a lifestyle blog for book lovers

3 books every woman should read.

I use the word “should” very, very sparingly when I talk about reading. But today I’m going to pull it out to talk about Brené Brown and her work: you’ve gotta read these books.

Brown describes herself as a researcher-slash-storyteller. She’s spent the last thirteen years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. (This may sound familiar if you’ve seen her hugely popular TED talks on the power of vulnerability and listening to shame.)

She has a new book coming out this August called Rising Strong: The Reckoning, the Rumble, and the Revolution. It’s an excellent follow-up to Daring Greatly: if we find the courage to dare greatly—which Brown believes is the only path to love, belonging, and joy—it’s inevitable that we’re going to fail, often. (In Brown’s words: you’re going to stumble, fall, and get your ass kicked.”

This new book is about what it takes to get back up.

Rising Strong

The common thread through Brown’s last three books has been wholehearted living; she describes the progression of her work like this:

The Gifts of Imperfection: Be you.
Daring Greatly: Be all in.
Rising Strong: Fall. Get up. Try again.

I just finished reading Rising Strong, and I think you’re going to like it. The format is a little bit different than her previous books: she still uses research and storytelling to explain what she’s learned about wholehearted living, but this book contains many more of her personal stories. She does this so that she can thoroughly unpack the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur during our “facedown moments,” and explain in minute detail how to successfully get back up.

My favorite part of the book was when Brown described how she sought an answer to the question “Is everyone really doing the best they can?” My biggest aha! moment came when she described exactly why forgiveness is so hard (it wasn’t what my expected). And the words The story I’m telling myself is … crept into my vocabulary overnight.

Rising Strong goes on sale August 25, but I have an advance copy to give away to one lucky reader. Leave a comment to enter. UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for playing! (U.S. mailing addresses only, 18 or older. Giveaway ends Tuesday 6/23 at noon Eastern time.)

I’d love to know: what books do YOU think every woman should read? 

3 Books Every Woman Should Read


  1. Elizabeth S says:

    I read daring greatly earlier this year and I know I could read it again right now and still get new information. She is a great writer and definitely makes you think! Her new book is definitely on my list to read!

    • Angela Hosek says:

      I love her work as a researcher myself I appreciate how she engages with scholarship and narrative. Her wor has been very meaningful to my acadmeic and personal lives. .

  2. Britta says:

    I don’t have a list. But I think everyone needs to find a book that clicks with them at least once in their life if they can! For me, it’s usually about timing the right book with the right stage of life. And for each person that might be very different.

  3. Loved Daring Greatly. Looking forward to her newest work.

    The Quotidian Mysteries, by Kathleen Norris should be on every woman’s reading list. It’s a tiny volume containing a lecture given by Norris on the subject of “laundry, liturgy and ‘women’s work'”, and discusses the spiritual nature of the quotidian, or daily, activities in which we engage. It’s a quick read that will refresh and energize and uncover new depth about the work of our hands.

  4. Steph J says:

    On the physical side of things, I think everyone woman (okay, maybe every premenopausal woman) should read Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Everything about your body you didn’t learn in health class!

    I have seen Brene Brown’s TED talks but have not yet read her books. I think I’m a little afraid of what I’ll learn! But you’ve got me very curious about why forgiveness is so difficult. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Lori says:

    I have yet to read any of Brene Brown’s books even though they are on my TBR list. I just didn’t know what to start with. This post is perfect! Here’s hoping I win!

  6. Cara C. says:

    Looking for my next summer read! Haven’t read any of her books. Would love to have a copy!

  7. Lauren says:

    I love Daring Greatly. I would also recommend Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth. Don’t let the the title fool you – it is about so much more than those three things.

  8. Kristen says:

    I read The Gifts of Imperfection earlier this year and just bought Daring Greatly. I’ll definitely get her new book when it’s out!

  9. wendy fisher says:

    I read her other two books recently as well and also found them so meaningful and insightful. I’m eager for the next one! I really appreciated _Grace for the Good Girl_ by Emily Freeman along these same lines.

  10. Sarah Alves says:

    I LOVE BRENE BROWN! I am beyond excited to read her new book and I reallyreallyreally hope I win! Thank you for the opportunity!

    -Sarah Alves

  11. Linda says:

    I love how you recommend your favorite books and give the reasons why you are recommending them. I don’t find enough time to read so I really appreciate how you sort through the many available titles and recommend only those that you like. I would love to win a copy of Rising Strong. Thanks so much for all of you advise and recommendations.

  12. Julia says:

    Can’t wait to read Rising Strong.

    I think every woman needs to read Laura Vanderkam’s books– essential reading for seeing time in a new way.

  13. Sara Kajder says:

    As I neared 40 (today is my birthday!), I’ve read more and more books about living a richer and more authentic life while working and raising boys who are strong and full of heart. Gretchen Rubin. Laura Vanderkam. And, Brene. Listening to loads of podcasts by each of them as well.

  14. Linda Stoll says:

    I just love Brene Brown’s work. Her words on shame and vulnerability are a healing stream, aren’t they.

    Can’t wait to get my hands on her new book …


  15. I purchased Brown’s first two books when the ebooks were on sale, but I haven’t read them yet! Sounds like I will get a lot out of them. Maybe I’ll get started so I’m ready for August 26th (great timing — who can’t use inspiration as the new school year heats up) unless I win a copy before!

  16. Heather says:

    All of her books sound great–would love to win them!

    A book that comes to mind that I think every woman should read is Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. My best friend gave it to me on my wedding day (because a friend gave it to her on her wedding day and she felt it was so timely), and not only was it a nice book to think about while sitting on the beach (it’s an easy read), it was perfect as I thought about the shape my life was taking as I moved into marriage. It’s certainly not just for married women, either.

  17. Monica F says:

    I’d love to read this book! Code Name Verity is on my list of books every woman should read. Sure, it’s YA, but it’s an incredibly powerful story about the strength of female friendship. Loved it.

  18. JoLyn says:

    I have The Gifts of Imperfection on my TBR list. I’m wondering…is it best to read the three in order?

  19. Terri T says:

    I read most of her first book and part of the second and got a lot out of them but somehow never finished. Perhaps it’s time to put them back on my list.

  20. Stacie says:

    My mom is a big Brene Brown fan and her birthday is coming up. She’s the toughest to buy for but I know she’d love this and bonus, I could probably get my hands on it as soon as she’s done!

  21. Jamie says:

    Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend. Changed my life. But then again, so did Beth Moore’s Breaking Free. And Francine River’s Mark of the Lion trilogy to clearly point out how politics are not the answer to true, grassroots heart change in people and cultures. Also Sacred Influence by Thomas, Captivating by the Edredges and The Velveteen Woman by Waggoner. I found Daring Greatly at a yard sale for a dollar and still have yet to finish it. But I love her TED talks and would love to read her new one!

  22. Jessica O says:

    In reading Daring Greatly I instantly connected with the concept of a “vulnerability hangover”, I had no idea other people felt that way. I am looking forward to reading Rising Strong and learning what Brown has to say about getting past all the difficult repercussions of vulnerability.

  23. Liesl says:

    Oh, pick me! I think every woman should read “Walking with Mary” by Edward Sri – Mary is such a great role model for the Christian woman, and this book really dove deep into Mary’s actions and how everything points back to Christ.

  24. LC says:

    I love Brene Brown! I just took a course on Udemy “The Power of Vulnerability.” I can’t wait to read her latest and would LOVE an advanced copy!

  25. Alexandra says:

    What an interesting shift for her with this new book — I am excited to read it! I think every woman should read Make It Happen by Lara Casey. It’s life changing!

  26. Stacy says:

    I have the two Brown books you suggested, and your post gave me the nudge to read them. Looking forward to this new release.

  27. Abby says:

    Daring Greatly has been on my reading list for a while but I never seem to get to it. Excited to finally get a little reminder to pick it up!

  28. Katy says:

    This book sounds very interesting, especially the part about how difficult it is to forgive.

  29. Gifts from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh is one I recommend to every woman – she explores the different seasons of a woman’s life and how to hold onto your inner creative self while pouring into those you love. It’s a book that speaks in different ways at different seasons of life. I’ve never read a book by Brene but would love to!

  30. Kelsey says:

    I haven’t read any of Brown’s books yet but she’s definitely on my radar! This year I read Lara Casey’s Make It Happen and it was so good for me. It helped me get down to what I actually desire and want to make happen as opposed to what I think I should desire. It would definitely be on my list of books every woman should read!

  31. MiChal says:

    Often I feel like the only non-fiction reader in my circle of friends. I dearly love a good story but my almost 55 year old self wants to learn learn learn. Every woman should read the bible from beginning to end, however long it takes. (I took 5 years).

  32. Niki D. says:

    My friend has been recommending Brene Brown for several years and I think it’s time I read her books! Right now, I’m reading: Switch On Your Brain, by Dr. Caroline Leaf. She touches on how science is finally catching up to the Bible – “Whatever is true, whatever is noble…” etc. So far, I’d recommend it.

  33. suzannah says:

    i’m intrigued! as for something all women/people should read, i’m thinking Words of Fire, an anthology of black feminist thought.

  34. Adrienne says:

    This sounds like a fascinating series of books! How have I not heard of them yet? For a book every woman should read I’d recommend Beth Moore’s “So Long Insecurity”. I did some data analysis for her for that book, and I remember the statistic that almost 80% admit to experiencing insecurity at or above a level that bothers them. That’s terrible!
    Thanks for the info about these books.

  35. Krista says:

    I would love to read this – been feeling like I need some nonfiction after 5 ‘Outlander’ books.

  36. Elizabeth says:

    I frequently recommend Brene Brown and Gretchen Rubin’s books, but I frequently buy Shauna Niequist’s books for friends. Maybe it’s my age and season of life, but Shauna’s books have meant the most to me personally the last few years and I always want to share them with friends.

  37. Pamela Welch says:

    I love your blog posts and would be thrilled to be the winner of this book. Reading it would enhance my life! Thanks

  38. Barbara L Heller says:

    Would love to read Brown’s new book. I am a recent subscriber to your wonderful blog postings — and on the verge of major changes in my life!

  39. Emily C. says:

    I’ve read a few of Brene’s book and would love to try this one (early!). Happier at Home and Bittersweet are two books I’d recommend. Thanks!

  40. Breanna says:

    I would love an advance copy of this book! I have been reading like crazy this summer and this would fit right in.

    The two books I am recommending to other women right now are Bread and Wine by Shauna Neiquist and Notes from a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider.

  41. Peggy says:

    It would be so out of my normal experience to actually win something. I would be delighted and anxiously await the arrival of a new book to read. Thank you for this consideration.

  42. L Reed says:

    I am recovering from a horrible 3 years that are unspeakable betrayal , heartbreak , financial devastation and a death. This book would be a big help to me as I am starting over from face down. Itsacatslife17at yahoo dot com.

  43. Sydney says:

    I watched Brown in one of my classes. She’s amazing. I would love to get a copy of one of her books!

  44. Excited for a new book from Brene Brown! I second the comment from above for Francine Rivers’ Mark of the Lion series and would add Redeeming Love by her as well. For non-fiction, Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud & How People Grow by Cloud & Townsend were super helpful to me in my 20s, and would probably be good to reread now in my 30s!

  45. Kelsey Marie says:

    On my personal quest for a deeper interior freedom, this book looks exactly like what I need to read this summer. Whether I win the giveaway or not I will definitely be purchasing this and adding it to my summer reading list!

  46. Deborah says:

    I’m reading “I Thought It Was Just Me, But It Isn’t” right now. I’d love to win this book! Happy reading to you, Anne! 🙂

  47. Courtney says:

    I’m on the waiting list for ‘Daring Greatly’ at the library. I loved ‘The Gifts of Imperfection,’ and really look forward to reading some of her other work. I’m not sure I could come up with a book that I think every woman should read. Experiences and personalities and needs vary so widely that I can’t imagine a single book being useful to absolutely everyone. 🙂

    Recently, though, my book club read ‘The Pearl that Broke Its Shell,’ which is a story about two women living in Afghanistan. It was a fascinating look into the situation of women there, and I’d definitely recommend it. Be forewarned, though, that it deals with a lot of tough issues, including drug addiction, abuse, and human rights. It’s not what I’d called a light read, but I couldn’t put it down!

  48. Sarah says:

    I don’t have a should read list as I think it’s different. But it should be something that challenges and inspires and encourages and excites, etc., and potentially also speaks to whatever you’re going through. For me and what I’ve just gone through that is “I Will Carry You” about carrying to term a baby with a fatal birth defect – I just went thought that and the book was all of those things above I mentioned for me.

  49. Pam Wiedeman says:

    I love Brene’s TED talks and definitely want to read this book. Thank you so much for posting about the book and offering the giveaway. Sure hope I win!!

  50. retired one month ago… interested in reading books that will keep the mind, spirits and creative juices flowing. I’d love to be selected as a winner of this book. I’ve listened to one of her podcasts but haven’t read her books.

  51. Sarah k says:

    I am adding this to my wish list now! Getting back up again after tragedy, hurts, and also just more routine disappointments and discouragements–this is an immediately applicable topic in my life now.

    As for books every woman should read, I’m going to go out on a limb and say Middlemarch (at least for women who like reading!). I read it 10 years ago and am still thinking about Dorothea’s choices, whether they are right or wrong, what George Eliot thinks about them, what kind of actions have the most impact on the world, etc. I’m trying to convince my book club to take on the behemoth so I can finally have someone to discuss these themes with!

  52. Kristin Egli says:

    Wow! This sounds like an excellent book! Perfect timing. I find myself persecuted by people who think differently than me…how could I possibly be smart or spiritual or sane when I believe the way I do. Might just need to find a way to Rise Strong. Definitely interested to read this book. The book that comes to my mind that I think is a must read is actually one I read that was recommended by my daughter’s school for the parents of young women. Raising Ophelia by Mary Pipher. I found this book to be empowering and encouraging!

  53. Lucy says:

    I loved Daring Greatly! And I’m certain I will love this. Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!!!

  54. Leisa says:

    These books sound fantastic! I would love to win a copy. They sound as if they follow very closely the types of books and information I’ve been studying for the past year.
    Every woman should read “Little Women”. One of my favorite memories is of my mother reading it to me when I was 5. I remember her saying, “This is one of my favorite books. You may not understand much of it now, but we will read it again later as well.” It sparked a love and joy in reading. Also, anything by Jane Austen.

  55. Katja says:

    I first fell in love with Brene through a random TED talk. Then my pastor lent me “Daring Greatly,” which changed my life!!!

  56. Jill says:

    I can’t think of any “should” books. My preference is for non-fiction so maybe Gretchen Rubin’s happiness books and her new habit book. I still refer to them and quote them in conversations, especially the habit book.

  57. Jessie says:

    I would love to win this. I was looking for good book recommendations to load on my Kindle before leaving the country in a few weeks to pick up our new daughter (international adoption). So I’m going to go buy the others you mentioned now. Thank you for letting us know!!

  58. liz says:

    Off the top of my head, two books I personally think every woman should read: “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood, and “Watch Me Fly: Becoming the Woman I Was Meant to Be” by Myrlie Evers-Williams.

    (Also, don’t enter me in the giveaway because I already have the book on order, so it should go to someone else!)

  59. Allison says:

    I just started reading The Gifts of Imperfection and love it so far, so it would be great to win her new book!!

  60. Dawn Linneman says:

    Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry, at 55, I find this portrayal of a woman to be inspiring and comforting. I have always used books as therapy helping me to make sense of my experiences. Life is hard and I need all the courage I can gather.

  61. EmilyR says:

    Thanks for this opportunity, Anne! I’ve enjoyed Brown’s previous work and found it very helpful as I think about the best way to parent my three children. I think everyone should read Laura Hillenbrand’s books. She’s a wonderful writer who consistently writes about real-life protagonists who overcome overwhelming odds.

  62. I have never heard of Brown, but her books sound great! I would enjoy a copy! One excellent book is Let Me Be a Woman, by Elisabeth Elliot. I love hearing her thoughts on how to live as a godly woman, married or not.

  63. Valerie W. says:

    Daring Greatly is on my 2015 reading challenge as I book I’ve been meaning to read, but perhaps I should start with the Gifts of Imperfection. Would love to read this newest one after reading the others. Thanks for the chance.

  64. Michelle says:

    It’s would be a gift for my daughter, who left a life in Manhattan after 9 years and went cross country for a month, arriving in California. She has stepped off the comfort ledge to grab a new life of gusto!

  65. Selena Pallas says:

    I’ve never read one of Her books, but I like the premise. I’ve been going thru a difficult time with family, finally breaking free to be me and be strong, these sound right up my alley and even if I don’t win the I’ll be running to my library to check them out. Thank you for sharing. I love positive messages, stories and the people who spread them around to promote goodness!

  66. Denise says:

    My husband and I read Daring Greatly together last year and loved what we learned about ourselves and each other! Right now we are finishing Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud, another great read for anyone. I read plenty on my own, but I find that going through a book with someone I care about multiplies the value.

  67. Lauren says:

    I’ve read The Gifts of Imperfection and loved it! I am still wanting to read Daring Greatly and this looks wonderful!

  68. malissa says:

    so love her ted talk. one book that has influenced me is seven habits of highly effective people. has such good tips, even for stay at home moms. would so love to win this book. thanks for the opportunity.

  69. Ally says:

    i loooved all Daring Greatly and the Gifts of Imperfection… I was just thinking I was due for a re-read of Daring Greatly. I can’t think of a more recommendable book to any woman/person besides the Bible 🙂

  70. Laura says:

    It was really interesting to read through all of the comments and recommendations. I read Daring Greatly a couple of years ago during Christmas vacation. My friends and family thought I was nuts when I told them I was reading a book about vulnerability. I’m heading back to visit them later this summer. This time, I’d love to be reading Rising Strong…

  71. Wendy says:

    Wow! I think these books are exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’ve searching for…something. Gretchen Rubin has been my ‘jumping off point’ in figuring out what might make me happy, why I struggle with relationships and ultimately – is this all there really is?

  72. Kerri Atencio says:

    I’ve been wanting to read her books for some time. I’ve watched a few of her Ted Talks – what an amazing and bright woman!

  73. Noelle B says:

    It isn’t a book exactly but Brene has a 6 hour talk on Audible called The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connection, and Courage. It is life changing and I wish everyone I know would listen! I can’t wait to read her new book.

  74. Whitney Keys says:

    These books sound great and feel like they would fit into my life perfectly at this time as I am about to start my life with my fiance and start looking for a new job.

  75. Amy says:

    I’ve only heard of Brene Brown recently, so I haven’t read any of her work yet. I’m also new to your blog, but I’m enjoying following along.

  76. Melissa says:

    I just watched Brene Brown’s two TED talks this past Friday after a good friend recommended them. I am now very interested in reading all three of her books. Thanks for sharing.

  77. Jill says:

    Ann, I have never read any of Brene Brown’s books. After your post today, I am inspired to do so! Thank you!

  78. Jade says:

    I’m just branching out in to this kind of book – I tend to stick with one genre for years so I don’t have a recommendation for what I think every woman should read. Forgiveness, compassion, love… these are all concepts I’m just now starting to admit that I need in my life, so I’m excited to read this series.

  79. Susan K. says:

    i have never read Brene
    Brown, but my husband who is a pastor loves her work and refers to it frequently. As far as books I think every woman should read, I’d probably put Spiritual Depression by D M Lloyd-Jones and A Praying Life by Paul Miller at the top of the list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  80. Aubrey says:

    Pick me pick me! Brene Brown’s work has meant so much to me, and I’ve been waiting eagerly for this one to be released.

  81. Kristi says:

    I started Daring Greatly but couldn’t finish by the time I had to return it to the library. Thanks for the reminder to check it out again! Her books are on my to read list (which, fortunately or unfortunately, keeps getting longer every time I turn around!).

  82. Brenda Klaassen says:

    Reading your blog is always a bright part of my day. Your book suggestions are mostly on the money. I would love to win a book from you. Thank you and keep up the great writing!

  83. Kristen says:

    Every woman should read Glennon Doyle Melton’s Carry on Warrior….she has a TED talk too and has a story for every woman!

  84. Dana says:

    Hi Anne,

    I have not read any of her books, but I it sounds like I need all of them. I am working on getting my “second act” launched after retiring from 35 years in education. It is scary and daunting and I have so many ideas and things I want to do and on the other hand so many fears of putting myself in the game. I would love to win this book!

  85. Rachel says:

    I give “Gifts From the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh to friends and reference it in conversations on a fairly regular basis. Much wisdom in a few short chapters.

  86. Keri says:

    I have read Gifts of Imperfection & loved it. Daring Greatly is in my TBR stack. Would love to read this one as well.

  87. Jennifer says:

    i’d love to read this book!

    a book that i think every woman (and dating teenage girl) should read is Gavin de Becker’s THE GIFT OF FEAR. it is about listening to your inner voice – your gut – and how listening to it can protect you. he shows why and how our subconscious picks up on different signals that trigger our alarm and how to respond and protect ourselves. it reads like a thriller; i read it quickly and had a hard time putting it down. before i let my kids date they will have read this book.

  88. Christina says:

    I’ve had 3 of Brene Brown’s books on my library waitlists FOR.EV.ER. Apparently everyone else in my area knows they should read them, too. Imagine my sweet satisfaction if I could get my hands on an advanced copy of the new book. 😉

    As far as books we should all read…I’m all for classics (Dickens’ Great Expectations) and adolescent angst (Blume’s Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret). Both give us deeper insights to the true human condition, rather than the shallow perceptions we’re given from social media and television today.

  89. Julie R says:

    I’ve yet to read any of her books, even though they’ve been on my to-read list for awhile! Thanks for the chance! I recently loved The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah – the strength those women had during WWII was truly amazing and inspiring.

  90. Kresta says:

    Just purchased three (and have started reading one) of Brown’s books. Would love to win this one as well.

  91. Hannah K. says:

    I have a book swap with my cohort – a group of 20-something, high-potential women leaders in our community. I’d love to check this one/series out for the swap!

  92. Laura says:

    I am so excited for this book! I was jealous when I saw you had an advance copy; I’ve had it preordered for weeks!

  93. Candice Harris says:

    I enjoy reading your blog so much. I have found that reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers helps me.

  94. Virginia Vandenberg says:

    I can’t wait to read this one! I’m always looking for how to gracefully deal with failure – as a perfectionist, I definitely struggle with the “detours” that life throws our way!

  95. Jodi Nairz says:

    I love Brene Brown. She has impacted my life greatly and I am eagerly awaiting her latest book.

  96. Heather says:

    I love Brene Brown’s books. Simple Abundance is a good book that I still refer to time to time after all these years. It’s like reconnecting with an old friend.

  97. I’m on my library’s hold list for Daring Greatly. I can’t wait for it to get here! One of my college mentor-gurus recommended her writing, so I know it’s gonna be good. I’m putting Brown’s new book on my TBR list right now!

  98. Susan Todd says:

    I love Brené’s books and this one sounds exactly like what I need, given my challenging life circumstances at the moment! Can’t wait to read.
    Another “must read” for women experiencing life’s transitions ~ Katrina Kenison’s “Magical Journey: An Apprenticeship in Contentment”.

  99. Susan in TX says:

    Well, crawling out from under my rock to admit that I’ve never heard of her, but the gist of the book sounds great, so I’ll go ahead and toss my name into the hat.

  100. Elizabeth Garcia says:

    What a generous giveaway. I love Brene Brown’s books, they are definitely must reads.

  101. Love Brene’s work, and am really looking forward to this book! I think that every woman should read “Money, A Love Story” by Kate Northrup, “Hand Wash Cold” by Karen Maezen Miller, and “The Gift of an Ordinary Day” by Katrina Kenison.

  102. 'Becca says:

    I’ve been meaning to read Daring Greatly. I was a shy and bullied child; I’ve worked my way out of being so shy, and I rarely get bullied anymore, but sometimes I’m still overcome with fear that if I speak up for myself terrible things will happen. It sounds like these books might have some useful insights for me!

    A book my mother says every woman should read is The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense by Suzette Haden Elgin. I have mixed feelings about it: It’s excellent at identifying “attacks” that people try, but the advice on how to respond has been hard for me to implement and doesn’t always work like it’s supposed to.

  103. Jen says:

    Brene Brown is one of my favorite authors like. Daring Greatly has changed how I see the word – and for the better! Would love to win an advance copy of Rising Strong!

  104. Sara Furlong says:

    I would love to win!! One book I think all women should read (whether they are in business or not) is *Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: 101 Unintentional Mistakes Women Make that Sabotage Their Careers.*

  105. Shauna says:

    Sounds like I need to move her books WAY up in my TBR list! A life-changing book for me was “The Faithful Gardener” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

  106. Young women sometimes miss out on truly amazing books because the buzz for the books happened before they began really choosing books for themselves. That’s why I almost always recommend these three books, even to those who didn’t ask for my advice:

    “The Chalice and the Blade” by Riane Eisler, to really get that things weren’t always the way they are now, “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant to understand the collective power of women, and “The Handmaids Tale” by Margaret Atwood to learn what could very easily happen (and to understand the power of a great writer).

    Sent from my iPhonez

  107. Lindsey says:

    I put Darling Greatly on my summer reading list. It will be my first time reading any of her work! Now I’m extra excited to dive into this book, too.

    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  108. Steph says:

    I checked The Gifts of Imperfection out of the library and then promptly had to go buy my own copy so I could read it more slowly. And underline. There’s lots of underlining going on. Can’t wait to read the next two!

  109. Janelle S. says:

    I was just recently given the name of Brown from a dear friend who suggested I read her books. I am going through some significant changes in my life and now finding your blog – well I think it’s a sign!

  110. Mary B. says:

    “Nothing to Do but Stay” by Carrie Young. A biography of a pioneer woman who held down a homestead on the prairie–solo–before finally settling down and raising a handful of kids while continuing to forge out a life for herself on the farmland. Its gritty, and tough, and so inspiring!

  111. A. A. R. H. says:

    I just finished one of her earlier books and loved it. Every woman should also read Mulieris Dignitatem. 🙂

  112. Mary Sauer says:

    I’ve never read any of her books, but I am definitely intrigued.

    I tend to find myself pushing fiction onto others. I am always recommending Gap Creek & Peace Like a River.

  113. Teresa says:

    I found your blog about 1 month ago and I am sooo very happy I did! I look forward to all your emails and your reading suggestions 🙂 THANK YOU!!!

  114. Kristen says:

    Can’t wait to read this book. I read The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly a few months ago and it was so worth it.

  115. Suzanne says:

    Whoo, I know my chances aren’t great at winning this, but I do love Brene Brown, so I can’t help but throw my hat in the ring.

  116. Dottie says:

    I have read both books and loved them. Currently reading Falling Upward and getting so much from it.

  117. Amy Joliet says:

    I heard Brene Brown on Good Life Project podcast and was really inspired. I am looking forward to reading her book.

  118. Tabitha says:

    Life has banged me around a bit, lately. With God’s help, I’ve been trying to use what’s happened to change myself for the better. Perhaps this book could help? I don’t know, but I’d love to win it. Thanks!

  119. Erica says:

    I loved Daring Greatly. It was such an eye-opening book. Can I just say how wonderful the comments on this post have been? I’ve learned about so many new books and authors from your commenters! I can’t wait to read them all!

  120. Rebekah F says:

    I have not heard of these books; I’ll have to see if my library has them available. Winning a copy would be great!

  121. Rachael says:

    I would love to read what she has to say about forgiveness…. there’s a family situation right now I’d love to apply her insight into un-sticking.

  122. Anna says:

    I’ve loved Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly so I can’t wait for this new one! I think every woman should read Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler and The Quotidian Mysteries by Kathleen Norris.

  123. Katie says:

    I’m a big Brene fan, so I’m surprised I didn’t already know she has a new book coming out. I’m looking forward to reading it!

  124. Heather says:

    I would love to win this new book of hers. I really enjoy her writing. I don’t know what would be a must read book for all women?

  125. Kara says:

    I would love to win this book! About a year and a half ago, I used some Christmas money to buy multiple copies of “Daring Greatly”. I then slowly gave them out over the year to friends as birthday gifts. Obviously, I think Brene’s books are ones every woman should read. I also think every woman should read “The Mood Cure” by Julia Ross for non-fiction; and the “Anne of Green Gables” series for fiction.

  126. Beth Yager says:

    I enjoyed Daring Greatly, and the Gifts of Inperfection is on my to be read list. I would love to win her new one.

  127. Kayley says:

    I discovered your blog about a month ago and am so glad I did! Your book recommendations are spot on and a balm to this literature (of all kinds) loving heart. I’m so looking forward to getting my hands on this one!

  128. Katie Thompson-Laswell says:

    I really admire and am inspired by her work. I teach college students and often mention her work to them. It’s so important to avoid shaming ourselves and others. I’d love to read this new book!

  129. Rachel Komlo says:

    I recently started reading Daring Greatly and although I haven’t really had many issues recently with being courageous in opening up, I do have trouble letting my more emotional and energy-minded side have a say vs using almost only strictly logic. That has put a strain on my relationships. Anyway, I would love to read her other books, especially this one. It sounds like one that would bless me immensely after some of the battles I’ve been having to fight at this season in my life.

    As for a book I’d recommend every woman to read…hm…for young women, Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. For slightly older/all women, anything by Elizabeth Berg but specifically “The Year of Pleasures” and “The Art of Mending”. Sidenote – I just went to confirm the name of one of those titles and discovered Elizabeth Berg and I share a birthday (2 December) 😀

  130. Jenna says:

    I had to think about the books I’ve given as gifts to women recently, and it has to be a tie between Emily Freeman’s “Grace for the Good Girl” and Shauna Niequist’s “Bread & Wine” – both books that changed my life in many ways, and I love sharing them with other women. I’ve never read Brene Brown, but I’ve been hearing such good things about her for so long that I think it’s about time!

  131. Darlene says:

    I have been wanting to read her books since I listened to her Ted talk. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a book!

  132. Natalie says:

    I loan out Daring Greatly all the time! Love that book and super excited for Brenee’s new book.

  133. Kari Odenath says:

    Daring Greatly has been on my ‘want to read’ list for over a year. I’d love to win and read this book too!

  134. Adrienne says:

    Thanks, Anne! These books sound terrific. I look forward to reading and sharing them. 🙂

  135. Julie says:

    Closing on our new house tonight, and moving (with the “help” of two toddlers) this week. It would be lovely to get something FUN in the mail at the new house. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  136. Jenny O says:

    Thanks for the giveaway; how exciting. The book I think everyone should read is Les Miserables. For me, it shows the power that comes with unconditional love and forgiveness.

  137. Vicki P from KY says:

    I would love this Brene Brown book! Thanks for your awesome website, summer reading guide and sharing your family with us!

  138. Kirstin says:

    I have been hearing about Brene Brown for awhile and this post definitely solidified that I need to add her books to my to-read list. Do you think you need to start with the Gift of Imperfection or can you start with any of them?

  139. Kathleen Miller says:

    I do like that thought: “The story I’m telling myself now is . . .” I’ve been attempting to recast challenges as they arise as “adventures,” and to adopt the motto from the Book of Esther: “For such a time as this . . .”
    The book sounds interesting.
    I also enjoy Gretchen Rubin’s books, but the books I recommend to everybody are “The Chronicles of Narnia.”

  140. Trude says:

    That may be the best recommendation for her work I’ve ever seen! Would it be crazy to recommend the Harry Potter series for all women to read growing up? It really shows a variety of strong, admirable women, regardless of the fantasy setting.

  141. Lindsey Aylward says:

    If your a woman who plans on giving birth at some point, I think you should definitely read Your Best Birth by Rikki Lake. I read it after I almost died having my first son, and I learned a lot that helped me realize it wasn’t my fault, that I wasn’t broken, and that I could still have another baby. Which I did!

  142. Hannah Beth Reid says:

    Thanks for sharing! I just looked and our library has her books and after hearing her TED talk, I am excited to check them out.

  143. Kristina M. says:

    Brown’s work sounds amazing! Even if i don’t win, I will have to buy Rising Strong or The Gift of Imperfections.

  144. Deb T says:

    I would LOVE to read this one! I did the Brene Brown e-course with my friend, and we both really loved it. She is so great.

  145. Kara Mannix says:

    I think every woman should read Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis. It struck a chord in the search for purpose and identity for me and is one of those books that stays with you and keeps coming back through different stages of life.

    What a fun contest! Thanks for introducing me to Brown.

  146. Jenn says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway.
    I don’t know that it would be specifically for women – I think everyone could benefit from it – but I enjoyed Shauna Niequist’s Bread & Wine. Oh, and also Madeleine L’Engle’s Walking on Water.

  147. Amanda says:

    Would love to get my hands on this, especially for free! 🙂 Right now, I’m loving Carry On, Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton. Refreshing honesty with a good dose of humor.

  148. Kandace says:

    I’d love to win this book. Some of my faves– Heather Lende’s Find the Good, and Maya Angelou’s Mom & Me & Mom.

  149. These books sound AWESOME. I would LOVE to win!!!!!
    I recommend reading “Etched in the Sand” by Regina Calcutta, “Homer’s Odyssey” by Gwen Cooper and “It Was Me Along” by Andie Mitchell.

  150. Danae says:

    I realize these may not hold the same level of interest to women outside of the United States, but I heartily recommend Gail Collins’ two books, America’s Women and When Everything Changed. Between the two books, she uses primary sources to chronicle the history of women in America from over 400 years ago until the 2008 (When Everything Changed covers events since 1960).

  151. Alison says:

    This book sounds interesting, so, of course, I would love to win! Love your blog. I recommend The Glass Castle.

  152. Jennifer says:

    I have read The Gifts of Imperfection but it has been a while and I know I could stand to read it again. I would love to read her other two as well. Thanks for having a give away 🙂

  153. Rachelle S. says:

    Any book by John Eldredge. Some of his books are aimed at men but most are applicable for women too. Anne of Green Gables, my very favorite. I have never read anything by Brown but would love to!

  154. Ruth-Anne Hayes says:

    I devoured her first three books last month. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one!

  155. Katheryn says:

    I hadn’t heard of this author, but the book looks interesting and one I would enjoy reading.

  156. Christine M says:

    I have just spent a year saving money for my dream trip to England and now I need a new goal. These books look like just the thing for me to push myself even farther! Looking forward to starting the first one on the plane ride home from England.

  157. Bonnie says:

    Somehow haven’t read any of Brene’s books yet. Would love to win this one. Off the top of my head, the book I find myself consistently recommending is Jen Hatmaker’s 7.

  158. Sarah M says:

    I’ve read all of Brene’s books except her new one and I definitely think most people should read these! If I had to choose which book everyone SHOULD read? Oy, that’s tough. I think everyone should read at least ONE book by Madeline L’Engle, though they can pick which one. 😉
    Sarah M

  159. Saskia says:

    I know it’s atypical, but Roald Dahl’s Matilda. That book taught me the power of imagination, to never apologize for being smart, and to use your brain for good. In a world that tends to value looks over smarts, and male brawn over female strength (or whatever essentializing categories you prefer), it was a valuable lesson.

  160. Angela says:

    I cannot believe I STILL haven’t gotten to her books! Yikes!! Maybe winning is the nudge I need ;). Also, every woman should read Believing Christ by Stephen Robinson (or at least every Christian woman).

  161. Megan says:

    These three books are going on my reading list along with lots from the other commentators! Thank you for the great recommendations.

  162. Diana Young Hall says:

    These books sound very interesting. I would recommend Anne Morrow Lindberg’s, Gift of the Sea, but really, just read!

  163. Debbie says:

    Love her work so excited about the new book. I think every woman should read The Nesting Place, Notes from a Blue Bike, and maybe Jesus Feminist (touchy subject I know but really powerful).

  164. Tawnya says:

    I cannot wait for this book!

    I think every woman should read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Connecting with our food in a visceral way is so vitally important!

  165. Michelle says:

    I love Brene Brown and have read The Gifts of Imperfection.
    Pema Chodron’s Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Reminded me of what is important (me) so many times!
    I would love to read Rising Strong

  166. Debra says:

    One I come back to again and again is You Learn by Living by Eleanor Roosevelt. It’s full of wise reflection and advice, eloquently written by an amazing woman.

  167. Alison S. says:

    I don’t know how I’d be able to narrow my book recommendation down to just one book! I read so many books and some just hit me at the right time to have a profound impact. I think I’m slow to catch on to book trends. I’m just now reading my first Gretchen Rubin book. And I just downloaded Daring Greatly. Better late, than never! 🙂

  168. Christy W says:

    I love her books. The Gifts of Imperfections really helped me through a hard time. I can’t wait to read this one!

  169. Heather says:

    I’m with you on the shoulds…but I found that a book that gave me more perspective, was interesting and kept me from losing my mind as a new parent was How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm.

  170. tracy says:

    Oh yes please! The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte changed my life and was read exactly when I needed it.

  171. Jaime K. says:

    I’m reading Daring Greatly right now and it’s packed with so much good stuff. Would love a chance to read the follow-up 🙂

  172. Marina says:

    I can’t wait to read this one…and it would be even better to win it! Thank you for opportunity!

  173. Meredith says:

    Bittersweet by Shauna Niequest. She writes about the best moments and the hardest moments in a way that is like talking to a dear, very wise, and funny friend.

  174. kathy says:

    Thank you for recommending this book, I feel rising strong is what I am working on in my career and personal life, I would love to win a copy, thank you.

  175. Valerie says:

    I would love this book! Brene Brown’s book kept me going during the dark, dark days of my divorce. This sounds like just the thing I need!

  176. Kathleen Wylie Willis says:

    A book I think all women should read is one I’ve made sure my own daughters read: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith.

  177. Melissa says:

    Love Brene Brown. I inhaled her first three books, and took tons of notes I still refer to. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new one.

  178. Annie says:

    I read /Daring Greatly/ on your recommendation and loved it. I’d be thrilled to get a chance to read her new one!

  179. Thank you for hosting this giveaway, Anne! I can’t wait to read Brene’s latest. As for the book I think every woman should read … I’ll go with Jane Eyre, and anything by Martha Beck and Madeleine L’Engle. 🙂

  180. Kacey says:

    I think EVERY woman should read Wild by Cheryl Strayed. So moving and inspirational! ( I have NOT seen the movie, but I love love the book!)

  181. Leanne says:

    I read Daring Greatly and really enjoyed it. Her first book is on my “to read” list and I would love to win Rising Strong.

  182. Jennifer Krasilovsky says:

    Sounds like a book I need to read. I’d love to be entered into the drawing. Thank you!

  183. I am almost finished with Brene Brown’s book, “Daring Greatly” and would love to read “Rising Strong”. I am on a personal journey and her books have helped me tremendously. I also really like Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Henry Cloud’s books. I wish my co-workers would embrace striving for excellence with me. I work in a long-established culture of shaming, blaming, scarcity and lack of appreciation for diversity. I am trying to practice shame resilience at work and in life, but this concept is new to me. I still have a lot to learn about myself and how to adjust deep-seeded, poor coping mechanisms. I have recently realized that I fall in the personality category of a highly-sensitive person which affects this journey. My next book to read while I wait to see if I win “Rising Strong” is Elaine N. Aaron’s book “The Highly Sensitive Person”. I really enjoy reading to help myself grow emotionally as I age chronologically to become a better person.

  184. Nicki says:

    Brene’s books are so good! I’m excited to get started on this one! I also think any of Shauna Niequist’s books are amazing or Pete Wilson’s What Keeps You Up at Night. That’s a really great book that was just released not long ago.

  185. Amy Reasoner says:

    Wow. I’m with you in that it is really hard to use the word “should” about a book unilaterally. I haven’t read any Brene Brown, yet, although Daring Greatly has been on my TBR for a while. But if I had to choose something, I would probably say the Lineage of Grace novella series by Francine Rivers.

  186. sarah says:

    One book I loved is Heart, You Bully, You Punk by Leah Hager Cohen.

    I would love to win! Thanks!

  187. Katherine says:

    I loved the devotional “Strong Women, Soft Hearts” by Paula Rinehart and also “Captivating” by Stasi Eldridge. Rich, but lots of thought-provoking material.

  188. Becca Garber says:

    Every woman should read… whew, that’s a tough one! Maybe every Christian wife (narrowing it significantly!) should read “The Power of a Praying Wife.” Would love to win!

  189. Melia says:

    Both Nadia Bolz-Weber and Barbara Brown Taylor are high on my reading list. “An Altar in the World” is an amazing book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  190. Rachel Jones says:

    Only one to give away?! I’d love to read this before August. But will read after it comes out, too, if need be. *sigh* Thanks for the recommendations!

  191. Pam McD says:

    I have loved Brene Brown for YEARS! Her work and writing has been life changing for me! Can’t wait for the new book to be released!

  192. Rhiannon says:

    Would love to read this! I think every woman should read “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf. Essential for any woman who wants to write or really follow any pursuit for herself, I think.

  193. Lisa says:

    I loved, loved, loved The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith–SO much more than just a decorating book. Whether you own or rent a home, I think it’s a must-read.

  194. Stephanie says:

    Brene Brown’s TED talk is one of my favorites. I also was wowed by a book by Anne Morrow Lindbergh called “Gift From the Sea” which discussed how womens’ lives are transformed over the years. Short, but beautiful.

  195. Bridget says:

    I would love to read this book and pass it on to my sister and dad. We are all big fans of Berne Brown.

  196. Alyssa says:

    I love Brene Brown! I’ve read “Gift of Imperfection” and it was really eye opening. I can’t wait to read the other two!

  197. Kerry says:

    You just don’t know exactly how much I really need to read this book. I am struggling with a disability which I cannot control. I need to learn acceptance and move forward with a happy, fulfilling, and loving life. I have read many of the other comments and have come across books I have read and many which I need to read. Thank you for this opportunity to make my life better.

  198. Devon says:

    I think every woman should read “Jesus Feminist” – it’s not about man-bashing, it’s about loving who we are as women, and celebrating what we have to offer this world!

  199. Megan S says:

    I would love the chance to read this book. I would recommend When Women Were Birds by Terry Tempest Williams.

  200. amy says:

    I really like Brene Brown! I was introduced to her from a therapist, and after listening to a TEDtalk, I knew what she had to say to relevant and spot on for me! Struggling with guilt because I’m not perfect, with an upbringing of religious pressure to be perfect, her insight has really helped! It would be wonderful to win her new book. 🙂

  201. Mary Kay says:

    “The Gifts of Imperfection” really made me think. I’m starting on “Daring Greatly” and am looking forward to reading “Rising Strong”

  202. LoriSW says:

    It looks like I need to add more to my reading and to my Ted listening lists, thanks for the great suggestions. I’ve been reading from your summer reading lists and I am trying e-pantry, I love your blog!!!! I have found a great fit, enjoying so many of your topics, from simplifying to personality types. Just wanted you to know how much I’m enjoying what you do. ~Lori

  203. s says:

    The Gift of an Ordinary Day and Magical Journey by Katrina Kenison, Hand Wash Cold, and Gift from the Sea. Would love to read your recommendation

  204. Nasha L. says:

    I have never read anything by Brown, but this book sounds like what I need to read right now. Going through tough times with the job market!

  205. Miriam B says:

    I think every person should read the Steven James chess piece series. The whole story is superb and the characters delve into a lot of tough ideas about life and the nature of good and evil.

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