flexible. (Hat tip to Lauren of Santa Clara Designs who worked hard to make it easy to use.) Print all the pages, or just the ones that interest you. Print as many or as few book entry pages as you desire. If you love to take notes print plenty of notes pages.

The MMD printable reading journal | Modern Mrs. Darcy

Here’s how to use it:

1. Check your inbox. The journal is free to all subscribers (blog or newsletter). All current subscribers should have a journal ready and waiting for them. 

2. Download the journal. (I recommend downloading it instead of printing from a preview pane.)

3. Print the journal (or selected pages, as you choose). The PDF is designed for single-sided printing. The cover page is in color (it’s not necessary to print it in color, but it sure is pretty); the rest is black and white.

4. You can leave the journal full size (8.5 x 11), but I cut mine in half to create a 5.5 x 8.5 journal. (I love the deckle-edge effect I got from cutting the pages in half.)

The MMD printable reading journal | Modern Mrs. Darcy

5. To finish the reading journal, either:

• Hole punch it and place it in a 3-ring binder. I love the binder option because you can easily add and remove pages and dividers. (My Avery polka dot binder is from Target: this is the same binder in a pretty floral design. These are the dividers shown.)

• Have it spiral-bound at an office supply store. Kinko’s did mine for $3.99. (They also printed my cover page in full color; I used thick cardstock for the front and back covers.) The spiral-bound version looks terrific and is more compact, but it’s not as flexible. (I use book darts in my own spiral-bound journal for keeping my place.)

I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback on this Journal 1.0 project. Thanks for subscribing, using, and sharing!

I never travel without my reading journal


Leave A Comment
  1. Missy says:

    Wow, I’m quite impressed! It is clear that this was a labor of love for you. Can’t wait to print and put it to use! Thank you so much!

  2. Audrey Bretz says:

    This is fantastic. I too like Goodreads but I also write my books down in a notebook and have for years. This is much more ‘classy’!! I have got more good recommendations for books from your site than any other ever!

  3. Sara K. says:

    Love it! I am terrible about following through on projects, but I really want to get this printed out soon! I’ve only started tracking my reading in the last two years. I think it will be interesting to look back not only on the title I’ve read but also what I thought about the book at the time I finished it. Thank you for putting this together!

  4. Amy says:

    Thank you for this! I am going to try this. I’ve never done this before. I’m afraid to try because I don’t want to quit halfway through! But I think it is a great start at writing better book reviews, too. Again, I would love your tips on that! Plus… I love the new design of your site! It is really great. Cozy and creative. Love it! Have a great day!

  5. Jessica says:

    I’m excited to start using this. I also like good reads, but have never journaled about what I’m reading. I think this will be a great help, especially for books that I really liked and want to marinate on some ideas. Also – I totally get sucked in by the Internet instead of reading the book I intended too. I think that’s a big reason why Kindles continue to be so popular for just reading books.

  6. Jennifer says:

    What a gift! Thank you so much. Can’t wait to start using this. As we say in Boston, you’re “wicked awesome!”

  7. Kellie says:

    I am SO excited to download this and keep it on hand. Thank you for creating such a lovely aid for avid readers. I, too, appreciate paper and pen over electronics. As much as I love Goodreads, I’m anxious to use this journal.

  8. Jamie says:

    This is so great! This may be my favorite week of the year– The Summer Reading Guide AND a beautiful Book Journal–so much goodness in one week! Thank you for this and your lovely blog!

  9. Cindy says:

    Thanks so much for this wonderful journal, Anne! So many times I’ve wished I’d kept better track of the books I’ve read over the years and this will help. I especially like all the book lists you’ve included for when I’m stuck for something to read!

  10. This is so cool. Thank you! I like Goodreads too but a couple things bother me– the inability to journal my thoughts and also the public nature of it. Now that I’m with an agent and more fully invested in the publishing world, I find myself hesitating to rate a book less than 3 stars even if my honest reaction is pretty negative. This is a good way to track since it’s nice and private… (I did chuckle as I saw your example page b/c Bloodroot is one of my favorite books of recent years – ha) Anyway, thank you so much for doing this! It must have been a big project!

    • Anne says:

      Oh goodness, I get this. I mostly love but sometimes hate how my star ratings are public.

      And it’s funny that you mention Bloodroot: I read it because of you! Well, in part. 🙂 It’s been on my list for a while, and then you and another reader friend gushed about it within days of each other over the winter. I could see that Greene was very good at her craft, but SO SAD. Maybe I’ll try again one day.

  11. Allison says:

    Anne –
    Thank you! This is great. I’m going to put 1 together for each of my 13 yo daughters. Especially with the summer coming up – I don’t want them to fall behind in their reading.
    Thank you!

  12. Ashley says:

    This is just fantastic! I can’t believe it’s free. Thank you for the thought and work that must have gone into this. Now to decide on a bound copy or a binder… Hmmm.

    Also wondered if you could refresh us on some favorite pens to go along with the journal? Thanks!

  13. Cristina says:

    Dear Anne, YOU ROCK! I just downloaded and printed off all 53 pages; I can’t wait to get a binder for my new reading journal and start using it. Thank you for such a nice gift to your readers!

  14. Meredith says:

    Thank you for your generosity by offering this for free to your subscribers! I love your website and pinterest boards…very inspiring.

  15. Karen says:

    I love this! Finding or creating a book journal has been on my to-do list for awhile. My initial search was disappointing, but this is perfect. Thank you so much for making and sharing!!!! I can’t wait to start using this and remembering why I read — and love — so many books. (P.S. Your blog is a big reason I’ve started reading voraciously again for fun. I just love your recommendations and insights.)

  16. Emily says:

    I love this! Bless you for giving this to us for free. I’ve never seen a reading journal that looks more perfect than this one and I can’t wait to start using it. Thank you!

  17. liz n. says:

    …In which Anne unknowingly gives me an excuse to work out some bookbinding stitch ideas that have been floating around in the back of my mind…

    This is terribly generous of you, and looks like you’ve put a lot of work into it, Anne. Thank you!

  18. Addie says:

    Thank you SO much for this! I immediately printed it out and I plan to put it in a binder like you showed. I’m so excited! Also love the Abandoned Books page. 🙂

  19. Janet says:

    I’ve kept a book journal for several years now and have tried several different ones. I really like the looks of yours so I have down loaded it and I’m looking forward to using it.

  20. Pam in Paris says:

    Dear Anne,
    Thank you, thank you! I am one of those constant readers – like you – and I have been using little notecards, like index cards, which of course are all over the place instead of in my book box! This is terrific!

  21. Bonnie says:

    Thank you! This is such a gift to this home-educating high school Mamma. My next year Senior will fill it with her lifetime of reading..from notebooks, scrap paper, journals, planners, etc. Now to get started:}

  22. MaryAnn in Dallas says:

    Thank you SO much for taking the time and energy to put together this wonderful gift!! I LOVE to read and kept meaning to buy a reading journal, but never quite got there. I am so excited–THANK YOU, again.

  23. Krime says:

    What a wonderful and great idea.. I plan such a journal over and over again. I was curious how you did it……..but my link does not work :-(.
    Does anyone has the same problem?
    Best wishes

    • Anne says:

      Were you previously a subscriber, or did you subscribe in order to get the journal? If the latter, then the link to download the guide is in the second confirmation email.

      If you keep having problems email me at modern mrs darcy at gmail.

  24. Emily says:

    WOW! This is such an incredibly generous gift to your readers. (I can’t believe you’re offering this for free!) I want to let you know that your efforts are deeply appreciated. I can’t wait to set up my journal and continue following your blog. Thank you so much!

  25. Debra G says:

    It’s absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much!
    May I print a copy for my 14 year old son, as well? He likes it, too. 🙂

  26. Christin says:

    I am trying to print this and make in to 8.5×11 sheets. How is that possible? I am only able to do it in half sheets…

    • Anne says:

      Right now the journal prints two “pages” per sheet. Would you prefer a full-size 8.5 x 11 journal? It’s a hypothetical question at this point, but I’m definitely making notes in case I do another edition. 🙂

      • HollyB says:

        I know I am responding to a question asked of another user, but… here’s my two cents 😉 I personally would love a full 8.5×11 journal. I always buy the full-size desk calendars and everything else; I generally don’t like smaller things (probably because I write too big, and too much!). So, there you go, FWIW. I’m still definitely going to use your lovely printable though!!

      • Christin says:

        Yes! I would love to have the full size! As the other “replier” mentioned, I write big too! A bigger size would give me much more room to write!

      • Charlene Martin says:

        Yes, please!! I would LOVE a full size. I was searching the comments for just this. I have a Big Happy Planner and paper punch, I’d love to incorporate it into my planner.

  27. Gwyn says:

    I love this! I am printing one ASAP! I have been reading on my Kindle for a couple of years but I think I am going back to true books! Your pictures have inspired me to want to hold a book in my hands!

  28. Amy Patton says:

    Anne! I love this. And oh my, I am grateful in an unexpected way. We recently changed internet companies, and my email address changed. I thought I had unsubscribed and resubscribed to everyone with my new email, but I missed you! I would not have noticed if your post hadn’t said the journal showed up in the last newsletter (boo, I missed it.) So… here I go, resubscribing. I don’t know how to unsubscribe the old email. Sorry. Now… to print this out, go to bed and wake up to the summer reading list!

  29. Kim A. says:

    This is amazing!! Thank you!! I think I am going to use this with my kids as well!! I love together projects and was really thankful you included a kids list too!

  30. vaishnavi jai says:

    Thank you so much for this wonderful journal. Didn’t realise how much I wanted a reading journal until I saw yours 🙂 want to attach a pic of the journal I made using your printable. Is it possible?

  31. Ann DeSutter says:

    I LOVE this idea! I too get on Goodreads, and find myself getting distracted online doing other things. I prefer a journal. Only problem is, I am unable to download or print. any suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong? Thank You, Love your blog!

    • Anne says:

      After you subscribe you’ll get a confirmation email in your inbox. The link to the journal is in the next confirmation email.

  32. Nancy B. says:

    This is beautiful; thank you for sharing this. I’m just trying to decide between the looseleaf and spiral bound versions! I’m thinking I’ll add a List of Books to the front along with maybe a page number so I can look up the comments on books already read.

  33. HollyB says:

    I’m so happy about this (even if I am quite late in reading my emails!), BUT…I can’t seem to find the link to dowbload this lovely gift in my email. I am a subscriber and get your emails… it’s possible that I accidentally deleted it…?? Is there a way to have it resent, or a link I can visit to download? Sorry to be a pain!! That’s what I get for not keeping up with my emails 😉

  34. Jennifer says:

    It’s so silly but thank you for mentioning the deckle-edge effect. If you hadn’t, I probably would’ve made myself crazy cutting the pages so that they’d be perfectly even. Instead, I’m going to embrace imperfection and tell myself the uneven edges are purposeful and beautiful as they are 🙂

  35. JD Gompf says:

    I’m trying to find the link to download. I’m now a subscriber but still can’t find the link. This journal would be perfect for my friend and I to share our views on the books we read.

    • Anne says:

      Ah, that sounds like a hiccup with the email service. 99.5% go through just fine … but that last .5% is a bummer. Shoot me a message at modern mrs darcy at gmail dot com and I’ll send you the link.

      • Tgz says:

        Hi! I am also a subscriber but did not receive the download link for the journal. I will email you as well. Thanks!

  36. Sherrie says:

    Journal printed! (YAY!) … But my inkjet skewed the lines, so I may be taking the file to get laser printed. (YES! I am “that” OCD! ?) Junior binders don’t come with those neat ‘page lifter/protectors’, darn it!! Office Max cut to 8.5 x 5.5 for me and placed cardboard between the two sections ….. REPURPOSED into the page lifter/protectors (which will be decorated, eventually). I kinda go “all out” for things like this …. Ordered a custom binder cover from Etsy. Could post pics when all completed???

    Last, but not least, THANK YOU! for creating the journal!! ????????

  37. Becky says:

    Thank you so much! I hadn’t realized how much I wanted something like this until I saw it. Can’t wait to use it!

  38. Lisa says:

    Can you please help me? I love your website and am a subscriber. I must have missed the email where you sent out the reading journal and I would love to download it for my children to keep track of their summer reading. I tried re-subscribing to get the file, but it did not work.
    Than you!!!

    • Anne says:

      There’s a known problem: about .1% of the emails with the journal link get lost in cyberspace. Email me at modern mrs darcy at gmail dot com and I’ll shoot you a direct link.

  39. Okay I’ll tell you what. I LOVE that there’s an abandoned books section. I, for some reason, find it *so hard* to stop reading a book that I’ve started. I’ll take two months to read a crappy book before chucking it to start a good one. Why? Why!!! I really think this will help me record it down and then let it go. I hope it will…

  40. Sally says:

    I am a subscriber and had a link sent to me for the journal, but I can’t find it. Can I please have another one?
    Thank you.

  41. Katelyn says:

    Hello! I subscribed and am looking for my confirmation emails but I haven’t seen them. I did receive the post on “7.5 Things I learned in July” though! Should I give it a few days?

    Your blog is quite lovely! Thanks for your hard work!

    • Anne says:

      Katelyn, it should have arrived immediately but a small percentage of the emails disappear into the void. Sorry for the trouble; I just sent you a direct link.

  42. Suze says:

    I would love this journal but cannot see any email with the link to download. I am sorry, I subscribed twice (the second time in hopes of getting the email with the link) but I still can’t seem to see any links. I am getting your posts though, love them and have recommended many times over now. Thank you!

    • Anne says:

      I’m sorry! I don’t think it’s you: a small percentage of the follow-up emails get lost in cyberspace, permanently. I’m sending a direct link to your inbox, please email at modern mrs darcy at gmail if it doesn’t show up immediately!

  43. Hey Anne, I’m just now getting around to trying to download the journal, but it’s not showing up in my email. I’ve been a subscriber since 2014 and just re-subscribed just in case. Can you email me a direct link?

  44. Crystal says:

    I absolutely love this journal, and subscribed to your newsletter to get the download a few weeks ago. However, my printer was broken. Since then I’ve been slowly working my way back through your archives and am loving your blog! Now my printer is fixed, but I can’t find this file anywhere on my laptop! I’m afraid that I didn’t save it. I attempted to resubscribe to your newsletter, but can’t seem to get that to work today. Anything I can do to get a copy of this reading journal again?

  45. Pamela Jo says:

    Hi Anne,
    I look forward to every post! And I often go back on the blog for book ideas….and I ran across the journal in the sidebar. I don’t remember getting the link. Potentially an operator error…me…haha. Could a you please send me the link if you have time. This is a wonderful idea!
    I live for your reading lists and now will have a spot to put them instead of all those notecards I now use.
    Thanks again,
    Pamela Jo

  46. Brenda says:

    I have done the same as the lady above. Operator error on my part. Could you please send the link again? I love your blog and it has inspired me to read more and now to keep a reading journal. Thanks for sharing. Brenda

  47. Yeshel says:

    Hello Anne! I love this journal and my heart yearns to have a share of a printable copy of this. How can I have this? Please help me 🙂

  48. Mary Ann T. says:

    Anne, love your blog and have been following you for quite some and you’ve inspired me to both read more and read things outside my normal sphere. I know I received your email with the reading journal info back in May, but put it aside and now can’t find it either in my email or on my computer. Help! Is there someway I could be sent another copy? I would greatly appreciate it. Best regards..

  49. Nancy says:

    Hi Anne I too would like a link to get the journal. Not even sure when I signed up but have just been reading about the journal and all the comments and think it would be a fun idea. Enjoy getting your recommendations on books as I hate to pay the price for one and then discover I really dislike it. Thank you! Merry Christmas!

    • Anne says:

      Ack, sorry you’re having trouble! Please email me at modern mrs darcy at gmail dot com and I’ll send you a direct link. (it’s not you, it’s the technology, alas!)

  50. Shubheksha Jalan says:

    Hey, I’ve subscribed to the list, but haven’t received the journal yet. Cannot figure out why. I’m start with the planning process for next year and reading is one of my priorities, so I am looking forward to using this journal a lot.

  51. Shani Lorch says:

    I received my journal today in my email. Thanks for the great idea!! I’ve been a reading junkie since I was 6 years old – so glad to have a group of people to chat with about books. Thanks, Anne, for all your hard work in creating this journal! 🙂

  52. Lynda says:

    Hi Ann, I love this idea but I cannot see the link to download the book journal even though I have subscribed. Any tips?

  53. Cynthia Pierce says:

    Thank you so much for this fantastic resource.
    I have one question, what font are you using for the cursive on the pages? I obviously do not have that font on my computer because it is printing something quite ugly! LOL!

  54. Betsy says:

    Anne, I have subscribed, but I’ve not received the link to the journal download. Ordered a binder, etc., but will surely want the pages when the binder arrives! Thank you for your work in putting all this together.

  55. Theresa M says:

    I am in the same boat as some of the above….I am a subscriber but dont have the link to download. Could I have a link to download it too?
    Thank you!!!!!

  56. Hi Anne,
    Just curious, what colors are on the cover page? The reason I ask is because when I printed mine, the cover page was black and white with what looks grey maybe? This is a great journal! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  57. Cynthia I says:

    I just downloaded and printed it! I love it. Bought a small 3-ring binder today to put it in for the flexibility but the copy place couldn’t punch it for me! I cannot for the life of me find out how to punch this at home other than by hand with a single hole punch. ? Any idea how I can figure spacing for the holes?

    This is going to be a fun year of reading!

  58. Soetkin says:

    Hi! Thank you so much for this. I love the idea of printing my own reading journal! I’ve checked my mail tho, and there’s no journal. Could you maybe send it to me?

  59. Natalie says:

    I stumbled across your journal idea and after wondering around your site decided I just had to subscribe. I really like the idea of journaling what I am reading and this setup is just perfect. I subscribed this morning and was wondering when I might be expecting to get a link to this wonderful journal of yours! I confirmed my subscription but haven’t received it yet. Thank you so much! I am super eager to get started.

    • Anne says:

      Sure! My dividers are placed like this:
      • between the front notes and the first book entry page. (i.e., right after the last “books I abandoned” page)
      • between the full-page book entry pages and the three-per-page book entry listings
      • between the last book entry page and the “reading inspiration” section
      • between the last reading inspiration page and the “notes” section

  60. Wanda Colangelo says:

    Hi Anne
    I love the idea of your book journal but I never received the link to download. Today I even unsubscribed and then resubscribed to see if that would work but it did not. I wondered if you have any suggestions that might help.
    Thank you for all the time and effort you invest into making this such a wonderful haven for readers.

    • Anne says:

      It’s not you, it’s mailchimp. It’s a known (and frustrating) issue that .2% of journal emails get lost in cyberspace and I’m so glad you emailed. Check your inbox; it should be waiting for you now.

      • Wanda Colangelo says:

        thank you, I just printed it off…now I’m deciding if I want to do full size or cut the pages in half
        just finished “Booked” (which I heard about here)
        I’m aiming for 30 books this year and have just started book #4
        look forward to filling up that journal

  61. Ylonn Jackson says:

    I absolutely love your website. I started reading your blogs and I have already ordered one of your recommended books by Eleanor Roosevelt – “You Learn By Living”. I shall add that to my goal of reading 30 books this year. Downloading and filling in the journal will be a first for me but I’m willing to try it. Thank you for all of your great suggestions.

  62. Heidi says:

    Do you know of a printer where you can just upload the PDF and BAM! they send you the printed and bound journal (after you pay for it of course)? I tried uploading it to make a trade book using, but it tells me the PDF is outside of the parameters. I’d love to make it really permanent like that.

  63. Pia Rodriguez says:

    Hi! I´m from Venezuela! Thank you so much for this beautiful journal! I hope to help me organize my reading!

    I find this for Pinterest and i love it!!

    Muchas gracias!!

  64. Katy says:

    I am so impressed with everthing on this site – but am very excited to download this journal and get started!! I’ve been stalking this site since Friday night (stayed up till 4am) reading through all of your lists to read. Can’t wait to get started – I have over 200 books to get in order – I’m a Goodwill stalker 🙂

  65. I loooove this idea of a book journal…downloaded! Going to make my own beautiful copy. Thanks for sharing your inspirations, you’ve made my world even lovelier. You have a fan in Kingston Jamaica.

  66. Sarah L. says:

    Can you please send me a link to the reading journal. I’m a subscriber but can’t find the email in my inbox. Thanks! Can’t wait to get started.

  67. Nora Trienes says:

    Dear Anne,

    your reading journal is AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL and PRACTICAL beyond BELIEF (a huge compliment in my world). THANK YOU for making this a freebie for your subscribers (I subscribed immediately just to get it, being completely honest here, though glancing through your website made me want to subscribe anyway. 😉 I love it, it’s gorgeous, it’s simple and easy-to-use, and now I want to set it up in a proper A5 binder (I’m in Germany, we do A4/A5 sizing here) with dividers and maybe make another one as a surprise gift for my DH. As a YA author, I don’t get enough time to read with all the research and writing I do, which is a crying shame, considering my to-read list, but this should help motivate me to keep finding 15-30 minutes a day to read.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart and lots of love from Munich, Germany,

  68. Emily Stricklin says:

    Hi Anne! I’m new to Modern Mrs. Darcy and your podcast and I keep wondering how on earth it took me this long to find you! I love what you’re doing… THANK YOU!

    I am super excited about this reading journal so I followed the directions to subscribe and I received the email from you with the link to this page and the link to the journal download, but the link to the download is broken for me. I simply get an error saying that the site can’t be reached. Any ideas?


  69. Becky parker says:

    Hi, Anne,
    I love your site and podcasts! I’m already a subscriber, but would love to have the link for the 2015 reading journal. I need the writing prompts rather than blank pages as in this year’s reading journal. Pretty please?

  70. Donna Parsons says:

    thank you so much; I finally got my journal after it being emailed directly after not being able to get it before; was going to ask you then about the holepunching but see others have as well; not sure my personal one will adjust, but seems both the men of my house – hub and son – have them at work that will so going to see how it goes – trying to remember, maybe should go look but the one you can order, is it bound or loose?

  71. Danielle says:

    Hi Anne! I love your blog and podcast. I’m a subscriber but I must have missed the reading journal. Is there a way you could send it to my email? Thanks!

  72. Sabrina says:

    Hi. I’m a subscriber and I would absolutely love the book journal. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you so much! Sabrina

  73. Irene Kimball says:

    Hi and Good Afternoon,
    I have been following your blog for some time now and truly enjoy. I have entered your portal to receive the book journal but have not received a message or e-mail back to allow me to do so. Have we overwhelmed your system with our asks??!! Will wait to see when I can access and I look forward to it. I, too, use Goodreads to log and review my reading list but I love pen or pencil and paper.

  74. Aicetel Tariman says:

    Hi! I love you reading journal and I love your website. Immediately subscribed to i! I should’ve discovered your website a while back! I am already scanning through your old posts and I love it. This will definitely be helpful for me.

    By the way, I can’t seem to find the download link for the The MMD printable reading journal. Please help. Thank you!

  75. Ashley says:

    I had to go and find this post so I could tell you about my journey with your reading journal…

    I started with it in full form and, like so many things in my life, it got used for awhile and then I lost it (literally — it disappeared for a couple months). When I tripped over it again, I couldn’t seem to get back into it. Not abnormal, either — this happens to me regularly with journaling things. It’s incredibly irritating when I see how many half-used notebooks I have.

    Then I started a bullet journal. Somehow, SOMEHOW, I’ve kept that going and am even getting my second journal set up for when the first fills in a few weeks. (Yay!) When I looked through the reading journal again, I found that I used a couple parts more readily than others — the lists (easy enough to add to a bullet journal) and the 3-per-page quick summaries. They were the perfect length for me — enough space to get the essentials down but small enough that I had to prioritize my notes.

    To keep it that easy (and because the reading journal layout is gorgeous), I printed just the summaries on full-sheet mailing labels and cut them apart — 6 per sheet, trimmed so that they’re essentially book stickers to put in my journal as I go. They’re tucked in the back pocket, ready to use whenever I want. Lots of fun for me (whee stickers!) and this also means book notes stand out a little differently from every other note I write.

    Anyway! That was long-winded. Thank you for putting such an awesomely flexible (and did I mention gorgeous?) journal out there!

  76. Theresa says:

    Can you resend the link? I lost my original and would like to create a new journal. Thank you!!
    P.S. I love your blog and your podcast! Thank you for your recommendations and the research you put into doing all of this.

  77. Julie Marshall says:

    I never recieved the link to the journal when I subscribed, or didn’t realize what it was and deleted it. Do you mind re-sending it to me?

  78. Susan says:

    I love my bullet journal and I’m interested in either adding a reading journal to my bullet journal or creating a separate reading journal. Would you mind sending me a link to the reading journal? Thanks!

  79. Sherri says:

    I would like to get the reading journal printable pages but when I subscribed I did not get the download for these. Is there another link I should use?

  80. Melanie says:

    Just subscribed and after gotten my link for the journal. I noticed several others were asking about it as well. Can you please send it ASAP as I’m organizing for 2017. Your site is beautiful and I can’t wait to dig into it in more detail. Thanks for the great reading kit and looking forward to getting the journal soon!

  81. Shelby says:

    Hey! I got an email, but my kit did not come with all of these pages- did I get something different? How can I get these? (the email I got when I subscribed was great- but it was just a little 4 page document, and I want to do a journal like you have here as my new year’s resolution, so anything you can send me will be a huge help. Thanks!

  82. Jess Anne Cole says:

    I did check my inbox for the reading journal, but I still don’t have it. I did get the amazing reading challenge and I’ve started my first book! I went ahead and ordered the reading journal you suggested, since I couldn’t download the other one. My daughter just told me about your site and I am really enjoying you posts! I look forward to reading you in the new year. Happy new year!

  83. Cindy says:

    Just signed up again for the third time for the reading challenge and as a subscriber. this time I used a different email. But haven’t gotten the reading challenge material or the printable journal yet. Please help! Can’t wait to start the 2017 reading challenge!

  84. Sophy says:

    I would love to print off the reading journal however I did not get the email – is it possible to get the link sent again? Thank you!

  85. aisha ali says:

    Hi ! I would lovery to get a copy of the journal and was wondering if the link to the journal is still available ? 🙂 Much appreciated! !

  86. Charleen says:

    I’ve subscribed three times and still haven’t received the journal link if I could get that please? Loving all your articles too by the way.

        • I am so enjoying your blog, Anne, but I have one problem with the printables; your wonderful reading journal is a perfect example. Is there any way to print half size for an A5 journal? (I have the PDF saved and waiting to print.)
          There are so many great 8.5 x 11 printables that I find but have not come across any information explaining how to print for an A5 journal. I would think there are many of us that use this size.
          You wrote that you cut your printable reading journal PDF in half to create a 5.5 x 8.5 journal. How did you do this? Were you able to print as a 5.5 x 8.5, or did you actually cut the 8.5 x 11 pages after printing?
          Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

  87. Sarah Bowden says:

    I was so excited reading this blog. I love your journal and haven’t found any on Amazon I like at all. I will have to wait. Sigh ! In the process of moving from a moldy house. Love your podcast, blogs and recommendations. I will be purchasing my first book today in a long time. I have it narrowed it down to 3 I think =)

  88. Gwen says:

    Hey.. I love your blog and your reading journal.. I have a request. can you please write a post about your personal reading journal. I really want to see how you fill it in. 🙂

  89. Debbie Thomas Martin says:

    Looking for suggestions!
    Our book club is a mix of young and older women. When we started our group was small so when there was an event such as a member having a baby, or someone moving away we would ask for a donation from m the members to buy a gift, but now that we’ve grown and so many of the younger members are getting married, births, etc, it’s gotten out of hand and we would like to handle this differently. How do other groups address this in their groups?
    Thank you for any suggestions!

    • We are constantly having moms have new babies in our group. So we don’t do donations or gifts but instead for each mom we set up a meal schedule (there are a lot of great sites that offer this service for free) and then whoever is available can sign up on the schedule. This helps each mom feel supported and not everyone helps every time. We just naturally rotate. We often have military moms move away. We have a private facebook group and they will often post about items they can’t take and want to sell, and whoever is interested will buy them and we support them that way. Hope that helps, glad your group is growing!

  90. I’m so excited to try the journal. I’m emerging from the ‘baby fog’ of having an infant. My little guy is now 7 months old and I’ve got a huge stack of books I’m ready to dive into, and just like Anne said it’s always a struggle to write about what I read, but I’ll regret it if I don’t. I love having summaries of what I read and what stuck out to me.

  91. Lorelei Perkins says:

    Hi, I would love to show this off at my next book club meeting. When I subscribed 2 days ago, I don’t think I saw the link for the journal. Help, please!

    • Just a tip, in a pinch – you can copy the url for this page and open it in a private browsing window or in a different browser and then put your address in the Subscribe to Updates box and click submit. I got a link to download the journal in my welcome email when I subscribed. You might need to use your spouse or friend’s email address if you’re already subscribed, I don’t know.
      I haven’t used the journal yet but I have it on my to do list to take it to Kinkos and get it bound for a few dollars like someone else recommended. I’m excited because I’m almost in the middle of a ton of books, I use Google Keep on my phone to take notes but like she said I don’t want to always have my phone with me, or get distracted.

  92. Janet McDonald says:

    I do not see the download for the reading journal. Hope do I get it? I am subscribed to your emails. Thank you.

  93. Katrina says:


    What a perfectly lovely reading journal! I’ve always been a Goodreads gal, though I’ve slacked off on both notating and reading in the past year, as I’ve been growing my online fourth-grade teaching business. But now I’m going to try paper again with your journal. There is nothing — NOTHING — like the feel of dark ink spilling out of your favorite pen onto a fresh sheet of paper. (I love the UniBall Vision Elite, Black, Fine. What a pen!)

    By the way, have you discovered the Canterbury Classics Word Cloud editions? They are affordable, yet feel so luxurious. That book company just nailed it with these editions. They came out with the last 2 Jane Austens as well, just this past week, I believe. Obviously, I have to order them. 🙂

    Thanks again for such a lovely gift to your listeners!

  94. Louise Hesse says:

    I am unable to download the reading journal after trying twice. Obviously I am doing something incorrectly. Thus, I will try again, but would appreciate a word of advice from you. Thank you so much for your help!

  95. I just downloaded the pdf of your journal and gotta say this,very unique type of journal it is.No doubt that when you have this opened besides a novel ,it will make you write down the things you loved in that novel.Getting My Spiral BOUND Copy SOON…….??

  96. Dianne says:

    Tip: You need to print the book in landscape layout. You may also need to choose to print in black and white.

  97. I am so enjoying your blog, Anne, but I have one problem with the printables; your wonderful reading journal is a perfect example. Is there any way to print half size for an A5 journal? (I have the PDF saved and waiting to print.)
    There are so many great 8.5 x 11 printables that I find but have not come across any information explaining how to print for an A5 journal. I would think there are many of us that use this size.
    You wrote that you cut your printable reading journal PDF in half to create a 5.5 x 8.5 journal. How did you do this? Were you able to print as a 5.5 x 8.5, or did you actually cut the 8.5 x 11 pages after printing?
    Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

  98. CJ Robbins says:

    Found your website while cruising the web tonite. I’ve subscribed, but no email with the printable reader’s journal has arrived. Am I too impatient? I’ll check again tomorrow.

  99. Liz says:

    I’m looking forward to using the book for my class next year. I hope to get it soon so I can prep it before school is out this year. Thanks!

  100. Michelle Amirault says:

    Hello. I have subscribed and confirmed my subscription but have not received the 2nd e-mail with the link to the reading journal. I have checked my junk folder too. Can you please send? Thanks.

  101. Mary Ann says:

    I have downloaded the journal twice, every time I go to print it, it is only printing “notes” pages. What am I doing wrong? Please help! I’m looking forward to “journaling.”

  102. Nan says:

    Hello! I’m a new subscriber and I would like to receive the journal. It’s not on the emails that I’ve been receiving. Could you send it to me? Thank you very much!

  103. Mary Ann says:

    I have been trying several times to print the journal, but it is not printing the entire journal. I was able to print off the pages with the lines, but that is all that I got. Also, I am having a problem with printing the bookmark with the summer reading picks.

  104. Carol Ann says:

    I’m a new subscriber and would LOVE to receive the journal. I’m very tired of my current system which is a bunch of mismatched index cards! This might just be a life-saver! Thanks so much—

  105. Laura Shuck says:

    After searching everywhere for the Reading Journal I had in mind, I found yours. And I love it. I downloaded it. Trashed the email. And then my computer crashed. My techie was able to get it up & running again but the Reading Journal file is gone.

    Would it be possible for you to forward the Reading Journal download again please? I don’t want to be a pest but I really like it.

  106. Jen says:

    Help! I got my email and the link showed me the journal, but before I could download it onto my laptop (I originally opened on my phone), an error occurred and it vanished. Now my email links me to the Best Books You’ve Never Heard Of. Can I get an email with a link to the journal? My friend and I both are MMD fans and I wanted to surprise her with a journal for her birthday. Thank you!!!

  107. Jenna says:

    Would I be able to have a copy of the reading journal please? I signed up for a subscription but the only email I received was the download for The best book you’ve never heard of. Thanks!!

  108. Sherry says:

    I promptly printed the journal and had it binded at Office Depot because I like it better compact. Love it and everything MMD. Thank you.

  109. Vicki says:

    Wow Anne, this is SO well thought out! I am running out to get mine printed and bound today and excited to get started using it! Like others who’ve posted, I too like the abandoned books idea. I also love the notes section and all of the wonderful quotes you’ve included. Job well-done!
    As a side note, I really enjoyed “I’d Rather Be Reading”! I found myself giggling and nodding my head ☺️. Thank you so very much!!

  110. Nancy Palmer says:

    Hi Anne,
    Is it still possible to get your printable journal. I subscribe to your newsletter and listen to the podcast and love all the great recommendations I have gotten from them. Please let me know about the journal,
    Thank you,
    Nancy Palmer

  111. Marta says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful reading journal. I have received it in my mail. I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and as you can imagine a book lover.
    I have a little question, I would like to print each separate page on an A4 page, how can I do it?
    Thanks again!!
    Warm regards

  112. Karin says:

    Hi Anne
    I subscribed to your blog a long time ago, and I subscribe to your podcast as well, both of which I love, but I (think I have) lost my original link to your reading journal! Do you still send it out?

  113. Emmeline says:

    My Reading Goal this year is to read and re-read the books I owned for years and the e-books I had downloaded in my e-reader apps (one in my cellphone and the other in my laptop). And I guess I don’t have to make it a secret that I love reading. Thank you for making the reading journal printable. I am a beginner who is not just excited but is optimistic of how things will come out as I start. The list of books in Reading Inspiration gave me goosebumps I have to read and re-read fast the books in my reading goal this year to add the books in the list. Thank You Anne.

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